‘Liberia-Cameroon Ties at A New Height,’ Says Deputy Foreign Minister B. Elias Shoniyin

Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. B. Elias Shoniyin says, since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Liberia and Cameroon in 1960s, ties between both countries have today seen new heights.


“Our relations have always been grounded in history and genuine friendship, anchored in the dawn of the nationhood of Cameroon, when Liberia became the first country to recognize its independence in 1960,” he said.


According to a Foreign Ministry release, addressing Cameroonians, Liberians and foreign diplomats, who had gathered to celebrate the 45th National Day of Cameroon in Monrovia, Mr. Shoniyin said that traction that propelled both countries together in early period has kept relations between both countries buoyant through geopolitical spheres and that both countries perspectives on global and regional affairs continue to converge.


He indicated that the Cameroonian National Day reminds every one of the imposing power of the desire for the unity and tranquility. “This was the message of the people of Cameroon as was reflected in a national referendum on May 20, 1972, when they decisively agreed to an integrated form of governance that crushed the barrier of language, thus making their bilingualism a major national asset and force for cultural development,” Deputy Minister Shoniyin added.


He assured Cameroonians that the Government and people of Liberia stand in absolute solidarity with their Government in the battle to defeat the forces of militant jihadism, including the Boko Haram militants, who have staged cross border raids in parts of that country.


Mr. Shoniyin also used the occasion to ask for the support of Cameroonians and other diplomats in the hall as Liberia will soon go to the polls to elect a new president, vice president and members of the House of Representatives.

Speaking earlier, Cameroon Ambassador to Liberia, His Excellency Mr. Beng’Yela Augustine Gang said that Liberia stands at an historic first, truly democratic transition election, which is being driven by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Africa’s first democratically elected female president.


“I have no doubt at all in your country’s capacity to face this competition with equal zeal for success and care not to undo all the good work which has reestablished Liberia’s label and dignity within the ECOWAS, on the African continent and, indeed, the world over,” the Cameroonian diplomat added.


Speaking of the cordial relations between Liberia and his country, he mentioned the late Liberian Ambassador Carlton Karpeh, who served the nation very well in that sisterly republic.


Ambassador Gang assured Mr. Shoniyin and other Liberians in the hall of his availability as both nations build back their relations to the highs of the pre-1990s; adding, “The strengths of our diplomatic presence in each other’s capital can only be a factor for excellence. Already, we observe with optimism, the increased flow of businessmen and visitors of all categories between Liberia and Cameroon, even as you and I explore new venues for development cooperation.”