Daily Media Summary, 06-09--2014

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia



The dedication of the US$ 11 Million NASSCORP-House couple the entity’s plans to build a Medical Diagnostic Center, President Johnson Sirleaf’s dismissal and suspension of officials of the General Services Agency and the  Ministry of foreign affairs;   Foreign Minister Augustine Ngafuan assertion that the outcome of the National symbol review must be the decisions of  a great number of the people are among  stories dominating our selected local dailies for today, Monday, June 9, 2014  Media summary.     


NASSCORP Commercial Complex Dedicated

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has officially dedicated the over US$11 million commercial complex constructed and owned by the National Social Security and Welfare Corporation. The commercial complex is situated at the ELWA Junction in Paynesville. Dedicating the NASSCORP Building Friday June 6, 2014, President Sirleaf challenged Liberians to be committed and dedicated to the rebuilding of their country through hard work and honesty. The Liberian leader said the development of Liberia depends on Liberians. She called on Liberians to learn to work together, no matter their political and ideological differences for the single purpose of moving the country forward. Pres. Sirleaf said the construction of NASSCORP-House by a Liberian company signifies what Liberians can do better in rebuilding their country. She stressed that if all Liberians work with commitment, honesty, sincerity and love for country, they will get Liberia to where it should be. She described the NASSCORP Commercial Complex as a transformation that every Liberian should be proud of and urged them to maintain the structure. She noted that critics of the government will continue to say that “this is nothing”, saying, “They will continue because the government will begin to dedicate more infrastructure projects around the country.” President Sirleaf at the dedicatory ceremony then announced the granting of the contract to renovate the Executive Mansion to the Liberian company that constructed the NASSCORP-House, reports the INSIGHT newspaper.


Related Captions: NASSCORP Dedicates Commercial Office(The News), US$ 11 Million NASSCORP Commercial Complex Dedicated(Heritage), Pres. Sirleaf Dedicates NASSCORP US$ 11M Commercial Bldg(National Chronicle), US$ 11 M NASSCORP Complex Open(Daily Observer), New NASSCORP Building Unveiled(FrontPage Africa), NASSCORP Complex Ready(New Democrat), NASSCORP Earmarks More Projects… Dedicates US$ 11M Modern Building(The Inquirer), Success Story!-NASSCORP US$ 11M Office Complex Dedicated(In Profile Daily)


NASSCORP Plans to Build Medical Diagnostic Center


The Director-General of the National Social Security and Welfare Corporation (NASSCORP), Dewitt Von-Ballmoos, has disclosed that the entity is planning to build a Medical Diagnostic Center in Liberia to provide services to the Liberian people. Mr. Von-Ballmoos indicated that this is consistent with the corporation’s investment objectives as prescribed in the Act establishing NASSCORP. He observed that having such a facility would prevent Liberians from traveling to foreign countries to diagnose diseases or afflictions that are common in Liberia. Director Von-Ballmoos made the disclosure Friday at the dedication ceremony of NASSCORP-House at the ELWA Junction in Paynesville outside Monrovia, the Heritage writes.

Related Caption: NASSCORP On The Move-Plans to Build Diagnostic Center In Liberia (The New Republic)


Ellen Suspends Three, Dismisses One

President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has with immediate effect suspended three senior officials at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Those suspended by the Liberian leader include Deputy Minister for Administration, Una Kumba Thompson; Consul-General, Consulate of the Republic of Liberia in New York, Williams G. Greaves, Jr. and  James G. Quiqui, Comptroller of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The News newspaper quotes an Executive Mansion release as saying that the three officials are suspended on reports of their involvement in financial impropriety. The release said the three officials will be turned over to the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) for investigation. In another development, President Sirleaf has dismissed the Deputy Director-General for Administration of the General Services Agency (GSA) Mr. Galakpai Kortimai, The paper pans also.


Related Captions: Ellen Dismisses Deputy GSA Boss, Suspends Three Officials(Heritage), Pres. Sirleaf Suspends Three Gov’t Officials, Dismisses One(National Chronicle), One Fired, Three Suspended(New Democrat), Ellen Suspends 3 At Foreign Affairs Dismisses GSA Deputy(The Inquirer), Ellen Flexes Muscles-Dismisses One, Turns Three Over to LACC(The New Dawn), 3 Dumped At MOFA-Turned Over to LACC; As Kortimai Sacked(In Profile Daily)


Correct National Symbols Must Reflect Unity Among Liberians Says Foreign Minister Augustine Ngafuan

