President Sirleaf, Also Chair of ECOWAS Authority, Congratulates Gambia’s President-Elect Barrow; Out-Going President, H.E. Yahya Jammeh

The President of Liberia and Chairperson of the Heads of State and Government of the ECOWAS Authority, Her Excellency Mrs. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, has sent a congratulatory message to the President-Elect of the Islamic Republic of The Gambia, His Excellency Mr. Adama Barrow.


According to a Foreign Ministry release, the congratulatory message in part said, “On behalf of the Heads of State and Government of the ECOWAS Authority, and in my own name, I extend to you and through Your Excellency, to the Government and people of the Islamic Republic of The Gambia, warmest congratulations on the occasion of your election to the presidency of your great country.”


President Sirleaf applauded the people of The Gambia for the peaceful conduct of the elections which ushered in a new political dispensation that marks a historic democratic transition there.


The Chair of ECOWAS Authority hoped that as President-Elect Barrow assumes the herculean responsibility of leading his people, The Gambia will continue to play a prominent role in the ECOWAS region, in collaboration with other Member States, as they work together to further strengthen deeper cooperation in the sub-region, and in fostering regional peace and security.


She prayed that the Almighty God will endow President-Elect Barrow with abundant wisdom and strength as he leads his people to nobler heights.


Meanwhile, in a related development, Liberia’s President Sirleaf, also Chair of ECOWAS Authority, on behalf of her colleagues, extended warmest congratulations to His Excellency Alhaji Dr. Yahya Abdul-azziz Jemus Junkung Jammeh Babila Mansa, and through him, the Government and people of the Islamic Republic of The Gambia for the peaceful, transparent and fair conduct of the presidential and general elections held under his watch, which will result into a historic political transition in that country.


“You will be remembered by the ECOWAS region, Africa and the world as a whole, for your patriotic acceptance of the election results which reflect the will of Allah and the people of The Gambia,” the special message stressed, adding, “By your voluntary concession, you have set a very high standard for emulation by all incumbent and future leaders in Africa and the world at large.”


President Sirleaf prayed that as His Excellency Alhaji Dr. Yahya Abdul-azziz Jemus Junkung Jammeh Babila Mansa transitions to private life, the Almighty Allah will endow him with the strength he needs for his continued contribution to development of his country.