Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau Commits to Support Women, 2017 Elections

The Prime Minister of Canada, the Right Honorable Justin Trudeau has assured Liberia that Canada will increase its support to the global acceleration instruments for women, peace and security and humanitarian action which works to expand the role women already play in building and leading peace processes.


He also committed Canada’s support to Liberia’s 2017 presidential and legislative elections through the United Nations Development Programme’s Joint Trust Fund, expressing the hope that this support would include a special emphasis on encouraging greater participation of women, both as voters and candidates.


The Canadian Prime Minister further committed to boost its support for UN Women’s efforts to achieve gender equality and the empowerment of women in the region.


“I’m particularly interested in looking at ways that more men and boys can be encouraged to speak out, support the women, families and their communities and bring an end to the violence that is a daily reality for far too many women,” he stressed.


According to a Foreign Ministry release, the Right Honorable Trudeau announced the commitment during a joint press stakeout with President Ellen Johnson in the Foyer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Thursday, November 24, following a bilateral meeting. Prime Minister Trudeau is on a two-day official visit to Liberia.


On the various commitments, he announced that US$10 million investment in West Africa, which includes Liberia, towards supporting women; US$1.5 million directly to the global acceleration instruments for women, peace and security and humanitarian action; US$1 million to the UNDP Joint Trust Fund to support 2017 elections in Liberia.


“Canada continues to be a substantive partner to development here in Liberia and we look forward to continuing to engage with that in the future,” Prime Minister Trudeau assured.


The Canadian Prime Minister emphasized that both countries have a strong relationship; one made stronger by their shared belief for when women and girls are full participants in the socio-economic and political efforts of their two countries, they will all succeed. He reiterated that the role that women played in bringing an end to the civil war and helping Liberia rebuild is an inspiration to the rest of the world.


During a meeting with President Sirleaf, both leaders discussed the ties between both countries and reaffirmed their commitment to work together to improve peace and security and advance women’s rights. They also touched on governance, health, economic growth, and sustainable development in Liberia and throughout Africa.


He reiterated his profound gratitude to President Sirleaf and to the Liberian people for the hospitality accorded him during his stay here, not only for reminding him why he’s so proud to call himself a feminist but also for showing him what’s possible when good people who care about each other come together to make a real difference in their communities and countries.



Earlier, President Sirleaf thanked Prime Minister Trudeau for the visit and recounted Liberia – Canada relations which span over many decades. She noted that his visit here seeks to rekindle that relationship.



She highlighted Canada’s support to Liberia through international and multilateral agencies, specifically emphasizing Canada’s support to Liberia during the Ebola epidemic.



President Sirleaf said both leaders shared ideas on where this partnership can grow and looked forward to continuing to be engaged in supporting the things that they stand for and ensuring that those shared values can be promoted together in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in which both countries played a part. She also hoped that this visit will lead to strengthening relations between both countries.



Prime Minister Trudeau visited to the Slipway Elementary School supported by Canadian partners, Right To Play Project, emphasizing that education is something that is close to his heart both as a father and former teacher.



He later participated in a High-Level Panel on Women Leadership at the Monrovia City Hall.



The Prime Minister departs Liberia on Friday, November 25, for Antananarivo, Madagascar to take part in the XVI Summit of La Francophonie on November 26-27, 2016.