New officials take assignments at Foreign Ministry

Foreign Minister Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan has admonished three incoming officials of the Ministry to follow the rules and Tradition of Diplomacy by seeking advice, gaining knowledge and working closely with their predecessors, colleagues and strategic senior staff members if they must become successful on their new assignment.   

Minister Ngafuan was speaking on Monday, March 10, 2014 at the official training over ceremony between the outgoing and incoming Chief of Protocol of the Republic of Liberia, as well as both the incoming and outgoing Assistant Ministers for international cooperation and Legal Affairs respectively.

The event witnessed the handing over of mantle of authority between the Incoming Chief of Protocol, RL, Honorable Rufus Dio Neufville and his predecessor Ambassador Elias Sieh ;  Outgoing Assistant Ministers Chris Moore and  Incoming Assistant Minister for International Cooperation, Hon. Dehpue Y.  Zuo;    as well as the  Outgoing Assistant Minister for Legal Affairs, David M. Kolleh and  his successor Hon. Jeddie M. Armah  respectively.

While congratulating the newly inducted officials for their preferment, Liberia’s Foreign Minister Ngafuan stated “Public Service is like football field where one comes and plays his part and go; while the President serves as a Head Coach who makes changes at anytime he/she deems necessary”

Minister Ngafuan further cautioned the outgoing officials to keep the light shining as they take on new assignment; describing the occasion as contrasting emotions which mark the ending and beginning of a journey.


While commending relatives, family members and friends of the outgoing staff for their loyalty and immense sacrifices made to allow their husbands and relatives take on assignment as public servants, he welcomed the Incoming officials, cautioning them to be innovative and follow good examples of their predecessor.

“I don’t want you to become a prisoner of old Tradition, but be innovative and bring about changes; we will charge you to be innovative; because of you, the ministry and your bureau will realize change”. The Minister lamented.

Speaking finally at the ceremony, Outgoing Chief of Protocol, Elias Sieh thanked President Johnson Sirleaf for the Confidence she reposed in his ability to serve Liberia as Chief of Protocol, a task he admitted was full of great challenges.

Ambassador  Seah said he  left what he called the Arrogance of the Legislature, as lawmaker  and  joined the Foreign Ministry as  Chief of Protocol  a task he says he  performed  50 putting smile on his face whether hurt or not. He lauded officials of the ministry, Particularly, Ambassador George W.W. Wallace and the entire Policy Advisory Council (PAC) for their support and guidance accorded him while on official assignment at the ministry.

Adding “I came to the post with no experience in diplomacy but became successful through the support and guidance from Ambassador George Wallace and Foreign Minister Ngafuan” he added.

He called on his successor to be focused and humble advising that the office of Chief of Protocol is a place of public service, where one takes blames while the bosses take the credit when things go wrong.

For his part, Incoming Chief of Protocol, Rufus Dio Neufville pledged his fullest commitment as he  dedicate himself  to public service,  adding I  will rely heavily  on the advice of my predecessor and the  staffers of the ministry to  perform  the  official task ahead ,promising to “work hard and smart.”


In separate comments , both Incoming Assistant Ministers  Jeddie Armah & Dehpue  Zuo  promised to work closely with senior officials of the Ministry to as they join the team at the   Ministry  to  achieve  the Government’s  Agenda for Transformation at the Foreign Policy Level.

 Both Outgoing Assistant Ministers for International Cooperation and Legal Affairs Honorable Chris Moore and Attn. David Kolleh in separate statements also paid special tributes to Foreign Minister Ngafuan and his team of senior staff as well as the general Staff for the guidance and cooperation enjoyed during their stay at the Foreign Ministry as they recommit themselves to take on new responsibilities with vigor and enthusiasm in different positions of Government.