Daily Media Summary, 10-01-2015


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




News of Liberia’s Ambassador to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, H. E. Dr. Brahima D. Kaba assurance that Liberian pilgrims, who went to the Hajj in Saudi Arabia are reported to be safe and secured, and President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf congratulatory message to the Government and People of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on the 55th Independence Anniversary of that country are among stories highlighted in today’s edition of the summary of the local dailies.




Liberian Hajj Pilgrims Are Safe Amb. Kaba Assures 

The In Profile Dailyreports that Liberian pilgrims, who went to the Hajj in Saudi Arabia are reported to be safe and secured, and that they will come home safely following the Hajj.  According to a Foreign Ministry release, Liberia’s Ambassador to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, H. E. Dr. Brahima D. Kaba, reported that every Liberian in the Hajj is accounted for.  A dispatch from our Embassy in that country said several hundred people, who were participating in the religious ritual, lost their lives during a stampede at the mandatory stone throwing ceremony early Thursday morning in Mina, near Meccah. The Liberian Embassy joins million other institutions and individuals in the Kingdom and around the world to express sincere condolences to His Majesty King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, who is the Custodian of the two Holy Mosques; the People and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as well as to the nations that lost their citizens during this terrible event, and to pray for the souls of the departed to rest in perpetual peace in paradise.  None of the nearly one hundred Liberian pilgrims, including Ambassador Kaba, who made it to Mecca this year, was involved in the accident and all of our citizens are safe. The Liberian pilgrims have by now completed all the main steps of their pilgrimage duties and are expected to complete the remaining ones by mid–October at which time they are expected to return home.


Related Captions: Liberian Hajj Pilgrims Are Safe…Envoy Brahima D. Kaba Assures(Heritage), Liberian Hajj Pilgrims Are Safe-Ambassador Brahima D. Kaba Assures(New Democrat)



Ellen Congratulates Nigeria On 55th Independence Anniversary

The Daily Observer writes that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a congratulatory message to the Government and People of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on the occasion marking that country’s 55th Independence Anniversary, which is to be observed today, Thursday, October 1. In her message to her Nigerian counterpart, Muhammadu Buhari, President Sirleaf on behalf of the Government and People of Liberia and in her own name, extended heartfelt congratulations and best wishes through President Buhari to the Government and People of Nigeria as they celebrate their historic day today. She also expressed Liberia’s gratitude to the Nigerian Government for its enormous contributions to peace and security in Liberia, and the post-conflict recovery including the sending of Nigerian doctors and teachers; an intervention critical to achieving full recovery. “Our bilateral cooperation took a momentous level by the numerous contributions made during the outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus disease (EVD) in Liberia”, President Sirleaf recalled. She acknowledged with sincere thanks and appreciation the major role being played by Nigeria in reforming Liberia’s security sector through training. She further stated that Liberia and Nigeria will continue to work together in furtherance of the principles of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the African Union (AU) and the United Nations for the promotion of regional and international peace, security and economic cooperation amongst all nations. “As the People of Nigeria celebrate another year of Independence, I entertain the hope that the strong historic and cordial ties of friendship and cooperation that have long subsisted between our two countries and peoples will be further strengthened under your leadership for the mutual benefit of our peoples,” President Sirleaf said. She also prayed that the People of Nigeria will continue to enjoy economic growth under President Buhari’s illustrious leadership and that the Almighty Allah will endow him with abundant wisdom and strength as he leads his people to sustainable peace and greater prosperity.



Related Captions: Ellen Congrats Nigeria On 55th Independence Anniversary(In Profile Daily), Liberia Congratulates Nigeria On Its 55th Independence Anniversary(Heritage)




US Based Liberians Advocate For Dual Citizenships -Meet Pres. Sirleaf

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf says she’s humbled by the appreciation expressed by fellow compatriots and called on them to return with their varied skills to contribute to the development of their country. According to a dispatch, the Liberian leader made the remarks shortly after her address to the 70th Session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York when the leadership of a delegation of Liberians advocating for dual citizenship - based in Staten Island paid her a courtesy call.   President Sirleaf challenged the delegation to establish the appropriate channels, contacts and links on the ground to crusade their agenda for dual citizenship by holding workshops, town hall gatherings, media engagements that will involve radio and television slots and increase the level of social media engagement. In separate comments, on behalf of the advocates – the group’s Chair, Mr. Tokpa Porte and Secretary General, Comfort Itoka said dual citizenship offered numerous benefits for each country and called on fellow Liberians not to see their brethren as foreigners. They called on Liberians to embrace the idea of dual citizenship to promote the development of their country. They called on Liberians at home to emulate the examples of Nigerians, Ghanaians, Kenyans and a host of African countries that continue to enjoy the benefits of dual citizenship, pens the New Dawn newspaper.



