Daily Media Summary 2018-03-07

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia



Dominating today’s headlines of the local dailies include news of the ongoing protocol training workshop at the Foreign Ministry; the President’s Congratulatory and Condolence messages to the Republics of Ghana and Burkina Faso respectively; the news of VP Taylor receiving briefing on the implementation of health platform as well as the summoning on the Police Inspector General by the Senate and the adjournment of the confirmation hearing of Health Minister-Designate by that August Body.   



Foreign Ministry Conducts Training For Protocol Officers­­-Targets Participants From Three Branches of Government

A two-week Protocol Refresher Training Workshop aimed at enhancing the performance of personnel and protocol officers across the three branches of government commenced Wednesday, March 7, at the Gabriel L. Dennis Foreign Service Institute of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Heritage Newspaper quoting a Foreign Ministry release says the workshop, which is intended to deepen the knowledge and skills of Protocol Officers and other personnel of government assigned at the Offices of the President, the Vice President, will also incorporate protocol staffs of the Legislature, the Judiciary as well as the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, State for Presidential Affairs, Internal Affairs and Finance and Development Planning.  The proposed protocol training workshop will cover Assistant Ministers from the above Ministries. Others are Chiefs of Office Staff, Administrative and Special Assistants, Research Analysts and Research Assistants at the National Legislature. The workshop is expected to focus on thematic areas including the structures and functions of the Office of the President, the Vice President, the Legislature and the Judiciary. As part of his immediate Action Plan, Foreign Minister Gbehzohngar Milton Findley during his confirmation hearing at the Liberian Senate, promised to conduct training for all protocol officers across government ministries and agencies in order for them to be more effective during state functions, reports the Heritage newspaper.


Related Captions: Foreign Ministry Conducts Training For Protocol Officers (FrontPage Africa and the Heritage), MOFA trains protocol officers (The New Dawn, Training begins for protocol officers (INSIGHT)


Weah Congratulates Ghana on 61st Independence Observance

The President of the Republic of Liberia, H. E. George Manneh Weah has sent a message of congratulations to the Government and People of the Republic of Ghana on the occasion commemorating the 61st Independence Anniversary of that country. According to a Foreign Ministry's release, in his message to his Ghanaian counterpart, H.E. Nana Addo Dankwa  Akufo-Addo, President Weah extended heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to the Government and People of Ghana on behalf of the Government and People of Liberia. While applauding Ghana for its achievements since independence, the Liberian leader said Ghana remains a shining example of democratic governance and local development in West Africa. He recalled Ghana’s direct contributions to Liberia and its pivotal role played, through ECOWAS, toward the democratic and peaceful transition of Liberia early this year, the Heritage newspaper quotes a Foreign Ministry release as saying.


Related Captions: Weah Congratulates Ghana On 61st Anniversary (The New Dawn), President Weah Congratulates Ghana On 61st Independence Observance (Daily Observer) and President Weah Congratulates Ghana On 61st Independence Observance (INSIGHT)


President Weah Declares Thursday, March 8, As Women’s Day

The Insight newspaper quotes the Foreign Ministry release as saying: President George Manneh Weah has by Proclamation declared, Thursday, March 8, 2018 as “International Women’s Day”, and it’s to be observed throughout the country as a “Working Holiday”. The Proclamation says the day marks the struggle that women around the world have made to gain equality and equal rights as well as to reflect on the changes and progress that culminated in their international endeavor. According to a Foreign Ministry release, the women of Liberia will join their counterparts to celebrate International Women’s Day 2017, under the global theme: “Press for Progress” and national theme: “Action Now: Support the Liberian Women Agenda”.


