Daily Media Summary, 06-03--2014

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia



President Johnson Sirleaf’s congratulatory message to Italy on her 68th Republic Day, the French Government donation of non-lethal weapons to the Liberia Nation Police and the Mano Union pledge to support Liberia in preserving their culture and sustaining peace, are among dominant stories in our selected local news dailies for today, Tuesday, June 3, 2014


President Johnson Sirleaf Congratulates Italy On 68thRepublic Day


The Inquirernewspaper quotes a Foreign Ministry release as saying that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a message of congratulations to the Government and People of the Republic of Italy on the occasion commemorating that country’s 68th   Republic Day.  In her message to His Excellency, Giorgio Napolitano, President of the Republic of Italy, Madam Johnson Sirleaf extended warmest congratulations and best wishes to the Government and People of Italy on their historic anniversary. President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf recalled the strong and long-standing bond of friendship that is deeply rooted in the two countries’ commitment to uphold their shared values of freedom and human dignity. The Liberian Leader then acknowledged the significant contributions the Government of Italy has made to priority areas of Liberia’s development agenda, especially to the education, health and agriculture sectors. President Johnson Sirleaf recalled her recent visit to Italy where held talks with officials of that friendly government and describes the discussions held as indeed productive and rewarding, reflecting a true manifestation of the two countries’ aspiration to see their already excellent relations strengthened and enriched to their mutual benefit. Madam Johnson Sirleaf then wished for H.E. Napolitano continued good health and happiness, and for the People of Italy sustained peace and prosperity. 

Related Caption:  President Johnson Sirleaf Congratulates Italy On 68thRepublic Day (Heritage). In a related development  under the caption President Sirleaf Congratulates Nigeria  On Democracy Day Celebration,  the National Chronicle quote a Foreign Ministry release as saying that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a message of congratulation to the Government and People of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on the occasion marking the celebration of the Democracy Day of that country. In her message to Nigerian President His Excellency Goodluck Jonathan, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf intimated that “It gives me immense pleasure to extend to you, and through you, to the Government and People of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, heartfelt congratulations and best wishes on behalf of the Government and People of Liberia, and in my own name. The Liberian President stated that as Nigeria commemorates this joyous occasion, this is a clear manifestation that Nigeria has benefited from its experience in the conduct of Democracy in Africa, and hope that the cordial ties of friendship and cooperation existing between the two countries and people will be strengthened in the spirit of African solidarity as well as within the Economic Community of West African State (ECOWAS). She then prayed that the Almighty God will endow President Goodluck Jonathan with abundant wisdom and strength as he leads his compatriots to nobler height.

Liberian Police Get French Donation

The Government of France has donated huge quantity of non-lethal weapons to the Liberia Nation Police LNP to be use by the Police Support Unit PSU in crowd control. According to a release from LNP, the French donation comes at the time the LNP is in dying need of logistical support in the wake of United Nations drawdown. The donation, which includes tear gas and grenades, were presented to the LNP by French Ambassador Joel Godeau on behalf of the French Government over the weekend, when the Police Training Academy graduated the ninth batch of officers from the PSU. Officers of the PSU have been undergoing months of intensive training in crowd control; rioting under the auspice of the Government of Franc ea s part of its support to the capacity building drive of the LNP ahead of the potential drawdown of the UN Mission in Liberia, the FOCUS newspaper writes.

Related Caption: France Donates Non-Lethal Weapons to PSU(The Analyst), LNP Gets ‘Attractive Arsenal’-As France Donates Weapons (In Profile Daily), France Donates ‘Lethal Weapons’ to LNP(Daily Observer), French Government Donates Huge Quantity Of Non-Lethal Weapons To LNP (Heritage Newspaper)

MRU Pleages Support to Peace

The Resident Representative of the Mano River Union (MRU) in Liberia, Mr. Lawrence Morris, has assured Liberians of the Union’s support in preserving their culture and sustaining peace in the country. He said the MRU supports any action towards developing a culture of peace, noting that this is a major theme of MRU’s ten year agenda, the News reports.