Related Captions: Liberians In US Meet Ellen On Dual Citizenship(INSIGHT), U.S-Based Advocates For Dual Citizenship Pay Courtesy Call On Pres. Sirleaf(FOCUS), In New York USA: U.S.-Based Advocates For Daul Citizenship Pay Courtesy Call On Ellen(Heritage), U.S-Based Advocates For Dual Citizenship Pay Courtesy Call On President Sirleaf While She Cautions against Tearing Country Apart(Daily Observer)




Panelists Discuss PUL’s Advancement…At 51st Anniversary Celebration

Panelists at roundtable discussion marking the Press Union of Liberia’s 51st anniversary have advanced series of suggestions for the improvement of the union. Speaking Wednesday at the University of Liberia auditorium, veteran Liberian journalists including Aaron Kollie, owner of Power TV/FM, Philip N. Wesseh, Publisher of the Inquirer newspaper and former Information Minister, Rev. Emmanuel Bowier shared different thoughts on how the Union can improve ad urged its leadership to take them into consideration, the NEWS newspaper reports.


Related Captions: ‘Be Neutral’(In Profile Daily), PNW Wants PUL Account For US$100,000…Aaron Kollie Proposes Training Institute For Journalists(The Inquirer)




Violent Demonstration In Ganta…Curfew Imposed

Following several hours of violent demonstration, a three-day curfew has been imposed in Ganta City, Nimba County. The curfew, which began on Wednesday, September 30, runs from 4:00 pm to 6:00am daily. It is aimed at ensuring that law and order is fully restored in that busting commercial city of Nimba County. The Heritage newspaper says the curfew was imposed by authorities of Nimba County to also ensure that the security forces take maximum control of the state of affairs. However, the reports say health workers, journalists, ambulance drivers, ad pregnant women are let off from the curfew.


Related Captions: Curfew Imposed-As Motorcyclist’s Death Erupts Ganta(In Profile Daily), Chaos In Ganta…Police Station Looted, Hotel Set Ablaze, Curfew Imposed(The Inquirer), ‘Ritualistic Killings’ Spark Riot In Nimba, Several Properties Destroyed, Curfew Imposed In Ganta City(FOCUS), Violent Demonstration In Ganta…Curfew Imposed(Heritage), Curfew Imposed In Ganta(The New Dawn), Angry Crowd Ransacks Police Station, Loots Properties Over Motorcyclist’s Brutal Murder in Ganta; Curfew Imposed; Motorcyclists’ Operations Suspended(Daily Observer)








Today Is UN World Older People Day

The In Profile Daily writes that the President of the Republic of Liberia, H.E. Mrs. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, has by Proclamation declared Thursday, October 1, 2015 as “United Nations World Older People Day” to be observed throughout Liberia as a Working Holiday. The observance is in recognition of issues affecting the elderly and to appreciate the contributions they have made to society in the areas of Education, Medicine, Economic, Science and Technology, Social Services, History and Preservation of Cultural Heritage. The Proclamation further said that bearing in mind the legal and moral standards and expectations already set in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, including the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) to modify laws, regulations and customs that discriminate against older women, and the Resolution of the African Union to protect the rights of the older people is to be observed on that day.  The Proclamation calls upon all national and international organizations, United Nations agencies near Monrovia, schools and other institutions of learning as well as the citizens in general to cooperate with the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection in organizing appropriate program befitting the occasion and collaborate with the non-governmental organizations such as the Coalition of Caregivers and Advocates for the Elderly in Liberia (COCAEL). This year’s celebrations will demonstrate its appreciation for the contributions of the elders towards the socio-economic development of the country, by a three-day awareness parade from September 30 to October 2, 2015, as well as hosting of the first National Conference of Aging and the formal launching of COCAEL. According to the Proclamation, the United Nations General Assembly on December 14, 1990 adopted a Resolution 45/106 declaring October 1 of each year requesting all member states to observe this day as “United Nations World Older People Day”.



Related Caption: Today Is “United Nations World Older People Day”(Heritage)




French Ambassador Pledges Commitment

French Ambassador to Liberia, Joel Godeau, has pledged his country’s commitment to supporting Liberia in its development agenda. Ambassador Godeau said it was about time for the involvement of France  in Liberia’s post-Ebola recovery plan. He made the remarks recently at the commencement of a climate change Intended Nationally Determine Contribution (INDC) workshop in Monrovia. The INDC workshop-conducted under the auspices of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), with support from the United Nation Economic Convention for Africa (UNECA), brought together government officials from line Ministries and Agencies, members of the Diplomatic Corps, as well as members of the civil society as well. “As you all may know, France as co-chair with Peru of the COP 21, is always keen to achieve a global, universal and ambitious agreement; our objective is clear to deliver a timely and orderly agreement in Paris, by the end of the year. The agreement should, in particular, be universal, ambitious, Durable, Dynamic, Equitable and rules-based, covered in balance manner, with both mitigation and adaptation and plan through the means of implementation which include Finance, Technologies, Capacity-Building, and Transparency of both action, to support and provide a credible process to enable ambition in all of the areas to be improved,” he added. The French Diplomat further indicated that the gathering of the Climate Change Intended Nationally Determine Contribution was crucial, and that each of them was eagerly awaited. Meanwhile, the EPA has said that Liberia’s decision to pursue the INDC was based on the general consensus of community of nations which adopted the resolution at the 19th and 20th session Conference of Parties, wherein all parties were invited to developed INDC in order to achieve the objective of Article 2 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC), according to the New Dawn newspaper.




