Liberia Condemns the Use of Chemical Gas in Syria

Following reports from multiple international sources confirming the use of chemical weapons during military attacks on Khan Shaykhun, Latamneh and Hama in Syria, late March and early April 2017, the Government of the Republic of Liberia joins other countries around the world in raising concerns of such heinous act, which is a flagrant violation of international laws.


According to a Foreign Ministry release, Liberia is obliged, as a responsible member of the comity of nations, to call on the perpetrators to honor international commitments under the United Nations Convention on Chemical Weapons and related resolutions.



As the United States has assumed leadership in responding to this heinous violation, future strikes could be averted if all parties in the Syrian crisis remain committed to international obligations, especially those pertaining to chemical warfare and refrain from actions which exacerbate the humanitarian situation in Syria.