President Sirleaf Consoles Colombia

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a message of condolence to her Colombian counterpart, His Excellency Mr. Juan Manuel Santos Calderon, President of the Republic of Colombia, following tragic mudslides and debris that killed at least 254 persons while hundreds more were injured.


Media reports indicated that torrential rains last Friday night caused three rivers surrounding the southern city of Mocoa to overflow -- sending a torrent of mud and debris surging through the city.


According to a Foreign Ministry release, in the condolence message to the Government and people of Colombia, President Sirleaf said to her Colombian counterpart, “We have received with great sadness, news of the death of at least 254 persons and the injury of hundreds more as result of mudslides and debris triggered by torrential rains in Putumayo Province, Southwestern Colombia on Friday, March 31, 2017.”


On behalf of the Government and people of Liberia and in her own name, the Liberian leader extended to President Calderon and the people of Colombia, especially the affected families, heartfelt condolences for the irreparable loss sustained during this time of sorrow and burden.


President Sirleaf prayed that the Almighty God will grant His Excellency and the people of Colombia strength and fortitude during this difficult period.