President Sirleaf Congratulates Kingdom of Belgium on its ‘National Day’

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a message of congratulations to the King of the Belgiums, His Majesty Philippe, on the occasion marking their National Day on July 21.


Belgium’s National Day is observed annually on July 21 each year celebrating the independence that Belgium got back in 1831 separating from the Netherlands.



Belgium had been part of the Netherlands Kingdom since 1815 but the population was Roman Catholic versus Protestant for the other parts of the kingdom. After an uprising in 1830 the powers that be recognized Belgians independence.



According to a Foreign Ministry release, President Sirleaf, on behalf of the Government and people of Liberia and in my own name, fervently wish that His Majesty Philippe, King of the Belgians and his people, will experience exceptional happiness and peace as they commemorate this National Day with pride and identity.



“We are pleased that relations subsisting between Liberia and the Kingdom of Belgium remain friendly and cordial, with high potential for further growth,” the Liberian leader said.



She recalled how Belgium has over the years proven to be a reliable partner to Liberia, stressing, “This was especially demonstrated by Belgium’s contribution to the fight against the Ebola Virus. Your country remained in the vanguard of mobilizing humanitarian relief and ensured that regular Brussels Airlines flights to Monrovia were maintained. We remain ever grateful for this true demonstration of solidarity with our people.”



President Sirleaf emphasized that based on the very excellent ties between both countries, they will intensify their collaboration in various spheres mutually beneficial to both countries and peoples.



She extended best wishes for His Majesty’s continued happiness and for the people of the Kingdom of Belgium, sustained peace and prosperity.