Related Caption: MRU Pledges Support To Peace in Liberia(In Profile Daily)

Liberian Designer Hits Africa Day Program

Liberia’s fashion designer Trohoe Kpargai was a delight to watch with his blend of Africa, Arab, French, and American style designs, his team made a remarkable representation of mama Liberia. Each year African diplomats assigned with the UN body for Science, Education and Culture to celebrate the richness in African cultures and history called African Day, May 26-28, 2014. Under the auspices of the of the Liberian Embassy in Paris, France. Michael Jackson’s Liberian girl filled the theater and the stage was “blow” off. The Red, White and Blue took the show and other participants and the audience cheers Africa’s oldest Republic. Before that it was a show of Liberian food and a Liberian booth on agriculture and it potential. Thanks to the Agriculture of Liberia for the posters and booklets.

Related Captions: African Diplomats Conclude Africa Week…Liberian Fashion Designer Lights up the Stage(The Inquirer), African Diplomats Conclude Africa Week…Liberian Fashion Designer Lights up the Stage(In Profile Daily)

Liberia's Education System Is On Track - MOE Official

TheINSIGHT newspaper reports that Deputy Education Minister for Instruction, Hawah Goll-Kotchi, has described the Liberian education system as “on track to strengthen the standard of learning” in the country. Deputy Minister Goll-Kotchi said the education system is on track to enable Liberian children to compete with other students in the sub-region. She told the Liberia News Agency Saturday shortly after the Liberia National Spelling Bee final competition at the Monrovia City Hall, that it is regrettable that the current budgetary allocation to the Ministry is inadequate to organize all the programs intended to improve the standard of Liberian students. She explained that due to the lack of budget for other programs to help build the capacities of students in the country, the Education Ministry has been receiving assistance from local and international partners.

Related Captions:  Liberia's Education System Is On Track…MOE Official(The Inquirer), Liberia's Education System Is On Track…Deputy Education Minister(The News),Liberia's Education System Is On Track…MOE Official(In Profile Daily)


BWI to dedicate Biomass, Hydraulic Centers

The Administration of the Booker Washington Institute (BWI) in Kakata, Margibi County, is expected to dedicate two newly-constructed training centers dealing with biomass and hydraulics. BWI Vice Principal Isaac Stevens said the dedication will take place on the institution’s Founder’s Day on June 29. He disclosed that the biomass training center is a renewable energy that produces power through wood chips, palm kernels and coconut shells. He said the Biomass Training Center was constructed by Winrock International with funding from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). He said the center has three gas fires that produce 20 kilowatts each, totaling 60 kilowatts of electricity. He said the power produced from the biomass is cost-efficient and will lessen the high cost of fuel to run the institution’s diesel generator. According to Mr. Stevens, the Heavy Duty Hydraulic Training Center was established by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), with funding primarily coming from the Japanese Government. It is a heavy equipment training center that will specifically train students in the operation of all heavy duty machines. Stevens said the training center will be primarily simulated with few machines on the ground for practical training, while majority of the training will be done on the computer, reports theINSIGHTdaily.

Related Caption:BWI to dedicate Biomass, Hydraulic Centers(In Profile Daily)

Regional Rural WASH Workshops Earmarked 

The Deputy Public Works Minister for Rural Development and Community Services, Mr. Jackson J. Paye has disclosed plans by the Ministry to shortly conduct a regional National Rural Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Program validation workshop in Bomi, Grand Bassa, Margibi, and Grand Gedeh Counties respectively. According to Deputy Minister Paye, the regional validation workshops will bring together stakeholders in the WASH sector within the 15 counties to validate findings from a development study done by two international and one local consultancy firms on the National Rural Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Program of Liberia.
Mr. Paye later thanked the participants who attended the first validation workshop and urged them to share their expertise and knowledge so as to engender significant improvement in the National Rural Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Program of Liberia. Deputy Minister Paye’s statement was contained in remarks made on his behalf by the Director of Rural Water Supply Division at the Ministry of –Public Works, Mr. Govego W. Karwee, at the opening of a two day validation workshop on the National Rural Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (NRWSHP) Program of Liberia, held at the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare in Congo Town, according to the FOCUS newspaper.

