Daily Media Summary 2018-02-22

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia



Today’s edition of our summary highlights news of President Weah’s visit to France where he met some authorities of a technical University and highlighted  Liberia’s educational sector and business climate and the death of a renowned preacher and evangelist, Billy Graham, in his 99th year.



Weah Arrives In France…Meets Macron At Palace De Elysee

The Heritage newspaper quotes a dispatch from Paris as saying that President George Manneh Weah upon his arrival in Paris on Tuesday, February 20, 2018, paid a visit to Conservatoire National Arts et Métiers, a Technical University. During the visit, President Weah addressed over 400 students and authorities of the institution. The President used the visit to inform the University authorities of challenges confronting the educational sector in Liberia; the need to assist Liberian students; and the educational sector in general. President Weah’s visit to the University culminated into the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Government of Liberia and the University; where both parties declared their common intention to cooperate in the field of vocational training and apprenticeship for the benefit of Liberian students. Foreign Minister, Gbehzohngar Findley signed on behalf of the Government of Liberia.  On Wednesday, January 21, 2018, President Weah paid a courtesy visit on a Network of French businesses named and styled (MEDEF). The Movement des enterprise de France consists of over 750,000 members and firms; and places job-creation and sustainable growth at the heart of its action. MEDEF promotes entrepreneurship and defends free enterprise.


Related Captions: In Paris, Weah Scores Opportunities for Education, Healthcare, Investment (Daily Observer), Liberian Leader In Paris; Strengthening Bond With France; Seeking Foreign Aid To Jumpstart Government (FrontPage Africa), Weah wants Air Liberia Back (The New Dawn)


 Liberia Remembers Ihe Late Rev. Billy Graham (1918-2018)

One of the World renowned preacher and evangelist, Billy Graham who died at the age of 99, at his home in Montreal, North Carolina yesterday is said to have paid many visits to Liberia. The Daily Observer reads that as an Evangelist, Billy Graham paid many visits to Liberia. The ppater reports that the late evangelist Billy Graham was well known to some past Liberian Presidents including William V. S. Tubman and William R. Tolbert. In 1972, Rev. Graham accompanied the then U.S. First Lady, Pat Nixon to represent her husband, Richard Nixon, at the inauguration of President William V. S. Tubman.  In 1960, President William V. S. Tubman conferred on Rev. Graham the honor of Grand Commander Human Order of African Redemption. According to the daily, Rev. Graham was also known to many other Liberian officials as well as a cross section of staff at the ELWA Ministry.

Related Captions: Billy Graham: Influential US Evangelist Dies At 99 (INSIGHT), Billy Graham: Influential US Evangelist Dies At 99 (Heritage)





ADB Board Approves Rockefeller Foundation Trust Fund

The Board of Directors of the African Development Bank Group has approved the establishment of a Rockefeller Trust Fund to be hosted by the Bank. With an initial endowment of US$ 3 million dollars, the Fund will support the Bank’s activities, particularly with regards to two of its five high priorities – Feed Africa and improve the quality of life for the People of Africa. Subsequent contributions may also be received to support other areas of the High 5s. Established in 1913, the Rockefeller Foundation’s mission is “to promote the well-being of humanity throughout the world.” “Together with partners and grantees, The Rockefeller Foundation strives to catalyze and scale transformative innovations, create unlikely partnerships that span sectors, and take risks others cannot,” the Foundation says in its mission statement. The New Dawn newspaper says the trust fund will foster the joint effort of the Foundation and the Bank in establishing a strategic partnership that can help with the transformation of Africa. The Rockefeller Foundation Trust Fund is the Bank’s second formal collaboration with a foundation, following the establishment of the Bill and Melinda Gates Trust Fund in March 2015.



UN Women Boss Calls on African Journalists to Increase Focus on Women’s Issues

The UN Women Representative to Ethiopia, Letty Chiwara, has called on journalists to increase the number of stories reported on women in their outlets. She says though there is male dominance in the media, women stories must be told to show their difference in respective countries.  The FrontPage Africa newspaper says Madam Chiwara spoke at the opening of four-day training in Addis, Ethiopia, Ababa where scores of journalist are attending. The training theme is “Gender-Responsive storytelling and documentation stories of success”  which give way for the African Ministerial pre-consultative meeting on the commission on the status of women sixty-two (CSW 62nd). 


Public Works Minister Presents 150-Day Plan to Vice President Taylor

Public Works minister Mobutu Nyenpan has presented his ministry 150-day action plan to Vice President Jewel Taylor and promised to timely execute same provided the necessary supports are provided. Minister Nyenpan indicated that the plan was earlier presented to President Weah, who expressed delight and reiterated his fullest support to the infrastructure development of the country. Minister Nyenpan made the submission on Wednesday, February 21, 2018, when the Vice President along with a high-level government delegation visited the ministry to follow-up on infrastructure activities of priority to the new administration. Bringing the VP up-to-date on-going and upcoming activities, the Works minister named the Ganta-Zwedru, Fish Town–Harper, Caldwell-Dixville-Barnersville, Police Academy roads as well as the rehabilitation of Streets in Sinkor and the patching of damaged critical areas as some of the current projects. He also indicated that the ministry plan is to create a year round access on all key primary roads during the forthcoming rainy season, particularly in the southeast, according to the FrontPage Africa newspaper.


