Daily Media Summary 2017-05-10

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


Today’s Summary includes stories on World Bank’s media dialogue in Monrovia, the securing of US$200M for pavement of Ganta-Zwedru road by the Government of Liberia, the Shipment of Guinean rubber through Monrovia, the reconstruction of D. Tweh High School by the government and the new appointment at Defense Ministry, among other stories.

World Bank Boss Holds Media Dialogue

World Bank Liberia Country Manager, Madam Larisa Leshchenko, yesterday, May 9 held a dialogue with the Liberian media, at its Oldest Congo Town Head Office, outside Monrovia. According to a World Bank Liberia media advisory, Madam Leshchenko used the medium to launch the Systematic Country Diagnostics or SCD consultations. The media advisory says the SCD is aimed at identifying and addressing the constraints and pathways for achieving the goals of eradicating extreme poverty and boosting shared prosperity in Liberia. The document adds that the achievements and recommendations of the SCD processes will assist the Bank in formulating its Country Partnership Framework, which will guide the Bank’s engagement with Liberia over the next five years. She will further brief the media on the outcome of the recent World Bank and International Motoring Fund or IMF Spring Meetings held in Washington DC, United States of America, reports the New Dawn newspaper.

Related Captions: World Bank Liberia Office Launches Country Systematic Diagnostic (FrontPage), WB Consults On New Pathways In Liberia (FOCUS), World Bank Begins Systematic Diagnostic Consultations (The INQUIRER)

UN Envoy Sets Condition For Support To Nat’l Disaster Agency

An inside story of the Heritage newspaper reads that the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations (DSRSG), Mr. Yacoub El Hillo, has declared that the United Nations (UN) and other international partners are whole heartedly willing to support the newly established National Disaster Management Agency if the Government of Liberia kicks start the process by providing budgetary support to the agency in the pending 2017/18 national budget. Mr. El Hillo, who expressed delight at the government’s move to create the new agency, promised of Liberia will work closely with the institution to help develop its human capacity, infrastructures, equipment and other needs, but maintained that government will first have to take the lead by making budgetary provision to cover at least salaries of personnel, the paper says.

2017 Nominations To End July 24

A back-page story of the Inquirer newspaper reads that The National Elections Commission (NEC) has announced July 24 as the final day for the nomination of candidates by all duly registered political parties, coalitions, alliances, and independent candidates who are expected to participate in the October elections. The mandate of the NEC Chairperson, Jerome Korkoyah is in fulfillment of section 4.3 of the New Elections Law that states that Writs shall be in the prescribed form and shall among other things in its sub-sections specify the dates of the election, announce the last date for nomination of candidates and specifically that such date is not later than 15 days after elections, the INQUIRER newspaper reads.

Related Caption: NEC Gearing UP for 2017 Elections issues Writs of Elections, Gives Update on VR Exercise (Heritage)

GC Wants Elections Results Announcement Days Reduced

The Governance Commission (GC) has called for the reduction of the period between the closing of the polls and the announcement of elections results, stating that the 15 days prescribed by the Elections Law “are far too long.” According to the FOCUS newspaper, the call was contained in the Commission’s 2016 annual report on Liberia’s electoral system for 2017, being cognizant of the Elections Law which prescribes that results of elections must be announced 15 days after Election Day. The daily reads that the Commission, however, noted that an important balance has to be struck between ensuring accuracy in collating results and timeliness in the announcement of results.

PUL Welcomes GC’s Rescission

The Press Union of Liberia is pleased with the vehement rejection of the Governance Commission’s recommended suspension of Article 52 C of the Liberian Constitution by the people of Liberia. Article 52C states, “that a person wanting to be president should be resident in the Republic ten years prior to the election, provided that the President shall not come from the same county.” According to a PUL statement, the rejection speaks to the new wave of consciousness in the Liberian Society which current and passing intellectuals must stand up to, the INQUIRER newspaper reads.

Many Senators To Endorse Boakai Tomorrow

Majority of the members of the Liberian Senate will tomorrow formally endorse the Presidential bid of the President of the Senate, Joseph N. Boakai, according to The INQUIRER newspaper. Apparently, the lawmakers, who have opted to carry out such activity hold the belief that Mr. Boakai, as President of the Liberian Senate, has served at the State and its people very well and has conducted the affairs of the Liberian Senate with maturity coordinating between both branches of government.

GoL Secures US$200M To Pave Ganta-Zwedru Road

The Liberian government has secured over US$200 million for the pavement of the road leading from Ganta, Nimba County to Zwedru in Grand Gedeh County, Finance and Development Planning Minister Boima Kamara has confirmed. Minister Kamara told ELBC Radio during an interview on Monday, May 8, that the pavement of the road is one of the results of the recent Spring Meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. He said the move is part of the Government of Liberia’s priorities to improve road conditions across the country, thereby removing the constraints on economic growth and development. Meanwhile, Minister Kamara said at present, the country’s economic growth is projected at 3 percent for 2017, adding, “This is a great prospect for the country,” reports the Daily Observer.

