President Sirleaf Congratulates Portugal on National Day on June 10

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a message of congratulations to the Government and people of Portugal on the occasion marking their National Day.


June 10 is celebrated each year as Portugal Day, officially known as Dia de Camões, de Portugal e das Comunidades Portuguesas (‘Day of Camões, Portugal, and the Portuguese Communities’). It commemorates the death of Luis de Camões on June 10, 1580. It is also Portugal’s National Day.


Camões wrote the Lusiads, Portugal's national epic celebrating the country's history and achievements especially focusing on the Portuguese explorations in the 16th century, which greatly expanded its influence around the world.  The poem is considered to be the most important piece of Portuguese literature, and has become a symbol for the glory of the Portuguese nation. While it is only officially celebrated in Portugal, Portuguese descendants across the world also celebrate the holiday.


According to a Foreign Ministry release, in her message to His Excellency Mr. Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, President of the Portuguese Republic, President Sirleaf, on behalf of the Government and people of Liberia and in her own name, extended heartfelt felicitations and best wishes to President de Sousa and the Government and people of the Portugal on the occasion commemorating “Dia de Camões”.


She indicated that Liberia is profoundly pleased that the two countries continue to maintain and enjoy long historic ties of friendship and is further confident that with this joint endeavor, the two countries can further deepen their bilateral and multilateral engagements for mutually rewarding benefits to both countries and peoples.


President Sirleaf assured her counterpart, President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa of Liberia’s renewed and unwavering commitment to their shared vision for a peaceful and prosperous world.


She wished for President de Sousa and the Government and people of Portugal, national renewal, prosperity and happiness as they commemorate “Dia de Camões”.