President Sirleaf Hails Trinidad & Tobago on 54th Independence

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a congratulatory message to the Government and people of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago on the occasion marking the official observance of that country’s 54th Independence Anniversary.


Trinidad and Tobago gained its independence from Great Britain on 31 August 1962.  At midnight on 30th August, 1962, the Union Jack (British flag) was lowered and the Trinidad and Tobago flag was raised for the first time. Bells tolled and sirens rang out to herald the birth of the newly independent nation.


According to a Foreign Ministry release, President Sirleaf, on behalf of Liberia, extended heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to the President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, His Excellency Anthony Carmona, and through him, to the Government and people of that twin island country.


The Liberian President hoped that as the people of Trinidad and Tobago observe this historic event, the friendly ties subsisting between the two countries and people will be further strengthened as both nations explore new areas of cooperation for the mutual benefit of their respective peoples.


She also prayed that the people of Trinidad and Tobago continue to enjoy prosperity and the blessings of peace and national unity under the dynamic leadership of President Anthony Carmona.