Daily Media Summary, 03-12-2015


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia.




News of President Johnson Sirleaf’s reassurance of Africa’s readiness to speak with one voice during the negotiations on Post-2015 Development Agenda, the arrival of ateam from the United States to conduct a routine performance audit of grants made by the U.S. Government and President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s description that the Clinton Foundation report titled: "Not There Yet: as timely and impressive are stories dominating today’s edition of the summary of the local dailies.




Ellen Assures African Diplomats Of African Readiness To Speak With One Voice

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has reassured the African Union (AU) Member States Permanent Representatives to the United Nations about the continent’s readiness to speak with one voice during the negotiations on Post-2015 Development Agenda. According to a Dispatch from New York, U.S.A., the Liberian leader, who currently chairs the High Level Committee (HLC) on the Post-2015 Development Agenda, made the remarks when she held discussions with Permanent Representatives of the AU Member States in New York on Monday, March 9, 2015. President Sirleaf observed that African leaders are very pleased with the consultations leading to the adoption of the African Common Position (ACP), which she attributed to a broad consultative process. The Liberian leader said the aim of such consultations are intended to bring everyone on board, and above all, to ensure that views gathered are harmonized to form part of the global agenda. She, however, emphasized that Africa will endeavor to work along with partners to achieve global development objectives, reports the In Profile Daily.


Related Captions: Africa Ready To Speak With One Voice(New Democrat), Pres. Sirlef Assures African Diplomats(West Africa INFO POST), President Sirleaf Assures African Diplomats About The Continent’s Readiness To Speak With One Voice(FrontPage Africa), Africa To Speak With One Voice-Pres. Sirleaf Assures African Diplomats(INSIGHT)



‘Clinton Foundation Report Timely’ -Ellen Asserts

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has described the Report compiled by the Clinton Foundation titled: "Not There Yet: A Data-Driven Analysis of Gender Equality," as timely and impressive, and reminded the audience that it was a call for formidable action towards the actualization of gender equality, as well as the promotion of the well-being of women globally. According to a Dispatch from New York, the Liberian leader made the remarks when she served as Chief Launcher of the Clinton Foundation Report at the Best Buy Theatre in New York on Monday, March 9, 2015. President Sirleaf said the Report gives a vivid account of what has been achieved since the Beijing Conference took place 20 years ago, and does provide an insight into the gaps, as well as measures the world’s performance in achieving the lofty goals established in Beijing, China. She pointed out that several reform processes have been carried out with laws instituted to give more economic power to women. As a result, more women in different parts of the world are now in Parliament; while others are competing vigorously in professional areas of science and business once dominated by men. “Despite these gains,” President Sirleaf said, "the gaps are clearer," adding that the global community must endeavor to eradicate social inequality and enhance women’s participation in development processes, according to the In Profile Daily.


Related Captions: Pres. Sirleaf Hails Clinton Foundation Gender Report(New Democrat), Clinton Foundation Report Is Timely-Says Pres. Sirleaf(West Africa INFO POST), Ellen Hails Clinton Foundation Gender Report(Heritage), ‘Clinton Foundation Report Is Timely And A Call To Action’, Says President Sirleaf(INSIGHT)



U.S Team Here To Audit Ebola Grants

According to the Inquirer newspaper, a team from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has arrived in Liberia to conduct a routine performance audit of grants made by the U.S. Government, through the USAID Ebola Disaster Assistance Response Team, to non-governmental partners for the Ebola response. A U.S Embassy statement issued last Friday said such audits are routine and conducted periodically to monitor and evaluate our programs in the field and to make recommendations on program quality. The Embassy, however, indicated that this is not a financial investigation, and the team’s visit has no relation whatsoever to the Government of Liberia’s actions for the Ebola response. 


Related Captions: USAID Team Arrives To Conduct Routine Performance Audit Of U.S. Gov’t Grants(Heritage), American Auditors In Liberia To Audit Ebola Funding(FrontPage Africa)





Ngafuan Heads Delegation At 3rd Quadripartite Meeting

Foreign Minister Augustine Ngafuan at the head of a government delegation is in La Cote d’Ivoire is attending the 3rdQuadripartite Meeting involving Liberia and La Cote d’Ivoire and UN missions in the two countries. The missions are the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) and United Nations Operations in Cote d’Ivoire (UNOCI). According to a Ministry of Foreign Affairs release, the 3rd Quadripartite Meeting is focused on the thematic areas of Justice and Security; peace and Reconciliation; Humanitarian, political and Diplomatic issues, West Africa Info Post reports.