Ellen Addresses 70th Session Of UN General Assembly…urges UN To Find Responses To Increasing New And Emerging Challenges Facing The World


President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is urging the United Nations to find responses to the increasing new and emerging challenges facing the world.  “Despite commendable efforts, Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Europe still have vortexes of conflict. Migrants and people seeking refuge from conflicts and economic hardships are swirling across Europe,” the Liberian leader catalogued, adding further, “We are haunted by the growing threats of destabilizing forces of Boko Haram and ISIS as well as attempts to reverse democratic initiatives such as in Burkina Faso which invoked an immediate and decisive ECOWAS response.”  The Liberian President highlighted changes in climate conditions, noting that the world too must change; while stressing that in many countries, women are still being treated as second-class citizens. She also said that her country bears witness to the weak public health systems in individual countries which threaten global health and wellbeing. “It is not beyond this body to find answers and to respond as we know that we must,” she said. According to a dispatch, President Sirleaf made the statement when she addressed the 70th Session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York on Tuesday, September 29, 2015, according to the Heritagenewspaper.


Related Caption: Ellen Pushes UN For New Approach To Global Challenges(The New Dawn)




Advisory Board Decides As President’s Young Professionals Program Transitions

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has commended supporters and donors of her government-inspired President’s Young Professionals Program (PYPP) initiated in 2007 to fill the void-cum challenge as a result to the chronic deficiencies inherited in the civil service. According to dispatch, President Sirleaf was speaking in at the Loews Regency Hotel In New York at a gathering of the Advisory Board to explore and examine all sides of the transition phase of the Program after five years of its successfully existence. During the PYPP’S initial phase, the Program mentored 77 young college graduates who were seconded to various Ministries and Agencies and have since performed outstandingly. President Sirleaf praised Betsy Williams for her inspiration in working towards translating the PYPP into a viable national professional entity. Earlier, Betsy Williams briefed the Advisory Board on progress made and said the Program had reached its transitioning point. She stressed the need for sustainability that would enable the program continue in a more robust and progressive manner. Ms. Williams indicated that private partnership was essential to the transition process, which as a unique success story, will help to foster the Agenda for Transformation through the building of credible civil service, the Heritage newspaper writes.


Related Caption: Advisory Board Decides As President’s Young Professionals Program Transitions(FrontPage Africa)




Peacekeepers Must Never Prey On The People

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has warned that those who serve in peace operations around the world must never prey on the people they are meant to protect. He also stressed the need to prevent and punish sexual exploitation and abuse by personnel of UN missions. Making remarks Tuesday, 28 September at the “Leaders’ Summit on Peacekeeping” held in New York, Mr. Ki-moon  called on all troop -and –police contributing countries to act swiftly and decisively in holding perpetrators to account. Sexual exploitation and abuse by UN Peacekeepers have been documented and reported from time to time. According to the New Dawn newspaper, a draft study by the U.N. Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) in 2014 said surveys of hundreds of women in Haiti and Liberia gave reasons for engaging in “transactional sex” with peacekeepers, including hunger, poverty and lifestyle improvement. "Evidence from two peacekeeping mission countries demonstrates that transactional sex is quite common but underreported in peacekeeping missions," the OIOS draft dated May 15, 2014 read.



Transport Ministry To Reduce Traffic Congestion

In an effort to reduce the heavy traffic congestions in Monrovia and its environs, as well as enhance transportation between Monrovia and Rural Liberia, the Ministry of Transport is working on several proposals. Speaking at the Information Ministry yesterday in Monrovia, the Minister of Transport, Angela Cassel Bush, said prioritizing protection for road infrastructure was a matter of primary concern. Minister Cassell indicated that in such regard, the ministry- in collaboration with international partners, has sought to include certain measures in its laws to assist in attaining the objective of protecting all newly constructed roads against undue wear, tear and early destruction. She added that an axle load control bill was submitted to the Liberian Legislature by the President in 2014, seeking to limit the amount of loads that heavy vehicles carry to avoid deterioration of the roads - an act tailored to enforce an ECOWAS agreement among member states to harmonize the weight of vehicles carrying heavy loads across Africa, as well as to set limits to the amount of load per axle, as well as the weight and dimensions of various categories of vehicles, reports the New Dawn newspaper.


Related Caption: Transport Ministry To Ease Transportation Congestion(Heritage)

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