Daily Media Summary 2017-02-09

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

 Monrovia, Liberia


News of President Sirleaf’s dedication of the Grand Cape Mount County Service Center in Robertsport City, the notice issued by Finance and Development Planning Minister to two of its employees for the restitution of US$82,000 and the signing of a quick-impact project by the Press Union of Liberia and the United Nations Mission in Liberia to improve the PUL Resource Center are among stories highlighted in today’s summary of the local dailies.


Ellen Dedicates Grand Cape Mount County Service Center


President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has formally dedicated Grand Cape Mount County Service Center in Robertsport City, Cape Mount County with a call for citizens and residents that own properties including lands, houses to register their land deeds at the County Service Center and to recommit themselves to continuing the path of peace and the promotion of education, health and freedom. The Service Center is a one-stop shop where documentation-related services including permits, licenses and certifications among others are offered licenses and certifications among others are offered reflecting the same value and cost in Monrovia. According to an Executive Mansion release, the Liberian leader was speaking in Senje, Grand Cape Mount County on Tuesday, February 7, 2017, the Heritage Newspaper reads.

Related Captions: Ellen Dedicates Cape Mount Service Center(The INQUIRER), Amid Criticisms From ‘Detractors’: “Ma Ellen has done so well” –Citizens in Cape Mount Assert(INSIGHT), Gd. Cape Mount County Service Center Dedicated-Pres. Sirleaf Urges Citizens, Residents To Register Land Deeds(FOCUS). At the same time, the FOCUS newspaper reports under the caption “Medina Road Pavement On GOL’s Radar-Pres. Sirleaf Pledges” that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has pledged government’s commitment to paving the Medina to Robertsport road and encouraged citizens to recommit themselves to making Cape Mount what it is supposed to be. 

US $82,000 Corruption Rocks Finance, Minister Gets Tough


The Minister of Finance and Development Planning, Boima Kamara has disclosed that the Coordinator of the Integrated Financial Management System has allegedly embezzled US$82,000 along with other employees. He spoke with reporters yesterday at the Ministry of Finance explaining that US$ 1 million was intended for a project under the Integrated Financial Management System. He said that money was drawn from the account not to pay contractors, but for personal reasons. Minister Kamara stressed that the Coordinator and Co-Coordinator in persons of Mr. Emmanuel Tokpah and Mr. Herbert Sorbor will be turned over to the Justice system to be investigated and that they will receive a letter from the Ministry of Finance informing them that their contract will be terminated on March 8, 2017, the INQUIRER newspaper reads.

Related Captions: Finance Ministry ‘Death Bed’ For Corruption –As Min. Kamara Swings Axe; Echo Sounds: “Restitute of Be Placed Behind Bars”(FOCUS), Booked?-Two MFDP Employees Held Liable For Financial Misapplication(IN Profile Daily), At Finance Ministry: US$82,000 Unaccounted For…Several Suspended, Contracts Terminated(Heritage), 2 MFDP Staff In US$82K Theft-Asked To Restitute The Amount; And Failure On Their Part Within The Time Period Would Result To Them Being Turned Over To Justice(Daily Observer), MFDP Officials To Vomit Stolen Money(The New Dawn) 

PUL, UNMIL Sign Quick Impact Project To Upgrade Union Resource Center


The Press Union of Liberia (PUL) and the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) have signed a quick-impact project to improve the PUL Resource Center. According to the Heritage newspaper, the undertaking is intended to provide an enabling environment for journalists to effectively cover the 2017 Legislative and Presidential Elections. The three months project will revamp the Resource Center that will enhance the gathering processing and dissemination of news and information.

Related Captions: UNMIL Empowers PUL For 2017 Elections(INSIGHT), UNMIL Strengthens PUL’s Veins-Commit To Upgrade PUL Resource Center; As Min. Nagbe Apologizes(FOCUS)

Five Alleged Armed Robbers Arrested

The Liberia National Police (LNP) has arrested five men in connection with alleged armed robbery activities. Deputy Police Commissioner for Press and Public Affairs, Mr. Sam Collins disclosed that the arrest of the five men was a result of the police efforts in fighting armed robbery and other crimes in the country.

