President Sirleaf Consoles Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II On the Death of British MP, Rt. Hon. Mrs. Jo Cox

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a message of condolence to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on the sad occasion of the death of Right Honorable Mrs. Jo Cox, Member of the British Parliament, who died on Thursday, June 16, 2016.


Mrs. Cox, 41, died after she was shot and stabbed in a “horrific” assault in her constituency in Birstall, North West Yorkshire. She is the first sitting MP to be killed since 1990, when Ian Gow was the last in a string of politicians to die at the hands of Northern Irish terror groups.



According to a Foreign Ministry release, in her message to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, President Sirleaf said, “We are shocked and extremely disheartened to have learned of the atrocious murder of the Rt. Hon. Mrs. Jo Cox, Labor MP for Batley Spen of the United Kingdom, who was shot and stabbed in Birstall, North West Yorkshire,” adding, “We deeply regret her passing, however, we are consoled by her immense contribution to democracy, particularly her unwavering compassionate campaign for the world’s underprivileged.”



On behalf of the Government and people of Liberia and in her own name, the Liberian leader, extended deepest sympathy and prayed that God will grant Her Majesty, the family of the victim and the people of the United Kingdom, the fortitude to endure this unbearable and irreparable loss.



President Sirleaf, again extended to Her Majesty heartfelt condolences and best wishes for her continued good health and personal well-being and for the people of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, renewed strength and solidarity.