The 1stJapan-Liberia Business and Investment Dialogue



Embassy of Japanto the Republic of Liberia

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Liberia


4th July, 2014


The 1stJapan-Liberia Business and Investment Dialogue

The first Japan-Liberia Business and Investment Dialogue was held on 3rdand 4thJuly 2014 in Monrovia. The Japanese delegation was headed by His Excellency Ambassador Naoto Nikai and included eight private companies from Japan. The Liberian delegation was headed by His Excellency Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and included 39 government officials and business executives.

In the wake of the fifth Tokyo International Conference on Africa Development (TICAD V), His Excellency Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Her Excellency Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf agreed to initiate the dialogue so as to boost economic and social development of Liberia and further strengthen the already-cordial relationship between the two countries.

The Liberian side held series of seminars for the Japanese business mission to furnish them with information regarding Liberia’s development agendas, poverty reduction strategies and progress, key legislations and laws, tax policy and administration, industrial policy, foreign business participation in the country, business opportunities in natural resources and investment climate etc. After seminars, both parties held discussions and exchanged thoughts and ideas upon potential business and investment opportunities.

After the Seminar, the delegation paid a courtesy call on Her Excellency Mrs. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of the Republic of Liberia where they discussed issues of mutual bilateral trade interest to the two countries. On Friday, 4 July 2014, the delegation took an informative tour and visited sites at Buchanan Port and Firestone, which provided necessary information for them to launch businesses in Liberia or could be potential destinations of investment from Japan.

Signed: Horatio Bobby Willie                                                                    Signed: Yukari Hara                                                      

Assistant Minister/Public Affairs                                                              First Secretary/ Public Relations

Ministry of Foreign Affairs                                                                         Embassy of Japan to the Republic of Liberia

Republic of Liberia