Ambassador Sulunteh Represents Liberia at former Israeli President Peres’s Funeral

The Ambassador of Liberia to the United States, His Excellency Jeremiah C. Sulunteh, is in the State of Israel as the special representative of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf at the funeral of former Israeli President and Prime Minister Shimon Peres.


The funeral of former President Peres, who died at the age of 93, will take place on Friday, September 30, 2016 in Jerusalem.


According to a dispatch from Washington, D.C., while in the State of Israel, Ambassador Sulunteh will convey condolences from President Sirleaf, the Government and people of Liberia to the Government and people of the State of Israel for the loss of the eminent international statesman.


In the message of condolence, Ambassador Sulunteh will convey that the late former President Peres, who was known to millions around the world as “Israel’s Warrior of Peace,” will forever be remembered for his role in preserving peace and being a strong voice for the preservation of the State of Israel.


Liberia and Israel have enjoyed a special relationship since Liberia cast the tie-breaking vote at the United Nations in support of the creation of the State of Israel in 1948.


Over the decades before Liberia’s civil crises, Israel and Liberia enjoyed a strong bilateral relationship, and Israel was actively involved in Liberia’s economic and infrastructural development programs.


As part of effort to fully restore the relationship subsisting between both countries, President Sirleaf paid an official visit to Israel in June 2016. During the visit, President Sirleaf met with the Israeli leadership, including the President and the Prime Minister, as well as entrepreneurs, among others, to further cooperation between both countries.


 Ambassador Sulunteh is due back in Washington early next week.