Guinea Ships Rubber Through Monrovia

Nimba County District #8 Representative Larry P. Younquoi last Thursday complained to House Speaker J. Emmanuel Nuquay of the Executive Branch of government’s unilateral decision to allow a rubber company from neighboring Guinea to use the Freeport of Monrovia to export its processed rubber to other countries without the consent of the Legislature, in violation of Article 32 (f) and (g) of the Constitution. This act, if confirmed, labels the Legislature as a ‘toothless bulldog’ in the exercise of its oversight responsibility which is gradually becoming noticeable with multiple evidences of an ‘exclusion’ of the House of Representatives and Senate by the Executive Branch from its role in some national issues, lawmakers worry. The rubber company is Soguipah, located in Diekè, Guinea 1100 kilometers from Conakry and close to the Liberian border. It has a total of 9000 hectares planted. The factory produces more than 13,000 metric tons of natural rubber per year, reports Daily Observer.

Gov’t To Begin Work At D. Tweh

According to the New Dawn newspaper, a government delegation carried out inspection Tuesday, 9 May at the D. Tweh High School in New Kru Town on Bushrod Island, with plans already earmarked to begin works aimed at rescuing residents in the town that has suffered threats of sea erosion over the years. Students were seen celebrating in the town as government delegation arrived there, while New Kru Town Community members and other residents of Montserrado County Electoral District #16 gathered to witness the inspection of the D. Tweh sea erosion project. Key government officials on the inspection of the project include district representative Dr. Edward S. Forh and officials from the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, Lands and Mines, the Environmental Protection Agency or EPA and a representative from UNDP. Speaking to a group of reporters after the inspection on Tuesday, 9 May, Electoral District #16 Rep. Dr. Edward S. Forh said the purpose of the visit was to show the officials the danger that the sea had imposed on the D. Tweh High School Campus and the entire district.

Butaw Citizens Praise GVL For US$52K Road Investment

According to the In Profile Daily, Sinoe County’s Superintendent Prosper Browne on April 21, 2017, officially dedicated the newly constructed 3-kilometer road linking Tugbe Village and Jimmy Doe Town in Ceedor Township to the rest of Butaw District, Sinoe County. The US$52,000 road project was constructed by Golden Veroleum Liberia (GVL). Cost the road project includes machinery, diesel and Labor. The project is part of several projects agreed in the Memorandum of Understanding Incorporating Social Agreement signed between GVL and Butaw Communities on February 10, 2017. The dedication ceremony in Jimmy Doe Town brought together more 100 residents including women, youth, elders, Sinoe County local leadership, Butaw district leadership, clan and paramount chiefs.

Related Caption: Butaw Citizens Gain Improved Road Network-Extol GVL US$52,000 Road Investment (FOCUS)

Muslims Seek MOU With Politicians

The New Dawn newspaper reports that a Muslim leader in Margibi County wants a Memorandum of Understanding signed with any politician seeking votes from Muslims in the county to get assurance that Muslims’ interest across the country will be protected. Mr. Owndar Dunor made the pronouncement over the weekend in Kakata, Margibi County in a political program organized by a representative aspirant from electoral district#3, who is believed to be a Muslim. He claimed that Muslims in Liberia have been denied many opportunities, including employment, so this time around, they would opt for a MOU to be signed with all aspirants going to seek their votes, outlining areas of interest for implementation, if elected. He said Muslims in the county will be educated to support the candidacy of aspirants, who would champion interest of Muslims throughout Liberia.

Foreign Aid Reliance Responsible For Africa’s Weakness

The Ambassador of the European Union Delegation to Liberia, Tiina Intelmann, has disclosed that utter reliance on foreign aid is a major problem affecting Liberia and many African countries. Making the statement on May 8 in an interview ahead of the celebration of the European Union’s 60th anniversary, Ambassador Intelmann said contrary to European countries where citizens put together their resources from taxpayer-money to support other countries, the concept of relying on foreign aid is highly entrenched in many African countries, including Liberia. The percentage contributed by each EU member country varies, based on respective economic strength. British Ambassador David Belgrove, who participated in the interview, said 12% of British tax-payers’ salaries are used to fund European Union projects, writes Daily Observer.

Related Caption: EU Delegation, Gov’t Host Media Roundtable Discussion (FOCUS)

Defense Gets New Appointment

According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, Mr. T. Augustine Larmin, Director of Personnel Administration at the Ministry of National Defense, has been named as Acting Assistant Minister for Administration (AMA) at the Ministry of National Defense based on authorization from the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL), H.E. Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. Mr. Larmin appointment comes in the wake of the illness of Olga R.C. Jallah, Assistant Minister for Administration, who is undergoing medical treating in the United States of America.