The Heritage newspaper quotes a Foreign Ministry release as saying that Foreign Minister Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan has described the history of Liberia as a puzzle to which Liberians must correctly add all of its pieces if they must form the correct image. Minister Ngafuan spoke at the National Symbols Review Symposium held at the Paynesville City Hall under the theme “Reviewing Liberia’s National Symbols to Renew National Identity”.   The Foreign Minister said inclusive and correct national symbols must come out of decisions made by a great number of the people and must be the reflection of unity among the varying ethno-national sensitivities, as well as the tribal, religious and other leanings of the Liberian people. Among several questions, Minister Ngafuan said Liberians shied away from for too long, was whether the country’s national motto should be “The Love of Liberty Brought Us Here or The Love of Liberty Binds Us Here”?  The Minister said a large part of the attachment that people have to the nation comes from the common understanding and the feeling of belongingness to the symbols of that nation.  He however noted that it is difficult, if not impossible, to unite people around symbols that ought to reflect their nationhood if those symbols do not reflect their collective image. Adding,  “In this day and age in our country, there can be no room to wax in self-denial and make-believe that the current Liberian symbolic mirror emits an image of shared national identity”.  He stated that the National Symbols Review Project under the administration of President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf is undertaking a comprehensive review of  the country’s national symbols as a way to renewing its national identity, an identity that will do justice to the nation’s rich ethnic, religious, and cultural diversities.  Minister Ngafuan said the move by President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf to launch the National Symbols Review Project on February 6, 2014, was of itself, recognition of the need to, as a people, take a clear-headed, frank and meticulous look at our national symbols including the Seal, the Flag, the titles and brooches of our national distinctions.  The Minister further assured the fullest cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as the National Symbols Review Committee embarks on what he called “a project of huge national significance”.  Delivering her  Keynote Address at the symposium,  Sister Mary Laurene Browne  called on  every Liberian to be honest  and forge in humility as a nation destined for all Liberians.  She said Liberians must undertake this task individually and collectively to understand their nationality.    


Related Captions: “Correct “ National Symbols Must Reflect Unity Among -- Says Foreign Minister Augustine Ngafuan(National Chronicles), Correct National Symbols Must Reflect Unity Among Liberians - Foreign Minister Augustine Ngafuan  (INSIGHT), National Symbols Must Reflect Unity -Ngafuan  (FOCUS), Ngafuan Raps on Nat’l Symbols-Says Correct National Symbols Must Reflect Unity Among Liberians(In Profile Daily)

IMEC Team Ends Assessment Visit to Liberia

A humanitarian organization, the International Medical Equipment Collaborative (IMEC), recently concluded a two-day technical assessment mission (TAM) to Grand Bassa County. The technical assessment mission to rural Grand Bassa County was to establish the needs of hospital, schools and farmers actively involved in agricultural programs there. Based in Boston, Massachusetts in the USA, IMEC was invited to visit the country through the efforts of Liberia’s Consulate General to New York. IMEC’s mission which is to transform impoverished communities around the world, provides equipment solutions for health care, agriculture, and education projects in developing countries working in collaboration with other humanitarian organizations, governments, faith-based groups and individuals. Since 1995, they have worked and transformed communities in over 80 developing countries, the Heritage writes.

Related Caption: IMEC Team Ends Assessment Visit to Liberia(FOCUS)



AFL Completes ‘Operation Watch Over’ In Mali

A Platoon of the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) assigned with the United Nations peacekeeping force in Mali will for the first time participate in the medal parade in that West African state. To form part of the ceremony, the Minister of National Defense, Brownie J. Samukai, Jr., as head of an 18-man delegation departed the country on Wednesday for Mali to observe the AFL's participation in the UN Medal Parade. Minister Samukai was authorized by the Commander-In-Chief (C-I-C) of the army and President of Liberia, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, to participate in the first Medal Parade for the AFL troops serving under the MINUSMA mission in Diabali, Mali.

Minister Samukai was accompanied by the Chief of Staff (COS) of the AFL, Brigadier General Daniel Dee Ziankahn among others to witness the ceremony that is scheduled for Friday, June 6 in Mali.  While in Mali, the Liberian delegation assess the status, conditions and well-being of the troops and hold discussions with Malian authorities on bilateral security cooperation, and with MINUSMA authorities on the rotation of AFL troops. Last year, C-I-C Sirleaf ordered enhanced Infantry Platoon of AFL personnel to Mali to form a part of the peacekeeping operations in June 2013. Operation Watch Over, according to COS Ziankahn, is part of the AFL’s training involving field exercises where the soldiers are divided into factions fighting a ‘mock war.’ One fighting force used gorilla or jungle/rebel tactics, while the other, under government soldiers' command, countered the rebel force using conventional warfare tactics. The Little Bassa ceremony was the third and final of a series of such trainings, which the AFL has used over the years to exercise the skills they acquired while in training, and at the same time, socialize with residents of local communities. “Operation Watch Over” is intended to build the bridge of confidence between civilians and the new army, which operates on the motto, “A Force for Good”, reports the Daily Observer. In another development, in a story captioned “Liberia: 'AFL Is Ready'”, the Inquirernewspaper reports that in the wake of the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) drawdown plan, the Deputy Minister of Operations at the Ministry of Defense, Saint Jerome Larbelee, has reassured the citizenry that in support of the peace process, the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) is ready to defend the territorial borders of the country. At the closing ceremony marking a "BONFIRE" field training named and styled "Exercise Watch Over III" in "Little Bassa", Grand Bassa County on Wednesday, Minister Larbelee assured citizens of that district that authorities at Defense Ministry will enforce that AFL remain a force for good. "We are managing the AFL to continue its regular military exercises. I promise you that the AFL will remain a force for good. In spite of the financial difficulties, we will enforce that," Minister Larbelee said. In a special remark, the Chief of Staff of AFL, Brig. Gen. Daniel Ziankahn, told the citizens of "Little Bassa" that he was proud to announce that the men and women in arms are citizens, soldiers and that the army is a professional one to relay on. As an army, Brig. Gen. Ziankahn indicated that the army needs regular training exercise so that when called upon by the Commander-in-Chief to perform a task, they would be already set and enthusiastic.