National Public Health Institute Of Liberia Conducts Annual Review Conference Gets Underway In Buchanan

The Acting Minister of Health and Chief Medical Officer of Liberia, Dr. Francis Kateh has commended NPHIL and partners for the tremendous work they have done within a brief period of its existence; some of which included the rapid response and controlled of the meningococcal diseases in Lofa County in January 2018. The FrontPage Africa newspaper reports that Dr. Kateh was speaking at the opening of a three-day progress review and planning conference organized by the National Public Health Institute of Liberia (NPHIL) in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County on Wednesday, February 21. He further that NPHIL has developed several operational documents including the Emergency Contingency Plan and Standard Operating Procedure for air and sea support where pathogens and chemical related explosive arriving at our air and sea ports can be detected and contained. He also noted that the government’s pro poor agenda will only be realized in the health sector when healthcare delivery system is improved. The event is being attended by major stakeholders in the health sector including national and international partners. 


Related Caption: In Buchanan City, Grand Bassa County: NPHIL Begins 3-Day Annual Review (Heritage)


LRA Licenses 13 Tax Practitioners

As a means of upholding the culture of standard tax administration, the Liberia Revenue Authority certificates thirteen professionals as licensed tax practitioners in the country.  A press release says the certification comes on the heels of a rigorous vetting process in line with set standards as stipulated in the Act establishing the LRA. Section 7, 2(i) of the LRA Act empowers the Authority to license Tax Practitioners in the country.  According to the New Dawn newspaper, the license will enable the practitioners to practice and adhere to professional standards and be legally recognized by the LRA as certified tax practitioners.
Speaking during the certification program on Tuesday, 20 February at LRA Headquarters in Paynesville, Commissioner General Elfrieda Stewart Tamba reaffirmed LRA’s commitment to transform the tax administration in the country by putting in place adequate regulatory measures and relevant policy framework to enhance the operations of tax practitioners in the country.


Related Caption: LRA Licenses 13 Tax Practitioners (INSIGHT)


Fire Wrecks Warehouse in Vai Town-Goods Worth Thousands Of US Dollars Lost

According to the Daily Observer, Less than 48 hours following the fire disaster destroyed properties and rendered several people homeless on Randall and Mechlin Streets in central Monrovia, a similar fire incident occurred Wednesday in Vai Town, destroying a warehouse that contained goods recently imported into the country. Items that were destroyed, according to businessman Upjit Singh Sachdeva, included building materials worth in the thousands of the United States dollars. He, however, said he did not know the cause of the fire. Mr. Sachdeva, commonly known as “Jeety”, is also the Honorary Consul General of India in Liberia. According to him, the fire began at 10 a.m. yesterday and he and neighbors tried to extinguish it, but there was too much smoke that made their efforts unsuccessful. “We then called the Liberia National Fire Service (LNFS) for help,” he said. Mr. Sachdeva, however, lauded the LNFS, the Liberia Petroleum Refining Company (LPRC) Fire Service team, the Liberia National Police (LNP) and other business friends for their support during the incident.



Strange Disease Surfaces In Bong County-Several Youths Affected, Worst Among Them A 12-Year-Old Boy

Residents of Garmaymue Town, a farming community in Suakoko District in Bong County have reported the emergence of a “strange skin disease” in the district, affecting many persons, including children. Emmanuel Waisakollie, a Registered Nurse with Phebe Hospital told the Daily Observer that disease has affected several households in the village. Mr. Waisakollie said: “The disease looks different from the one people normally referred to as ‘Be Serious,’ because victims complain that it is painful and it has pus, and itchy.” He said he became aware of the disease in the village on Tuesday, February 20, while on his normal routine medical community outreach program. Meanwhile, the director of communications at the Ministry of Health, Mr. Sorbor George told the Daily Observer yesterday that “the Gbarnga situation is the same as scabies that the MOH has earlier talked about finding solutions to contain their spread,” and therefore people should not panic about it.



1,500 Women Acquire Skills In Vegetable And Poultry Production

A project consultant for the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Norrie Sam, is partnering with the Ministry of Agriculture to enhance farmers’ capacity to sustain production of vegetables. The project lasts for 15 months. According to the New Dawn newspaper, she told a local radio station in Monrovia that the project targets urban farmers in poultry and vegetable production, specifically in Montserrado and Margibi Counties, noting that it is being implemented in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture. Mrs. Sam notes that they are targeting 1,500 women farmers, within 12 communities in rural Montserrado.