Daily Media Summary 2017-08-09

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

 Monrovia, Liberia


News of Liberia's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, His Excellency Lewis Garseedah Brown, II called for ECOWAS Group to continue working together to remain a significant bloc at the United Nations and the African Methodist Episcopal University’s commencement of its graduate program effective September 5, 2017 are stories dominating today’s edition of our summary of the local dailies.

The Summary also includes news of President Sirleaf’s congratulatory message to the President of Côte d’Ivoire, His Excellency Mr. Alassane Ouattara on his country’s 57th Independence Anniversary on Monday, August 7.


‘Continue To Work Together’…Lewis Brown Urges ECOWAS States


Liberia's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, His Excellency Lewis Garseedah Brown, II has called on the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Group to continue to work together to remain a significant bloc at the United Nations. The ECOWAS Group consists of Permanent Missions of West African States to the United Nations with the aim of collaborating to ensure collective actions and solidarity on issues of common interests. Speaking over the weekend when he turned over the chairmanship of the ECOWAS Group to the Permanent Representative of Togo, Ambassador Brown said as a concerted effort, ECOWAS has a lot to offer the African Union and the United Nations. According to a dispatch from Liberia’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Liberia’s chief diplomat to the United Nations described his tenure as chairman of the ECOWAS Group as an honor and pledged the Liberian Mission’s support to the new leadership and the agenda of ECOWAS. In response, the new ECOWAS Group chairman, His Excellency Ambassador Kokou Kpayedo of the Permanent Mission of Togo thanked Ambassador Brown for his leadership and outstanding work that gave more visibility to the ECOWAS Group. Ambassador Kpayedo encouraged his colleagues to do more to address the numerous and complex challenges facing the sub-region. The Togolese Permanent Representative to the United Nations pledged to develop the necessary synergies to carry out various tasks of common interests and make the group more visible through the development of appropriate framework for the harmonization of the positions of ECOWAS States on issues of peace, security and sustainable development, reads the NEWS newspaper.

Related Captions:  ‘Continue To Work Together’…Amb. Brown Urges ECOWAS States(The INQUIRER), Browne Wants Sub-Regional Cohesion At UN(The New Dawn) 

AMEU Commences Master’s Degree Program


The African Methodist Episcopal University (AMEU) will commence its graduate program effective September 5, 2017. AMEU graduate program is an intense and accelerated program that will provide a unique and flexible educational experience. Speaking at a press conference yesterday, the Vice President for Academic Affairs at the African Methodist Episcopal University, Dr. Timothy K. Kie, said the program will facilitate the formation of middle and senior level managers, entrepreneurs, clergies and diplomats without disrupting their normal professional and personal responsibilities, and it will also sharpen students’ communication skills, enhance their productivity and prepare them for any global workplace. According to him, the graduate studies program will offer three distinct areas; the Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) program, Theological Studies (ST) program, and International Relations (IR) Program, the Inquirer newspaper reads.

Related Caption:  AMEU Starts Graduate Studies(The NEWS), AMEU Hits Graduate School Level(Hot Pepper)


Côte d’Ivoire Congratulated…On Its 57th Independence Anniversary


President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a Congratulatory Message to the President of Côte d’Ivoire, His Excellency Mr. Alassane Ouattara on that country’s 57th Independence Anniversary on Monday, August 7. The INQUIRER newspaper reads that in 1958 the country became by referendum an autonomous member of the French Community. Shortly after on August 7, 1960, Côte d’Ivoire declared itself independent from France. According to a Foreign Ministry release, in the message to her counterpart, President Ouattara, and through him, the Government and people of Côte d’Ivoire, President Sirleaf said that as the people of Côte d’Ivoire commemorate this auspicious occasion, she looked forward to further strengthening the excellent bilateral ties enjoyed by both countries for the mutual benefit of our two peoples, especially within the framework of the African Union, Economic Community of West African States, as well as the Mano River Union.