Ellen Nudges Liberians To Be Hard Working, Honest

An inside story of the Heritage newspaper reads that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has challenged Liberians to be committed and dedicated to the rebuilding of their country through hard work and honesty. She observed that the development of Liberia depends on Liberians, noting that Liberians should learn to work together, no matter their political and ideological differences, to move the nation forward. The Liberian leader was speaking Friday when she dedicated the National Social Security Corporation building, “NASSCORP-House”, located at the ELWA Junction in the Monrovia suburb of Paynesville. She said the construction of NASSCORP-House as a transformation that every Liberian should be proud of, nothing that critics of the government will continue to say that “this is nothing”, adding “they will continue because the government will begin to dedicate more infrastructure projects around the Country”.

Wildlife Protection Act Submitted


The President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has submitted for enactment an Act to Protect and Preserve Wildlife of the country. Wild lives are selected number of animals set aside by a country or region for tourism and special studies, especially science students. Under the law, certain animals are required not to be killed by Liberians especially hunters.The act is also calling for the protection of Liberia’s eco-system. Eco-system is the portion of the air space that stores and control air and smoke into the inner sky. The Liberian leader described wildlife as a natural heritage that needs proper maintenance, management and protection. Section 9.1 of the National Forestry Reform Law of 2006  calls for the preservation of at least 30% of Liberia’s forest. Despite the coming into force of the 2006 Forest Reform Laws of Liberia, there are reports of many hunters hunting and killing some of the selected animals and deforestation nationwide. According to the FOCUS newspaper, the act is being co-sponsored by Senators Geraldine Doe-Sheriff of Montserrado and Yonblee Karnga-Lawrence of Grand Bassa County.


Kids Underscore Need For Peace

The Macdella Foundation in collaboration with several institutions over the weekend held a fashion for peace. The gathering brought together dozens of Liberians and American children. During the show, the kids some of whom were dressed in African clothes underscored the importance of peace in a nation. The kids, with butterfly designed on their dresses and shirts said they love butterfly because it represents peace. They said with peace, they are able to achieve their potentials thereby contributing toward the development of their respective countries. In a brief chat with journalists, the founder of Macdella Foundation, Madam Macdella Cooper said her institution is glad to have worked with other institutions to bring together children and guests from diverse background to talk about peace through the runway show, writes the News newspaper.

300 Girls Benefit From EPAG Program

About 300 adolescent girls and young women have completed five-month training in entrepreneurship of Adolescent Girls and Young Women (EOAG) project. The training was organized by the Ministry of Gender and Development with sponsorship from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), according to the Liberia News Agency (LINA). Speaking at the program, Deputy Minister for Administration at the Ministry, Andrew G. Tehmeh, disclosed that in adding to the latest trainees, more than 3,000 adolescent girls and young women have been empowered in various skills through the EPAG project. He said the EPAG project has enabled several adolescent girls and young women to get involved in economic activities to empower themselves financially. The Deputy Gender Minister said the EPAG Project has been one of the youth development programs that have made significant impact in the lives of adolescent girls and young women in Liberia, the Heritage reports.

UNMIL Official Pledges Support to EPA

An official of the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) Civil Affairs Department in Voinjama, Lofa County has pledged the mission’s support to the Lofa County branch of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Mr. Henry Stryker said the Civil Affairs department of UNMIL will strive to help promote the work of the EPA in the county. Mr. Stryker emphasized that UNMIL is in the county to buttress the efforts of Government, its institutions and other local organizations in enhancing the growth and development of the county. Mr. Stryker gave the assurance recently in remarks at a program marking World Environment Day held at the William V.S. Tubman County Hall in Voinjama City, Lofa County. the program hosted by the Lofa County branch of the EPA brought together county authorities, representatives of UNMIL, Schools, Civil Society, Local Officials and Youth groups, the Heritage writes.

Liberia Climb on FIFA Ranking

Liberia has climbed three steps in the latest FIFA Coca-Cola Ranking for the month of June despite her ousting from qualifiers of the CAF’s African Cup of Nations and U-20competition. The country moved to 116th position on the global scene, but remained 34 in Africa. Liberia ended April and May editions of the monthly examination by FIFA of its members’ countries at 119th spot, the Daily Observer writes.