Related Caption: Four Counties Benefits From WASH-Public Works Reveal(In Profile Daily)


President Visit Albany

The New Democrat Newspaper quotes the WALB News reports: The first woman president of Liberia and Nobel Prize Laureate, Ellen Sirleaf yesterday visited Southwest Georgia to support a local health education program. This is a very exciting time for those on the fundraising committee, they have been working hard in trying to make Her Excellency's time in Albany as successful as possible and its starts with getting community members involved. Last night, President Sirleaf was at the Albany Museum of Art to speak about the importance of health education and explain what roles people can play in rebuilding areas to help doctors and nurses in Monrovia, Liberia. It's a project that is currently in the works for Albany organization HEARTT, which stands for Health Education and Relief Through Education. Her son, James Sirleaf is the ER director of Phoebe Hospital as well as chairman of the program. Their mission is to provide medicinal assistance with treatment, training, funds, development and community outreach overseas.  HEARTT leader, Jennifer Vanston, says she is very honored to have President Sirleaf and hopes she sees how people in Southwest Georgia value the same ideas and practices.

Liberia Admitted As Member Of The World Organization For Health

Liberia has been admitted as a member of the World Organization for Animal Health at the organization's 82nd Session with more than 850 dignitaries in attendance. Liberia's membership got an overwhelming endorsement after the submission of its application two years ago by delegates attending the forum, with a great anticipation that the country's animal health programs can be improved. Also admitted into the organization as one of its newest members, was the Republic of South Sudan. The conference was held between May 25-30 in Paris,  France. Making Liberia's case at the session, a delegation headed by Deputy Agriculture Minister Seklau Wiles pledged Liberia's commitment to the aspirations of animal health treatment and prevention and Liberia's determination to fight animal related diseases. The delegation which included Mr. Joseph Anderson of the Ministry of Agriculture and Ms. Raddie Perry of the Liberian Embassy in Paris also disclosed that through training workshops and capacity building, the country has made impact in the areas of Veterinary products, Vet legislation, Livestock protection as well as making sure that Liberia complies with all Conventions of the organization, pens the Heritage Newspaper.

Pres. Sirleaf Warns Against Disrupting Work at Concessions

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has called on Liberians to refrain from disrupting the operations of concessions, noting that this has the propensity to interrupt the smooth flow of the economy. The Liberian leader made the call Wednesday in a nationwide address on the state of economy at her Foreign Ministry office in Monrovia. She said when people disrupt the progress of a company on account of a matter that can be resolved through dialogue; it creates delays in concluding negotiations to get a committed investment to become operational, writes the FOCUS newspaper. President Sirleaf also said when individuals unfairly portray the country to the rest of the world as being unworthy of investment, “they are actually straining the engine of our bus the reducing the speed at which we could possible travel”, the FOCUS reports.

Liberia Amongst Winners of 2014 Transparency International Award

Alexise Ouedraogo, a TV journalist from Cote d’Ivoire, Victor Akinwande, a software developer from Nigeria, and Lawrence Yealue, a technology activist from Liberia have been chosen as the winners of Transparency International’s Social Entrepreneurs Initiative for West Africa competition, Transparency International said today. The Social Entrepreneurs’ Initiative is run by the International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) within Transparency International with the aim of empowering young people to fight corruption in their own communities. This is the first time that it has been run in West Africa. Over 65 entries from young people aged 18 to 35 from Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Cote d’Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and Togo, were submitted for the competition, focussing on the theme ‘Promoting Integrity in the Education Sector’. Selected by the judging panel for their creativity and potential impact, the three winning ideas aim to raise awareness and take action to combat the devastating impact of corruption in education through films, infographics and SMS technology, reports the New Democrat Newspaper.

National Symposium On Liberia’s Symbols & National Awards Underway

The Heritage Newspaper reports, a national symposium on Liberia’s symbols ad national awards will be held on June 6, 2014 at the Paynesville City Hall, outside Monrovia. According to a press release, the symposium held under the theme, “Reviewing Liberia’s National Symbols to Renew National Identity” will bring together Liberias from government, civil society, women groups, the media, academia and other interests groups. Sister Mary Laurene Browne will deliver the keynote address. Other speakers: are the South African Ambassador accreted to Liberia, His Excellency, Masilo E. Mabeta, H.E. Brahima Kaba, Liberia’s Ambassador to the Republic of Senegal, the Chairperson of the History Department of the University of Liberia, Dr. William E. Allen, and former Associate Justice and current Chairperson of the International Human Rights Commission, Couselor Gladys Johnson.