President Sirleaf Congratulates Brazil on 194th Independence Day

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, has conveyed a message of warmest congratulations to the Government and industrious people of the Federative Republic of Brazil on the auspicious occasion commemorating the 194th Independence Anniversary of that country.



September 7, commonly called Sete de Setembro, is celebrated each year as the Independence Day of Brazil. The date, a national holiday, celebrates Brazil’s Declaration of Independence from the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves on September 7, 1822.



According to a Foreign Ministry release, in the message to her Brazilian counterpart, His Excellency Mr. Micheal Temer, Interim President of the Federative Republic of Brazil, President Sirleaf expressed ardent hope that the two countries spend some time during this anniversary to recount the deepened collaboration they continue to enjoy and to chart a new course that further strengthens the cordial existing ties between their two countries.



On this auspicious occasion, the Liberian leader prayed that the people of the Federative Republic of Brazil will continue to enjoy sustained prosperity, peace and national unity.