“Remains of Fallen Ambassador Fossung to be repatriated soon” Foreign Ministry discloses

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs says all modalities have been worked out to repatriate the remains of Former Liberian Ambassador to Senegal, Her Excellency Madam, Mary-Ann Fossung.


According to a Foreign Ministry release, Former Ambassador Fossung died on February 3,2020 in Tunis where she had gone to seek medical treatment.


The late Ambassador Mary-Ann Fossung was a dedicated public servant who served her country and people with distinction in several capacities including, First Secretary, Liberian Embassy near Dakar, Senegal; Charge d’ Affairs, Liberian Embassy, Senegal; and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Liberia, to the Republic of Senegal, with Concurrent accreditation to the Gambia, the Republic of Cape Verde/ Cabo Verde and the Republic of Mauritania. 


Meanwhile, the Ministry wishes to clarify a publication in one of the local dailies that surrounds the remains of the fallen Liberian Ambassador to Senegal.


It was recently reported in one of the local dailies that the remains of the fallen Ambassador is reportedly being withheld, for lack of payment of medical bills at the Carthagene Hospital in Tunis, where the Former Ambassador sought medical treatment prior to her demise.


The Ministry in the strongest term debunks such publication and wishes to clarify that at no time was the remains of the fallen Ambassador seized and that everything is on course for the body to be repatriated for interment.


Contrary to the paper’s assertion that the former Ambassador was abandoned during her period of ailment, the Ministry wishes to also clarify that it was  involved with underwriting the cost of the treatment of the former Ambassador and has also been in constant talks with the family.


It is noteworthy to mention that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been constrained to reveal that a total amount of USD$45,000.00 which has been expended so far covering both the medial bills and to facilitate the return of the remains of the late Ambassador from Tunisia.


Finally, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would like to emphatically state that at no point in time was the Ambassador remains seized by the Hospital as reported in the media.