Related Captions: Four ‘Notorious’ Armed Robbers Canned(FOCUS), 5 “Notorious Armed Robbers” Arrested(Heritage) 

APM Terminals Invests over ‘US$100M’ in Free port, others MD Adjei Discloses


With six years into its 25 years concession agreement with the Government of Liberia, APM Terminals has disclosed that it has so far invested a little over US$100,000,000 into the development of the Freeport of Monrovia. APM Terminals Liberia Ltd. Operates and manages the Port of Monrovia with a mandate to provide logistical services including handling containerized shipments and cargos such as rice, cement, latex, unitized or palletized cargo, vehicles, frozen products and timbers. The company was founded in 2010 and is based in Monrovia, Liberia. They operate as a subsidiary of APM Terminals Management B.V., the INSIGHT newspaper says.

RIA Runway Lights Serviceable Civil Aviation Authority Assures Travelers

The Liberia Civil Aviation Authority says it has arranged, negotiated and brought into the country an ACE expert from the Ghana Airport Company, Ltd (GAC) with the appropriate equipment to assist in repairing the lighting system at the Roberts International Airport (RIA). The FrontPage Africa newspaper quotes a release from the LCAA as saying that the work is assiduously progressing and the LCAA remains hopeful that very soon, positive outcome will be achieved. The Liberia Civil Aviation Authority says on January 28, 2017, the Runway lights, technically used for aircraft safe landing and take-off at night became un-serviceable at the Roberts International Airport. According to the daily, the affected airlines have made the necessary adjustments to their flight schedules to avoid any interruptions.

Related Caption: Public Assured Of Service Ability Of RIA Runway Lights(Heritage),

NEC Solicits Role of Media, CSOs to Achieve VR Goal

The National Elections Commission (NEC) has called for the full cooperation of the media and civil society organizations in the voter registration exercise to ensure the attainment of its goals. According to NEC Acting Communication Director Joseph Nyensuah, there are challenges that the NEC faces when it comes to the registration of voters. Speaking on the UNMIL Radio “Coffee Break” Wednesday, he outlined some of the challenges as the infiltration of some foreigners, underage fraudulent registration and multiple registrations, among others, adding “those are things that are hampering the process,” the Heritage newspapers reads.

Related Caption: Media, CSOs’ Role Solicited(FOCUS) 

WaterAid Launches Five-Year Trans Boundary Strategy


British Charity, WaterAid has launched a five-year strategic plan aimed at enhancing the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) sectors of Liberia and Sierra Leone. The plan, which was launched under the theme: “Transforming lives through Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene,” took place at the Bella Casa Hotel in Sinkor on Wednesday. The five-year trans-boundary plan which began in 2016 will last up 2021. Its estimated budget is placed at (7,126,351 BP) for Sierra Leone and (7,418,425 BP) for Liberia. WaterAid said the WASH sectors of the two countries have continually suffered from policy implementation, sector monitoring, service delivery resource allocation and low government financing. The document further identified institutional weaknesses in governing WASH service delivery, a situation that it said presents significant obstacles to safe water, sanitation and hygiene, the INSIGHT newspaper reads.

Forester Gets Accolade

Mr. Joseph J. Tally, who joined the FDA in the early 1980s and since excelled from the point of tree planter, District, Regional Forester, National Authorizing Officer to his current position, indicated that the honor keeps him humble to his boss, Mr. Harrison Karnwea, as he is willing to contribute in any area of his expertise to move Liberia forward. “This is evident by services I provided as teacher at the Forestry Training Institute in Bomi County and years back as part-time lecturer at the University of Liberia,” he said, the Heritage newspaper says.

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