Daily Media Summary 2018-04-09

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




News of President Weah’s return to the country from La Cote d’Ivoire and Ghana; the collaboration between the Central Bank of Liberia and the National Association of Foreign Exchange Bureaux of Liberia to help control the arbitrary hike of the exchange rate in the country and the Minister of Posts & Telecommunications, Cllr. Cooper W. Kruah one-day inspection tour of internet installations around Monrovia are stories dominating today’s edition of our summary of the local dailies.




President Weah Returns Home after Successful State Visit to Ivory Coast, Ghana

The FrontPage Africa newspaper reads that President George Manneh Weah and entourage have returned home after a four-day successful State visit to La Cote d’Ivoire and Ghana. Speaking to the press during his arrival at the Robert International Airport, President Weah termed the trip as “successful”, as major developmental issues were discussed. The issues of cross-border security and the need to enhance trade between both Liberia and La Cote d’Ivoire were discussed. President Alassane Ouattara of La Cote d’Ivoire expressed disquiet that enough has not been done to enhance trade between both countries. The Ivorian leader informed President Weah that agriculture and energy are the backbone of the Ivorian economy. He therefore offered his government’s willingness to share expertise in these sectors with Liberia. Meanwhile, in Ghana, the Liberian leader and his Ghanaian counterpart, H.E. Nana Akufo-Addo spoke about the longstanding partnership between Ghana and Liberia; dating as far back as Ghanaian colonial rule and the need to further strengthen that bond. The Ghanaian leader pledged his government’s support towards the security sector amid UNMIL departure from Liberia. A technical team is expected to return to Abidjan soon to sign a MOU aimed at benefiting from the surplus of energy being produced by Ivory Coast.


Related Captions: “Help Liberia To Succeed,” Weah Appeals To Ghanaian President Akufo-Addo-Returns Home After ‘Successful State Visits’ (Daily Observer),Weah Assures Liberians To Be Optimistic Change Will Come (Heritage), President Weah Returns Home (In Profile Daily)


CBL, NAFEBOL Collaborate To Control FX Rate Hike

The New Dawn newspaper reads that the Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) and the National Association of Foreign Exchange Bureaux of Liberia (NAFEBOL), have agreed to collaborate to help control the arbitrary hiking of the exchange rate by illegal foreign exchange operators and businesses engaged in foreign exchange activities in the country. The CBL and NAFEBOL also spoke of the need to bring sanity in the foreign exchange market and minimize speculation in the market. A CBL press release says in a communiqué signed between the two institutions at the end of a meeting held Friday, April 6, at the Bank’s head office, it was also agreed that the CBL will begin to work out modalities that will lead to NAFEBOL members benefiting from the CBL Foreign Exchange Auctions as a means of strengthening the Association and making it an important player in the economy. Accordingly, CBL will work with NAFEBOL to bring together smaller “money exchangers” under a more structured arrangement that would allow them to formalize their operations in keeping with the requirements of the CBL and the Government’s Pro-Poor Agenda.


Related Captions: CBL Moves To Control Arbitrary FX Rate Hike (Heritage), CBL Moves To Control Increasing Exchange Rate (The INQUIRER)


As Posts & Telecommunications Minister Presses Forward: Gov’t To Provide Affordable Internet Service

According to the Heritage newspaper, the Minister of Posts & Telecommunications, Cllr. Cooper W. Kruah has ended a one-day inspection tour with the company working along with the Government of Liberia (GOL) to provide cheap internet service. CSquared is the internet service provider that is connecting fiber cable on the streets around Monrovia.  The Company manager, Madame Estelle Akofio Sowah said CSquared is here to provide affordable access to information communication which is also a basis for human rights, especially where only 7% of Liberians at the moment has access to the internet and 60% of the population is under the age of 24 that also need access to the internet.


Related Captions: Postal Affairs Minister Assures Fast, Affordable Internet Services (In Profile Daily), Minister Kruah Pushes Pro-poor Internet Service (The INQUIRER)




MRU Ends Regional Training Workshop For Executing Agencies

According to the In Profile Daily, Mano River Union (MUR) countries in collaboration with the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (ICUN) and the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) has concluded a Regional Training Workshop for the executing agencies and 2nd session of the regional steering committee of the project aimed at practically driving the dream of the project consistent with the establishment framework with the Executing Agencies pledging to ensure that the aims and aspiration of the  MRU/ICUN comes to fruition. The daily says the regional steering committee which includes the axillaries and focal points from the four Mano River Union Countries, Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone and La Cote d’Ivoire through exhaustive two-day deliberations in Monrovia from April 5-6 discussed how best the project could see the reality of its intended purpose for the overall benefit of the MRU countries.