With Tears And Joy: Liberia Observes Decoration day

Liberians on Wednesday, march 11, turned out in their numbers in commemoration of this year’s Decoration Day. Decoration Day is in consonance with an Act of the national Legislature approved on October 24, 1916 which declared the Second Wednesday in March of every year to be known as “Decoration Day” and to be observed as a National Holiday. As part of the day’s observance, several people trooped various cemeteries around the country to pay what they referred to as ‘respect’ to their departed ones, Heritage reports.


182 Cases In March

The Supreme Court has shortlisted 182 cases on its docket for its March term of Court. The case of 13 Liberians convicted of subversive activities in Cote d’Ivoire is among them. Chief Justice Francis S. Korkpor who warned journalists at the opening of the court last week against spreading falsehood said the court’s active docket has 182 cases and 38 cases for motions, the New Democrat newspaper reports.



NEC Releases Rivercess By-Election provisional Listing

The National Elections Commission (NEC) has released the Provisional List of Candidates for the Rivercess County Electoral District Number 2 Representative By-Election. The list was released Tuesday following the Nomination exercise of candidates desirous of contesting the By-Election. In line with the key dates for the Rivercess County, Electoral District Number 2 Representative By-Election, the final list of qualified candidates will be released on March 25, 201, the Inquirer newspaper reports.


Chinese Assists Ebola Orphans

As part of its effort to assist in the first post Ebola program, CHICO, a Chinese Construction Company in Liberia Tuesday donated US 35,000 to victims of the Ebola epidemic to include the construction of a school for Ebola orphans in the country. Some of the Ebola orphans who were on the scene when the Money was pronounced were jubilating while their guardians expressed tanks and appreciation to the Chinese Company. The amount, donated by the Chinese Business Chambers Post-Ebola support will be allocated for survival, school fees, and foot items and cash donation for the Ebola survivals. Making the presentation, Tuesday, the Acting Vice President for the Chinese Business Chambers Post Ebola Support, Mr. Zhang Sen said the support was made possible after an article appeared in a Chinese Newspaper Wenghou highlighting the plight of Ebola victims in the country. For her part, S. Elizabeth Moses who said the orphans are currently at a holding house in Cardwell, expressed thanks and appreciation to the Chinese and appealed to other philanthropist organizations to assist the orphans, New Democrat newspaper reports.



UNDP  Installs Autoclaves At Gov’t Hospitals

The Governmennt of Liberia, with support from the United Nations Developmennt Programme, has begun installing equipment to sterilize and manage medical waste at various hospitals in the country. The autoclaves, each valued at US$35,000 will be used at various health facilities in Liberia for the sterilization and proper management of medical waste. The installation of the autoclaves commenced as a pilot project at two government-run medical facilities, John F. Kennedy Medical Center in Monrovia and the Jackson F. Doe Regionald Referral Hospital in Tappita, Nimba County. The first of the two autoclaves was installed at the JFK on March 5. Victor Kwoh, a National Autoclaves Installation and Management consultant, said additional autoclaves would be acquired based on the effectiveness and efficiency of the first two autoclaves, West Africa INFO POST reports. 


Related Captions: UNDP Boss On Autoclaves Installation….In Liberia(The News)


ADRA-Liberia Embarks On Back To School Distribution


The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA)- Liberia, in collaboration with Germany Relief Coalition and other partners recently embarked on a six-month “back to school aid”  distribution for  Ebola orphans and Ebola survivors in Kakata, Margibi County, aimed at supporting them in schools. Items distributed among students during the launch include: copybooks, pens and pencils, schoolbags, calculators and geometry sets, amongst others. According to the Inquirer newspaper, the beneficiaries came from the Ansaru Islamic School, Varmuyan Konneh School, Seventh Day Adventist School and Mandina Community School, respectively.



145 Volunteers Deployed

Liberia Crusaders for Peace without borders (LCP) has deployed 145 communicators and mobilizes in Monrovia and its environs to create awareness on the ongoing Ebola Vaccines Trial in the country. The communicators, deployed Tuesday, were trained and mandated to encourage volunteers to take the trial vaccines, aimed at vaccinating 600 people, according to Ambassador Juli Endee, chief Executive officer of the LCP, the New Democrat newspaper writes.


LLC SG: Passage Of Decent Work Bill Is Paramount

The Secretary General of the Liberia Labor Congress (LLC) says the passage of the Decent Work Bill has been lingering at the National Legislature without passage. According to Mr. David D. Sackor, the slow pace in the passage of the Bill is one of the factors that continue to impede the work of the Labor Congress in the country. The conference was held under the theme: Making Labour Relevant to Liberia’s Development Agenda”, Heritage reports.