Related Captions: President Weah Declares Thursday, March 8, International Women’s Day (INSIGHT), Gender Ministry Announces 2018 International Women’s Day Celebration (FrontPage Africa)


TRANSCO CLSG Pays Rural Liberians For Resettlement on Properties

According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, TRANSCO CLSG has started paying over 150 rural Liberians whose lands, and properties have been affected by the construction of transmission line to serve the Mano River Union region. In continuation of the construction of the 1,303km transmission line which is intended to serve Cote d’Ivoire, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea, TRANSCO CLSG in collaboration with the government of Liberia, on Monday, March 5, 2018 started the payment of resettlement package to affected residents in Grand Bassa County.


Related Captions: Liberia lacks qualified engineers (The New Dawn), TRNASCO LSG Fulfills Promise (Heritage)



Minister Findley Reaffirms Government’s Commitment to Freedom of Expression and Information

Liberia’s Foreign Minister, H.E. Mr. Gbehzohngar Milton Findley, has reaffirmed the country’s unwavering commitment to holding freedom of expression and press under the Weah-led administration. Minister Findley said Liberia has made significant gains over the last decade in promoting press freedom and free speech.  The INSIGHT newspaper which quotes the Foreign Ministry release says the Foreign Minister spoke Monday, March 5, when a two-person delegation from the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) headed by the UN Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of Freedom of Opinion and Expression, Mr. David Kaye met with him at the Foreign Ministry. Mr. Kaye was accompanied to the Foreign Ministry by Madam Azin Tadjdini, an Associate Human Rights Officer, from the Special Procedure Branch, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, based in Geneva, Switzerland. Welcoming his guests on behalf of President George Weah, Foreign Minister Findley pledged the Ministry’s commitment to working closely with the visiting UN team in carrying out its mission in Liberia, promising to assist them get what they need to continue the promotion of human rights in Liberia. For his part, Mr. Kaye thanked the Minister and the Liberian government for the warmed reception accorded his team and indicated that he and his team are in the country to hold discussions and listen to relevant stakeholders including officials of government and the civil society, particularly journalists to hear their concerns as it relates to press freedom and freedom of information.  


Related Caption: Findley Reaffirms Government’s Commitment to Freedom of Expression and Information (Heritage)


Liberia Consoles Burkina Faso

The INSIGHT newspaper reports that the President of the Republic of Liberia, His Excellency George Manneh Weah, has sent a message of condolence to the Government and People of the Republic of Burkina Faso following the death of at least eight persons and dozens injured from a terrorist attacks on both the French Embassy and the military headquarter in Ouagadogou on Friday, March 3, 2018. According to a Foreign Ministry release, in his condolence message to his counterpart H.E. Mr. Roch Marć Christian Kaboré, President of the Republic of Burkina Faso, President Weah on behalf of the Government and People of Liberia extended heartfelt condolences through His Excellency to the Government and people of Burkina Faso, especially the bereaved family for the irreparable loss sustained, the Heritage newspaper quotes a Foreign Ministry release.


Related Caption: Liberia Consoles Burkina Faso (Heritage)


Vice President Taylor Briefings On Implementation Of One Health Platform

Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor has for the first time visited the Emergency Operations Center (EOC), which hosts the National Public Health Institute of Liberia (NPHIL). The FrontPage Africa newspaper quotes an NPHIL release as saying that the Vice President’s visit was intended to obtain briefings on progress made in the implementation of Liberia’s One Health Platform and NPHIL key achievements as well as the institute’s 2018 strategic priorities.


Related Caption: VP Howard-Taylor Receives Briefings On Implementation Of One Health Coordination Platform (Heritage)


Liberia Electricity Corporation To Provide Power At Flat Rate To Customers

The Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC), as part of its effort to reduce power theft and commercial losses, has elected to provide a flat rate for people, who are registered and are yet to receive their meter. The FrontPage Africa newspaper quotes the new LEC boss as saying that they loss fifty percent of their revenue to power theft.