“You May Gain And Lose”…Ellen Tells Cuttington Graduates

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has told graduates of the School of Graduate and Professional Studies of the Cuttington University College in Suakoko, Bong County, that they may gain, lose and regain many things in life, but the knowledge you acquired here, the values of integrity and hard work that were instilled in you here will forever be with you.  The Liberia leader said the graduates can be proud of having received quality education with strong basic values. “What you have learned here, over the past years, will be with you for the rest of your life.  You must be proud to be the recipients of knowledge from one of the best institutions of the nation. It will be up to you to put that knowledge to the service of your country and humanity and for self,” she urged. According to an Executive Mansion release, the President Sirleaf spoke on Saturday, August 5, 2017 when she addressed the 11th Commencement Convocation of the School of Graduate and Professional Studies of the Cuttington University College in Suakoko, Bong County. She thanked the Cuttington University family for bestowing on me the honor to serve at this year’s commencement convocation, the NEWS newspaper reads.

Related Caption:  Pres. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Names CU The Best University Of Liberia(Hot Pepper)

‘Justice Will Catch Up With Them,’ Says Andrew Gilmour, UN Asst. SG For Human Rights New UN Human Rights Office To Open Early 2018

UN Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights Andrew Gilmour said that “True peace is never possible if people feel that their desire for justice has not been met. Abominable war crimes were committed in this country, and the perpetrators of the worst crimes should now understand that justice will catch up with them,” warned Gilmour. Mr. Gilmour was concluding a three-day visit to Liberia. The main purpose of the visit was to establish a UN Human Rights Office in the country, for which an agreement was signed with the Government for the new office to open in early 2018. According to the Daily Observer, the office will conduct human rights monitoring and reporting, as well as providing technical assistance to state institutions, the Independent National Commission on Human Rights, civil society and other partners. At the end of his visit, Gilmore visited the Palava Hut Memorial for victims of the civil war, where he expressed the importance of transitional justice for national reconciliation and called for it to be a paramount concern for the new government following the October elections.

UNDP Wants Approach In Illicit Small Arms Collection

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) has called for the involvement of civil society and civil society organizations, women and youth groupings, the communities, media and all well-meaning Liberians in ridding the country and the sub-region of illicit small arms and light weapons (SALW). UNDP Country Director Dr. Pa Lamin Beyai said ensuring that guns are taken from the hands of unauthorized users requires the collective effort of citizens, residents and partners of Liberia. “I reaffirm UNDP’s commitment to work with ECOWAS, EU and other development partners, to provide support to SALW with the goal of building secure and conflict free societies in Liberia and in the region” Dr. Beyai said recently at the opening of a two-day stakeholder’s engagement and lesson learned session, the NEWS newspaper reads.

Regional Seminar On International Trade, Taxes And Policies Begins

A week-long regional seminar intended to provide participants with an understanding of pertinent issues relating to international trade, taxes and negotiations, as well as to build capacity for the formulation and implementation of good and effective external trade policies to yield maximum benefits, kicked off on Monday, August 7, at the Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) conference hall. The Daily Observer says the course, which is being organized by the West African Institute for Financial and Economic Management (WAIFEM), will expose participants to contemporary issues in trade policy analysis and provide a theoretically consistent and quantitative way to evaluate different economic policies. 

Inter-Political Parties Festival Launched Parties Cautioned to Keep the Peace


In an effort to maintain peace, all Liberians including foreign nationals are currently enjoying a group, monitoring the 2017 General and Presidential Elections has launched an inter-political dialogue, which is a peace festival to avoid electoral violence. Speaking at the launch of the Inter-Political Party Festival over the weekend at the Farmington Hotel in Margibi County, the President of the project, Letia Assaf-Bates expressed her warmest gratitude to the Political Parties for their supports to the peace process, the INQUIRER newspaper reads.

