President Weah Extols Lebanon on 75th Independence Observance

President George Manneh George has sent a message of congratulations to the Government and people of the Lebanese Republic on the occasion commemorating the 75th Independence Anniversary of that country.


The Lebanese Republic gained its Independence on Thursday, November 22, 1943.


Lebanese Independence Day is the National Day of Lebanon celebrated on November 22 in commemoration of the end of the French Mandate over that country in 1943, after 23 years of Mandate rule.


On this day in 1943, Lebanon’s constitutionally elected leaders were released from detention by French occupation forces after their commanders backed down and accepted the independence of Lebanon.


According to a Foreign Ministry release, the Liberian leader, in the message to his Lebanese counterpart said, “On the occasion of the 75th Independence Anniversary of your great country, it gives me Immense pleasure to extend to you and through your Excellency, to the Government and people of the Lebanese Republic, heartfelt congratulations and best wishes on behalf of the Government and people of Liberia and in my own name.”


President Weah indicated that as Liberia joins Lebanon and her compatriots in observing their historic occasion, it is his utmost prayer that the bonds of friendship and cooperation so happily subsisting between both countries in the spirit of continued mutual cooperation and partnership will be fostered for the development of our peoples.


He then prayed that the Almighty Allah will continue to endow President Michel Aoun with abundant wisdom, strength and good health as he leads his people to nobler heights.