Motorcyclists Union Cautions Members Following Lifting of Ban

The Federation of Motorcycle and Tricycle Union of Liberia (FOMTUL) has threatened to take serious measures against motorcyclists found violating traffic regulations in the country. The newly endorsed National Board Chairman of FOMTUL, Rev. Luther Tarpeh, told a news conference Tuesday, March 6, that the lack of adhering to traffic regulations has caused too many motorcycle accidents across Liberia and must be addressed, the Frontpage Africa writes. 


Bong County Health Team Response To Strange Disease

Health authorities in Bong County has disclosed on Tuesday that 200 people are now infected with a skin disease that has sparked wide spread health concern in the country, confirming that the disease is scabies. Officials of the county health team and the Ministry of Health had earlier expressed uncertainties over the identity of the skin infection although they said most of the signs and symptoms patients were showing resemble scabies, writes the FrontPage Africa newspaper.


Internal Affairs Minister Wants Liberians Improve Agriculture Sector

Internal Affairs Minister Varney Sirleaf is calling on Liberians to forgo personal differences and work together for the improvement of Liberia’s agriculture sector. Minister Sirleaf said recently that if Liberia is to move forward, there is a strong need for more attention to be given to the agriculture sector, adding that it is the most important thing in the world, reads the New Dawn newspaper.


LCC Wants TRC Report Implemented

The Liberia Council of Churches (LCC) is calling on the Government of Liberia through President George Manneh Weah to quickly implement the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) Report against Liberians who took part in the 14 years of civil unrest here, according to the New Dawn newspaper.


In Quest Of Quality Education

The New Dawn newspaper reads that President George Manneh Weah has requested the Federal Government of Nigeria to send 6,000 teachers to Liberia to help revise the country’s messy education sector. Ex-president Ellen Johnson Sirleaf described the education sector in Liberia as messy when she noted that graduates were leaving college without 9th grade education.


Pratt Foundation donates to Orphan Concerns Liberia

A local group, Pratt Lewis Foundation, has donated several stationary materials to Orphan Concern Liberia to help with their work. Country Director Miss Love P. Necollin says the gesture is a way of helping in molding the minds of young people in the society, the New Dawn reports.


Over Motorcyclists’ Street Reappearance, Senate Invites Police IG

The Senate at its 15th day sitting yesterday voted unanimously to invite the Inspector General (IG) of the Liberia National Police (LNP) over the reappearance of motorcyclists on the streets in Monrovia and other parts of the city, including the commercial district of Paynesville, which were once the “No Go Zones” for commercial cyclists,” says the Daily Observer.


Senate Adjourns Dr. Jallah’s Confirmation Hearing

The Senate Committee on health headed by Grand Kru County Senator, Dr. Peter Coleman yesterday adjourned confirmation hearings of Health Minister-designate, Dr. Wilhelmina Jallah. The adjournment came following Bong County Senator Henry Yallah’s inquiry about the death of Pastor Desiree Fahnbulleh, which is believed to have been caused by negligence on the part of Dr. Jallah and her medical staff at the Hope for Women International Clinic in Paynesville in 2016, according to the Daily Observer.


Related Caption: Dark Cloud Hangs Over Health Minister-Designate Confirmation (Heritage)


LRA Wants Lawmakers Declare Assets

The Daily Observer pans that as part of the fight to wipe out corruption and to expose those who get rich from official misconducts, the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) has called on members of the House of Representatives to declare their assets. The LRA has also reminded Lawmakers to begin paying their Real Properties Tax (RPT).


House Probes Gaps in Civil Servants’ Payroll

It has been a week since the House of Representatives began to investigate a report of “rampant salary discrepancy and deliberate overnight transfer of managers, contractors and so-called professionals to certain government ministries and agencies as civil servants.” The investigation aims to curb waste and remove ‘ghost names’ of the pro-poor agenda of the Coalition for Democratic Congress-led government. Meanwhile, the Legislative Information Services (LIS), has commended members of the investigation board to establish a National Income Standardization, writes the Daily Observer newspaper.