Daily Media Summary 2017-07-20

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

 Monrovia, Liberia


Today’s summary highlights news concerning the release by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs  of the calendar of events in the observance of Liberia’s 170th Independence Anniversary; President Sirleaf’s meeting with a delegation from the Economic Community of West African States and the government’s decision to investigate allegation against the Turkish Light International School, among others.



Liberia’s 170th Independence Anniversary Calendar Of Events Released

The FrontPage Africa newspaper reports that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has released the calendar of events in observance of Liberia’s 170th Independence Anniversary under the theme: “Sustaining the Peace”. Dr. Herman Beseah Browne, President of the Cuttington University, has been named as this year’s National Orator. The paper quotes a Foreign Ministry release as saying that activities celebrating the 170th Independence Anniversary begin on Thursday, July 20, with the Golden Image Awards and Dinner, which take place in the Ballroom of the Monrovia City Hall, at 6:00 p.m. On Friday, July 21, the Muslim community will host Thanksgiving and Intercessory Prayers at the 72nd Central Mosque, Paynesville at 12:00 noon. An Investiture ceremony will take place at the Centennial Memorial Pavilion, Ashmun Street at 4:00 p.m.; followed by a Reception for the Honorees hosted by the President of Liberia at the Executive Pavilion, Ashmun Street at 6:00 p.m. On Saturday, July 22, there will be the dedication of the Samuel Kanyon Doe Sports Complex in Paynesville at 9:00 a.m.; followed by kickball and football matches at the same venue from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. On Sunday, July 23, at 11:00 a.m., a Thanksgiving and Intercessory Service will be held at the Sacred Heart Cathedral on Broad Street. On Monday, July 24-25, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf will dedicate development projects around Montserrado County. On Wednesday, July 26, Liberia’s 170th Independence Anniversary celebration begins with the shooting of the cannon at 4:00 a. m, the paper concludes. 


Related Caption: July 26 Activities Begin Today…With Golden Image Award(The INQUIRER)


Gov’t To Investigate Allegations Against Turkish Light International School

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has received expressions of concern by parents about the public comments made by the Foreign Minister of the Republic of Turkey, Mr. Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu during a one-day visit to Monrovia, regarding the Turkish Light International School System which operates a pre-primary, primary, junior and senior high school in Liberia. In his comments, Minister Çavuşoğlu asserted that the school does not represent the interests and aspirations of the Government and people of Turkey. He, therefore, appealed to the Government of Liberia to remove the current management of the school. According to a Foreign Ministry release, the Ministry would like to inform the public that the Government of Liberia is aware of the failed coup in Turkey a year ago, July 15, 2016, which is being linked to the founder of these schools in Liberia and many other countries across the globe by the Turkish Government.

As was stated by Foreign Minister Madam Marjon Kamara during the media stakeout with her Turkish counterpart, the matter was brought to the attention of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and the Government has made a commitment to investigate the matter, reports the FrontPage Africa newspaper


Related Caption: Gov’t To Probe Turkish Light Int’l School System(The INQUIRER), Turkish School To Remain Open(The New Dawn)


President Sirleaf Receives Joint ECOWAS Delegation; Commits To Free, Fair And Transparent Elections In October

The FrontPage Africa newspaper reads that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf on Wednesday received a delegation from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). The joint delegation comprising the ECOWAS Network of Electoral Commission (ECONEC) and an ECOWAS Fact-finding Team was led by Professor Mahmood Yakubu, President of ECONEC and Chairperson of the Independent National Election Commission of Nigeria. According to an Executive Mansion release, President assured the ECOWAS Delegation that a lot of progress has been made towards the successful holding of the 2017 General and Presidential Elections. She also expressed the hope that logistical support in particular remains a priority of the government and partners of the country. On the Code of Conduct, President Sirleaf assured the delegation that the matter is being resolved through the Supreme Court of Liberia and expressed confidence that the best legal solution will be found through the court process. With regards to concerns raised by the delegation about hate messages being spread by some media institutions and on social media, President Sirleaf said the government is determined to manage said situation without infringing on the right to free speech. Speaking earlier, the President of ECONEC, Prof. Mahmood Yakubu provided updates on their mission to Liberia. Professor Yakubu pointed out that the primary goal of ECONEC is to ensure the holding of free, fair, transparent and credible elections within the ECOWAS region and consolidate the democratization process.


