President Sirleaf Sends Congratulatory Message to Malta on 54th Independence Anniversary

President  Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a Message of Congratulations, to H.E. Ms. Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, President of the Republic of Malta, on the occasion of that country’s 54th independence anniversary.


Independence Day in Malta occurs on 21 September, commemorating the day in 1964, when Malta officially gained its full independence from Great Britain.


According to a Foreign Ministry release, President Sirleaf, in the message to her Maltese counterpart, extended heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to the Government and people of Malta.


While hailing the excellent ties between the two countries, the Liberian President stated: “On this auspicious occasion, I take the opportunity to reflect on the long standing ties subsisting between our two nations and note with delight, the cordial bilateral relations we continue to enjoy.”


The Liberian leader remains confident that both nations’ shared values will not only enable them to continuously improve their collaboration, but will also guide them to attain their goals on mutual and global issues.


President Sirleaf then wished for President Preca, personal well-being and for the people of Malta, sustained prosperity and peace under his dynamic leadership.