President Weah Congratulates Mr. Maada Bio on Election as President of Sierra Leone

His Excellency President George Manneh Weah, has sent two separate congratulatory messages to His Excellency Julius Maada Bio, President of the Republic of Sierra Leone and His Excellency Mr. Ernest Bai Koroma, former President respectively, following the recent March 31st run-off Presidential election, which President Maada Bio emerged victorious.

According to a Foreign Ministry release, President Weah, on behalf of the Government and people of Liberia, extended his warmest congratulations to his Sierra Leonean counterpart, Mr. Maada Bio, following his election as President of that sisterly republic.


While expressing optimism over Liberia-Sierra Leone relations, President Weah stated, “As you assume the Herculean task of shaping the future of your great country, I entertain the hope that the cordial ties of friendship and cooperation subsisting between our two countries and people will be further strengthened in the spirit of friendship and cooperation.”


He further told the Sierra Leonean President that his election comes barely three months after he, Mr. Weah, assumed his role as President of Liberia, too.


This, according to the Liberian leader, puts both leaders under similar expectations to deliver on the promises made to their respective peoples.


President Weah emphasized that with the assumption of office of the two leaders, almost at the same time, the two governments will  work together to deepen cooperation in areas of trade, commerce and other forms of partnerships that spur developments in both countries and the  Mano River Union (MRU) region as a whole.


He then prayed that the Almighty God will endow President Maada Bio with increased wisdom and resilience to lead the Sierra Leonean people to greater prosperity and continued happiness under his dynamic leadership. 


And to former President Ernest Bai Koroma, President Weah extended heartfelt congratulations and thanked him for the successful conduct of the recent Presidential and General Elections under his stewardship.


The Liberian leader said the Sierra Leonean elections marked a critical victory for democracy in Sierra Leone and Africa as a whole.


“The outcome of these elections is a clear manifestation of your strong commitment to democratic values and principles, which you have nurtured for years as President of the Republic of Sierra Leone,” he stated.


The President also noted that the holding of free, fair and democratic election in Sierra Leone set a standard for other African countries to emulate.


“Your tolerant dispositions and patriotism during these elections bring pride not only to the people of Sierra Leone but to the entire continent of Africa adding you will forever be remembered not as a good leader but as a nationalist, who placed the stability and future of his countries above all personal interests,” he added.