The Government of Liberia has established diplomatic relations with the Governments of Montenegro and Latvia.


A Joint Communiqué formalizing the establishment of diplomatic relations among Liberia, Latvia and Montenegro were signed at separate ceremonies in New York City, the United States of America over the last week.


Liberia and Latvia formally established diplomatic relations on April 10, 2014 with Liberia’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Her Excellency Marjon V. Kamara signing the Joint Communiqué while Latvia’s Ambassador to the UN, His Excellency Ambassador Janis Mazeiks signed on behalf of his country.


The ceremony to mark the formalization of diplomatic relations with Montenegro was also held at the UN Headquarters with the Ambassador of Montenegro accredited to the world body, His Excellency Ambassador Milorad Scepanovic signing for his country while Her Excellency Marjon V. Kamara signed for Liberia.


According to a Foreign Ministry release, Liberia and the two European countries, decided to establish diplomatic relations at the Ambassadorial level, in accordance with the provisions of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 18 April 1961.


The countries at the separate signing ceremonies, emphasized their commitments to promote mutual understanding and strengthen the friendship and cooperation among their two peoples, while guided by the principles and purposes of the United Nations Charter and other norms of international law.


They stated these norms pertain to the promotion of international peace and security, the respect for sovereign equality among states, territorial integrity, non-interference in the internal affairs of states and international treaties.


Already prior to the establishment of diplomatic relations, practical cooperation had been developed in the security sector. Soldiers of the National Armed Forces of Latvia jointly with the National Guard of the United States have trained instructors and officers of the Liberian army since 2012.