President Weah Declares Monday, December 10, 2018 as International Anti-Corruption Day

The President of the Republic of Liberia, H.E. Excellency George Manneh Weah has issued a Proclamation declaring Tuesday, December 10, 2014 as “International Anti-Corruption Day” and is to be observed throughout the Republic as a Working Holiday.


The Proclamation calls on all Ministries and Agencies of Government, Local and International Organizations, the United Nations System and the General Public to join the Liberian Anti-Corruption Commission in collaboration with Civil Society Organizations and the National Integrity Forum, to plan and implement appropriate programs befitting the occasion.


The Day will be celebrated under the theme “Say No To Corruption Every No Counts”


A Foreign Ministry release says the observation is in consonance with the United Nations Convention against Corruption which was adopted 31ST October 2003 by the United Nations General Assembly declaring December 9TH of each year as “International Anti-Corruption Day” to be observed by Member States.

According to the Proclamation, this year marks the 9th commemoration of the International Anti-Corruption Day campaign in Liberia.

 The release says the significance of the observance of this Day is to raise awareness about corruption and promote anti-corruption campaign activities, including the role of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) in combating and preventing it.


According to the Proclamation, the Launch of the International Anti-Corruption Day, will begin with an out-door parade on the 10th of December, 2018 to bring together students, CSOs, the donor community, and other strategic partners in the fight against corruption and will be climaxed with an indoor program in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County.


In August 2008, the Liberian Government established the Liberian Anti-Corruption Commission, a Policy and a Comprehensive Strategy that outlines the preventative, educational and enforcement measures to combat Corruption in Liberia, the release says.


Corruption in both Public and Private sectors of a Nation undermines the Institutional Framework of good governance, the Proclamationfurther asserts.