Liberia: Zhao's Farewell - Outgoing Chinese Envoy Hailed for Targeting Critical Liberia Areas

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf says the decision to subscribe to a "One China Policy" has paid Liberia huge benefits, and her administration will continue to subscribe to it.

According to an Executive Mansion release, President Sirleaf said Liberia is pleased to have reactivated diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China (PRC) and to have joined other nations of the world that continue to stress and adhere to that policy.

The Liberian leader spoke Tuesday evening at a farewell reception for outgoing Chinese Ambassador Zhao Jianhua at the Chinese Embassy in Oldest Congo Town.

She told Ambassador Zhao that during his tour of duty, he had gone one step ahead by identifying and making interventions in critical priority areas, some of which are being implemented while others are already completed. The President named the near-completed Monrovia Vocational Training Center (MVTC) and the proposed Ministerial Complex as some of the projects Ambassador Zhao ensured were approved by his government.

President Sirleaf also recounted interventions made in the areas of human resource development and sports. In the former, hundreds of Liberians had either been trained at the degree-granting level or certificated in various disciplines, and had returned home to contribute their quota to nation building, while others were still pursuing their studies in China.

In the area of sports, the President said that Ambassador Zhao sponsored regular table tennis competitions among Liberian youth, which gave them motivation and inspiration in helping them shape their minds to compete internationally. "We see the transformation of the mind-set as the most important intervention which leads people to change course, to see things differently, to act in a new manner in the interest of the nation," she said, adding, "This is why we are grateful to the Chinese people for their role in education."

She renewed Liberia's commitment to a strong bilateral and private sector partnership, leading to a long lasting remembrance of the Ambassador's intervention during his time in Liberia.

Speaking earlier, Ambassador Zhao described his stay in Liberia as rewarding, and he promised to always push Liberia's development interests in whatever capacity he assumes after his assignment in Liberia. He said the projects being funded by the Chinese Government will go a long way in strengthening the bilateral relations between the two countries, and serve as a demonstration of China's commitment to help rebuild Liberia.

Ambassador Zhao said: "Many people ask why does China give so much to Liberia, and the most important reason is that you, Madam President, together with the Government and people of Liberia, have won the respect and trust of the Chinese people and the international community."

He reminded Liberians that the two countries have common dreams, making reference to Liberia's "Vision 2030" policy document and China's "Reform and Transformation Policy," which aims at improving the lives of the Chinese people in the same way that Liberia envisages for its people.

During the program, Foreign Minister Augustine Ngafuan, on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, gowned the outgoing Ambassador in appreciation of his work done for the people of Liberia.

Among guests at the farewell cocktail reception hosted by the Chinese Embassy were: the Chief Justice, His Honor Francis Korkpor; the President Pro-Tempore of the Liberian Senate, Gbehzohngar Findley; Cabinet Ministers, and the Doyen and members of the Diplomatic Corps.