Related Caption: MRU Ends Regional Training For Executing Agencies (Daily Observer)


Liberia, Ghana Compare Fisheries Notes

A two-day workshop, under a four-month fishery project (January-April, 2018), sponsored by the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL), has ended at the headquarters of the National Fishery and Aquaculture Authority (NaFAA), Mesurado Fishing Pier, Liberia Coast Guard Base, Bushrod Island, outside Liberia’s capital Monrovia. The workshop was titled “Best Practices in Fisheries Management: Case Studies of Ghana, Nigeria, and Other Countries”, and organized by the Faimaba Fisheries Development (FFDC), Inc., one of two private implementing partners of UNMIL on its peace-related fishery project in Liberia. The other local implementing partner is National Fish Farmers Union of Liberia (NaFFUL). Speaking for the NaFAA’s Director General, Madam Emma Metieh-Glassco, who was on an official duty elsewhere, NaFAA’s Deputy Director of Technical Services, Mr. Mr. William Y. Boeh, said one of the objectives of the Workshop was to teach the Liberians about modern methods of processing of fish as is being done in other countries that earns millions from fish farming and exports, reports the FrontPage Africa newspaper.


UL Goes Digital with Online Registration Platform

The Daily Observer reports that the University of Liberia (UL) has begun a digital migration process that will fully integrate the university’s registration system, including course planning and scheduling, financial automation and enhanced academic management. Students would no longer have to go through the tiresome and hectic tasks of standing in long queues for hours and sometimes for days, to carry out registration and other formalities. UL president Dr. Ophelia Inez Weeks made the official pronouncement about the move on Thursday, April 5, at a program marking the digitalization of the University of Liberia’s registration system. The president told a jubilant crowd that comprised of students, faculty, and staff, as well as representatives of the technology sector, that beginning next semester students will now stay anywhere with their mobile phones or computers and register online.



Former Liberian Honorary Consul Hosts Semah & Amb. Endee; Donates US$1K

The Former Honorary Consul of Liberia in Lagos, Chief Cliff Nzereum, earlier this week hosted a dinner in honor of Semah G. Weefur and Cultural Ambassador, Queen Juli Endee. The Nigerian business man served as an Honorary Consul for Liberia during the Gyude Bryant Administration in recognition of his invaluable humanitarian services he rendered thousands of Liberian refugees in Nigeria during the Liberian civil war. He is currently the Protocol Attaché in Lagos for the Abuja-based Liberian Embassy in his continuous support of Liberia and Liberians in Nigeria. While expressing high level of pride in Semah, Chief Cliff urged the 12-year-old visually impaired Liberian musician to keep his head high up.  He also promised to do all in his will to contribute in whatever way possible in helping to build the budding career of the inspirational singer. At the same time, the former Liberian Consul presented what he called a ‘little token’ of one thousand United States dollars to Semah and his team. In response, Ambassador Endee thanked Chief Cliff for his fine gesture. She also thanked the Nigerian business man for offering to work with Semah in helping to move his young career forward, the release continues, reads the FrontPage Africa newspaper.


Related Caption: Ex Liberian Honorary Council Hosts Samah and Amb Andee…n Donates US$1K (Heritage)


EPA To Involve Students In Safety Awareness Campaign

The Deputy Director of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has disclosed that the agency has begun a rigorous awareness exercise for high school and college students, as well as members of community-based organizations. Mr. Randall Dobayou said as the teams reach out to each county they will endeavor to establish cells or “environment clubs” in schools and communities to enable students and local residents become ‘Ambassadors of environmental protection’. The Heritage newspaper quotes Mr. Dobayou as saying that the clubs will receive the required basic training with focus on environmental consciousness and the risk associated with having an endangered environment.


PUL Strengthens Conflict-Sensitive Journalism

According to the In Profile Daily, the Press Union of Liberia (PUL) has completed a two-day training for journalists to safeguard the peace and properly enhance conflict sensitive reporting in the media in Liberia. The refresher training which was held in Gbarnga, Bong County brought together 19 reporters from across the country from April 6-7, 2018 as part of the continuation of ECOWAS’ Emergency Response Mechanism Project titled “Support to Preventive Diplomacy and Related Actions to Ensure a Free, Fair and Peaceful Elections in Liberia”. 


Gov’t Hospital In Buchanan Gutted By Fire Gain


The main facility of the Liberian Government Hospital (LGH) in the port city of Buchanan, Grand Bassa County was on Friday, April 6, 2018 gutted by fire leaving several patients and residents panicking. According to the Heritage newspaper, the LGH is the only public referral hospital in the county. The daily quotes one of the electricians, Mr. Samuel David, as saying that the incident occurred when a fan in the main hospital got an electrical shack and started to burn.