2 Customs Officers On Trial For US$500 ‘Bribe’

The trial of two customs officers accused of receiving a US$500 bribe from businessman Abraham Gumbaja Sinayoko, opened yesterday at Criminal Court ‘C’ in Monrovia. Unperceived by them, a closed circuit television (CCTV) captured the alleged pay off. At yesterday’s hearing, defendants Joseph Weeks and Linda Sumowood, both assigned to the Customs Business Office (CBO) at the Freeport of Monrovia, denied the allegation. They declared their denial when the indictment containing multiple charges including economic sabotage, bribery and criminal facilitation was read to the prospective jury panel. The lawsuit against Weeks and Sumowood was filed to the court by the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA). Meanwhile, the selection of the jurors expected to assist Judge Yussif Kaba in deciding the matter also began yesterday, reports the Daily Observer.

Addressing Health Needs…Residents of Neezoe Community Get New Health Facility

The Neezoe community located in Paynesville outside of Monrovia was on Saturday full of celebration as a new health facility was officially dedicated. Speaking at the dedication ceremony, Maclean S. Fayai, the Chief Executive Officer of Macphine Health Center said the construction of the facility is a menas of buttressing the effort of the government of Liberia in improving the country’s health sector. The dedication ceremony took place on Saturday, May 6, 2017 in the compound of the Macphine Health Center in the Neezoe Community, Paynesville City, reports the FrontPage Africa newspaper.

Road Network Booms Economic Activities In Nimba –Residents

Smooth trade continues to boom economic activities Nimba County, especially Ganta, other major cities and town in the county, with Liberians dominating the sector. A Ministry of Commerce & Industry senior staff in Ganta told journalists that trade is fine in the county and that 85% of the businesses is owned by Liberians specifically the people of Nimba. The staff explained that the Monrovia-Ganta Road pavement has added impetus to the improvement of the economic activities, noting it has created a very good environment where business people are competing with one another, reports the In Profile Daily.

COPPWIL To Launch Voters Community Engagement

According to the In Profile Daily, the Coalition of Political Party Women in Liberia (COPPWIL) has disclosed plans to launch a voters community engagement dialogue. COPPWIL President, Madam Georgia Gaye, made the disclosure on Monday, saying the launching program will take place on Friday May 12, 2017 at the Doe Community Public School in Doe Community. According her, the program is meant to get the views of communities’ people why they want women representatives or why not.

Rep. Chea Wants Vocational School In Fishtown

According to the New Dawn newspaper, River Gee County District #2 Rep. Mr. Christian S. Chea Sr., on Tuesday, 9 May, introduced an Act to the Plenary of House of Representatives to create a vocational and technical institute in the county capital, Fishtown. He says as part of his responsibilities as lawmaker, he is quite sure and confident that there will be total relief to the youth in the southeastern region and the country as a whole when the instrument is passed into law. The River Gee Lawmaker hopes that when passed into law, the institution to be created will award diplomas and certificates to its graduates, to provide a conducive learning condition in all aspects of vocational, technical and professional education that will effectively promote development interest and improve youth education.

Related Caption: River Gee Lawmaker Wants Technical Institute In Fishtown (FOCUS)

Ghanaian Arrested For Alleged Murder

Police in Maryland County, southeast Liberia have arrested a 27-year-old Ghanaian national identified as Yakubu Ide for allegedly murdering a man only identified as Hassan in Takoradi, Ghana. A Hausa businessman Abraham Mambudu told police preliminary investigation recently in Pleebo Sodoken, Maryland County that on Monday 1 May, he received a WhatsApp message on his mobile phone with photo attached that a man identified as Yakubu Ide was on the run for allegedly killing his roommate only identified as Hassan. Mr. Mambudu says the suspected allegedly absconded the crime scene and Ghanaian securities were in search of him. The Hausa business man who hosts business men and women from Niger and Ghana in Pleebo Maryland County says after receiving the alleged message, he immediately decided to share it in an effort to buttress the securities in Ghana in launching a search for the alleged perpetrator. Mr. Mambudu further says few days following the day of the commission of the crime, some businessmen in Pleebo brought a man to his place, alerting him that there was a stranger in the city for him to accommodate as usual. The suspect Yakubu Ide is claimed to have admitted committing the crime, but says he and his friend were in confusion. He alleged that his friend once polluted his bath water that made him (suspect) sick and also threatened to kill him, reports the New Dawn newspaper.

Judges Cardinal To Peace-Says Official

The Director of the Sexual, Gender-Based Violence Crimes Unit (SGBV-CU) at the Ministry of Justice, John Gabriel has described judges as “a special and unique group of people” who contribute to the peace and security of the country. He said based of the pivotal role of judges, they need to freely dispense justice and not automatic transformation of their lives. Mr. Gabriel described the act of those dispensing justice for money as anti-democratic, anti-patriotic and anti-nationalistic, noting that these are some of the reasons that gave rise to the Civil War in Liberia. According to the FOCUS newspaper, the SGBV-CU head made the statement on behalf of Justice Minister Frederick Cherue on Monday at the opening of the May 2017 term of the First Judicial Circuit Court in Monrovia.