Related Caption: ECOWAS Raises Elections Concerns(The New Dawn)


Ricks Institute Receives Scholarships, Computers

Liberia’s Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China (PRC) on Sunday donated four computers and three scholarships to Ricks Institute in Virginia, outside Monrovia. Ambassador Dudley McKinley Thomas awarded two of the scholarships to members of the faculty to do their graduate studies at any university in the PRC, while he awarded another to the dux of the 2017 graduating class, Dyziah Koboi, to attend any institution of higher learning in Liberia. In his keynote address at the graduation ceremony on the main campus of the school in Virginia, Ambassador Thomas, a Ricks alumnus, challenged the graduates to remain strong to survive whatever life throws at them during their academic pursuits. Thomas, who described the graduates as ‘dragons,’ later asked each of them to always bear in mind that they are the institution’s assets. Sunday’s ceremony witnessed the graduation of 40 students, who successfully completed their studies at the institute, reads the Daily Observer.





Sapo Invaders Illegal Inhabitants WarnedTo Vacate The Forest Reserves

Forestry Development Authority (FDA) says it has concluded discussions with locals of Grand Gedeh, River Gee and Sinoe Counties for illegal occupants to leave the SAPO National Park which borders the three southeastern counties. The Sapo National Park, one of Liberia’s forest and wildlife reserves, borders three of Liberia’s southeastern counties, Sinoe, River Gee and Grand Gedeh and has been occupied by invaders over the years. FDA Managing Director Darlington Tuagben said the decision was reached following a stakeholders’ conference with locals on the promotion and sustainable management of the Sapo National Park. According to him, it was unanimously resolved by the locals during the consultation to have the park relieved of all illegal occupation and illicit activities, reports the FrontPage Africa newspaper.



National Peace Hut Leaders Hold Strategic Dialogue in Gbarnga

According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, leaders of the UN Women’s supported Peace Huts Initiative from across Liberia have converged in Gbarnga for a four-day strategic planning workshop, with an aim of strengthening women in peace building, and economic empowerment amidst the 2017 general and presidential elections and the transition of the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL). Supported by the Government of Sweden through UN Women, the Peace Huts are women friendly community facilities that promote peacebuilding and women’s empowerment at the local level. According to UN Women’s Communication Specialist, Winston Daryoue, the organization deemed it necessary to gather the leaders of the Peace Huts to discuss peace and highlight the prospects about positioning the Peace Huts toward the 2017 legislative and presidential elections.


USAID, Internews Conduct Workshop For 23 Public Information Officers

Internews , with funding from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), has concluded a three-day training workshop for 23 Public Information Officers (PIOs). Speaking at the end of the training on Wednesday, July 19, April O’neil, the Deputy Director for Democracy, Rights, and Governance of USAID noted that openness and transparency is critical to effectively governing a country, while actions taken in secret can lead citizens to mistrust their governments. Madam O'Neil noted that by passing the FOI, Liberia took a bold step in allowing the general public to access government data and information, but despite its passage, the law is not widely used as envisaged.She, however, lauded some government institutions including the Liberia Revenue Authorities (LRA) and the Public Procurement and Concession Commission (PPCC) for implementing the FOI; and disclosed that USAID, in partnership with Internews under the Liberia Media Development Project, is working with journalist to use the FOI to inform the public, asserts the FrontPage Africa newspaper.


NEC Welcomes Candidates Protest

Authorities at the National Elections Commission (NEC) has commended Liberians in the wake of the unparalleled upsurge of protests being filed against candidates believed to be in violation of some general provisions of the ongoing nomination process. The Commission says the move by the some citizens to file protests is symptomatic of the level at which the Country’s fledgling democracy is taken root. In a news release the Commission says the essence of the publication of the provisional candidate listing is exactly what the citizens are taking advantage of, by challenging the legitimacy individuals they strongly feel might be in violation of some of the basic requirements for qualification. The Commission guarantees the public that all protests filed will be looked into in accordance with the election process, according to the New Dawn newspaper.


63 Graduates Get Free Admission To Adventist University

According to the New Dawn newspaper, 63 graduates of the James N. Davies S.D.A. High School in Paynesville City outside Monrovia have been given free entrance to the Adventist University by the South -West Education Department to pursue higher education. The pronouncement was made on 19 July by the Principal of the institution Pester M. Adams when he spoke at the school graduation ceremony. The Adventist University of West Africa is located on the R. I. A. Highway, outside Monrovia. The graduates can enroll at the Adventist University without sitting any entrance. She told the graduates that they will only make advancement in their education based on their personal ability of what they have learned. She admonished the graduates to be able to set goals as to what they hope to achieve and to be, and avoid going for degree because they see their colleagues going in that direction.