Education Is Key To Productive Life– Foreign Minister Kamara Tells LREC Graduates

The Daily Observer says Foreign Minister Marjon Kamara has reminded graduates of the Liberia Renaissance Education Complex (LREC) that education is key to a productive life and urged them to always persevere, exercise patience and cultivate determination in their academic pursuits. Serving as Keynote Speaker at the first graduation program of the school in Duazon Community, Margibi County, Minister Kamara recounted the many challenges she encountered in the United States of America while awaiting a United Nations job which took three years to materialize. “While I was waiting for the UN job, I made use of the life skills acquired as a professional typist during my secondary education.” “I want to remind you that you are about to enter a very competitive society and environment that requires fortitude, resilience and hard work,” Minister Kamara told the graduates.   She also urged the LREC administration to endeavor to expand the vocational and technical arms of the school to meet the growing need for such skills in the country.

8 Liberian Students Off To US For YES Program

The Daily Observer reads that the American Government through the International Education and Resource Network (IEARN-Liberia) has qualified eight Liberian students from three counties to depart the country today, Tuesday, for the Kennedy Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) program lasting one year. The students are between the ages of 15 and 16, and are from Montserrado, Bomi and Grand Cape Mount counties. Paul Hinshaw, Public Affairs Officer at the US Embassy in Monrovia, said the program is intended to recognize the importance of youth exchange as a key component to building bridges between citizens of the United States and countries around the world, particularly those with significant Muslim populations. Mr. Hinshaw, who also benefited from the program, described the students as YES Ambassadors for their country. He called on the beneficiaries to positively represent their country by prioritizing their education for the betterment of Liberia.

600 Patients Undergo Free Surgery In Nimba

The Medical Director of the Esther and Jereline (E&J) Medical Center in Nimba County, Dr. Peter M. George has disclosed that the medical center in Ganta has discharged some 600 patients who underwent free medical surgery. Dr. John Hobbies, head of the medical team Hernia International UK branch arrived in the county a treated some 600 patients. Some of the patients were said to be suffering from Hernia. They received free medical surgery in RIH, LIH, BIH, and Hydro seed which lasted for one week in the county. He said the good will gesture was provided by the Hernia International UK branch, and the incumbent lawmaker of the District, Representative Jeremiah Kough, the INQUIRER newspaper reads.

PYPP Launches 8th Class Recruitment

The President’s Young Professional Program (PYPP) in collaboration with Civil Service Agency (CSA) has officially launched its eighth class recruitment exercise to prepare professional Liberians for the future. Addressing a news conference at the PYP headquarters, Executive Director Hh K. Zaizay disclosed that the recruitment exercise will be for recent Liberian College Graduates to form Class Eight of the PYPP ad it will not be for people exceeding more than five years since graduation from any discipline. ED Zaizay added that the exercise will recruit 20 exceptionally talented recent Liberian University graduates with a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.00; however, every qualified and interested recent university graduate who is desirous and committed to working for the Government of Liberia to apply, the INQUIRER newspaper reads.

‘Prioritize Youth Development,’ Says Amb. Ajisomo

Ambassador Babatunde O. Ajisomo, Special Representative of the President of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to Liberia, has underscored the importance of youth development at last Friday’s closing exercise of the Young Political Leadership School (YPLS) before the holding of the October polls. The YPLS, he said, is designed to build the political leadership and organizing skills of young people who have chosen to pursue a career in politics and to transform their communities for the best. The program exposed young people to electoral politics, the campaign process, public speaking, and leadership skills. They also learned about campaign communications, press relations, research, polling and voter targeting thereby preparing them for transformational political leadership to serve their communities. The graduates are expected to undertake a 12-week citizen engagement, work on campaign teams, facilitate community forums that bring voters face to face with the candidates, document campaign promises and serve as community leaders/volunteers, according to the Daily Observer. 

FeJAL Conducts Journalist Safety Election Coverage Workshop


For Liberian journalists nationwide to be sensitive in election reporting for the October 10, 2017 election, The Female Journalists Association of Liberia (FeJAL), in collaboration with the Press Union of Liberia (PUL), through the proponent of the Norwegian Journalists Union, has conducted a two-day safety election coverage in the conference room of the YMCA, Broad Street. According to FeJAL President, Siatta Scott Johnson the journalists’ safety election coverage workshop brought together journalists from diverse backgrounds, including print and electronic, adding that the workshop was sponsored by the Norwegian Journalists Union through the Press Union of Liberia, the Hot Pepper news daily reads.