Daily Media Summary (10-28-2020)





NEWS SUMMARY, Wendesday, October 28, 2020


The Bureau of Press and Public Affairs today, October 28, 2020 subscribed to several local dailies including, Daily Observer, and The New Dawn, In-Profile Daily, Independence-Inquirer and the EXPRESS newspaper. As the Press Bureau resumes its regular media summary preparation as part of its derivable, it was able to highlight headlines/ stories from the front, back and inside pages of these local dallies on Wednesday, October 28. 

Today’s Daily Summary captured stories about, Pres. Weah breaking ground for 200 housing units in Nimba and Bong counties; the UN and ECOWAS data experts’ arrival in Monrovia to help with the electoral process; the reason provided by the Monrovia City Hall ordering vehicle owners to avoid parking on the Broad Street, in Central Monrovia.


 Other interesting stories captured in our summary today include the arrival of USD$10M firefighting equipment in the country to enhance the Fire Service Agency, among other articles.   



UN, ECOWAS Data Experts Arrived

A team of data experts from the Economic Community of West African States and UNDP has arrived in Liberia to work with the National Elections Commission in cleaning up the Final Voter Roll ahead of the December 8, 2020 special senatorial elections.. Addressing a press conference in Monrovia on Tuesday, October 27, the chairperson of the National Elections Commission Davidetta Browne Lassanahdisclosed that four experts – three from ECOWAS and one from UNDP will work closely with the NEC data center staffs to ensure things are done professionally and technically.

Speaking at the conference also, the technical head of the team from ECOWAS, Mr. ChidiNwafor said, this is not the first time for ECOWAS to have assisted the Liberian electoral body with technical work. He recalled that during the 2017 Presidential and Representatives elections, ECOWAS sent technical team here that worked with NEC in some key areas. According to him, during their days with the commission, the team is open to suggestions from media, the ruling establishment and the opposition on how the process can be done professionally. Mr. Nwafor narrated the team’s term of reference is about 2020 Special Senatorial election and the 2023 presidential election, ensuring all issues relating to the data collection and processing are handled and all problems discovered at the commission will be handled professionally so that Liberian voters can have the best. According to the New Dawnnewspaper, the data expert said findings from the work will be shared with the board of commissioners of NEC, authorities of UNDP, ECOWAS and the Liberian people through the media. Meanwhile, the NEC board of commissioners has announced the commencement of exhibition of voters’ pictures and particulars for public viewing and correction.

Madam Lassanah disclosed that the exercise commences today, October 28 to 31st, and the full listing of voters will be displayed at various voting centers for viewing, urging registered voters to visit registration centers to update their records within the time frame.Related Caption: UN, ECOWAS Data Management Experts Arrive to Clean Voters Roll (Daily Observer)



Pres. Weah to Break Ground for 200 Housing Units In Nimba And Bong

President George Manneh Weah, will mid-November this year break ground for the construction of 200 housing units in Nimba and Bong Counties respectively. As an intervention under the President’s nationwide drive to provide modern homes to less fortune citizens, the two counties are expected to benefit from initial 100 housing units each.  According to the In profile newspaper, two weeks following the groundbreaking ceremonies, the Liberia Agency for Community Empowerment (LACE) will immediately commence the construction of the 200 units at the cost of Three Million United States Dollars. Funding for the projects is already secured, the executive Mansion has reported, pens the In Profile newspaper



USD$10M Firefighting Equipment Arrives in Country-Is a vibrant fire service department in sight?

Fire service equipment worth a total of US$10 million have begun arriving in the country, aimed at revamping and standardizing the Liberia National Fire Service(LNFS) that has been under tremendous pressure due to a wave of fire outbreaks that that have left many homeless, especially Monrovia, in recent years. The first consignment of equipment, which arrived in the country over the weekend, is a gift from the city Chicago in the United States of America through the Prince Ibrahima and Isabella Freedom Foundation (PIIFF), a US-based Liberian  non-for-profit organization. PIIFF began engaging the city of Chicago since March 9,2020, for the fighting equipment which it took delivery of a large consignment of resources. The items include Oxygen masks, uniforms, cutting saws, water hoses, tanks, stretchers, fire engines and ambulances.  Through the generosity of Chicago, the firefighting equipment was officially presented to Dr. Artemus W. Gaye, Chief Executive Officer of PIIFF and former president of the Liberian community in Chicago. He said getting the equipment here has not been an easy task. Dr. Gaye says he’s making efforts for the items to removed and shipped to Liberia by early April this year. “I’m glad that the first consignment of the equip has finally arrived in the country,” Dr. Gaye, who arrived in the country a little over two weeks ago, he told  Daily Observerin an exclusive interview over the weekend


Methodist Hospital Gets Over US$ 300,00worth of Drugs, Equipment

The Administrator of the Ganta United Methodist Hospital, Allen Zomonway, has disclosed that a huge consignment of medical equipment and drugs have been donated to the hospital. Mr. Zomonway thank Mr. Stephen Dennis, a Liberian living in the United States America for making such a huge donation to the only private referral hospital situated in Bain-Garr District in Nimba County which will help the residents and surrounding communities get the require medical treatment. According to the Inquirer newspaper, Zomonway name Mr. Dennis among several International NGO and Christian organizations that continue to assist the hospital with medical equipment as well as drugs to strengthen the health sector in the country.