Daily Media Summary, 11-02-2015


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia.


News of PresidentJohnson Sirleaf’scongratulatory messages to Presidents Alpha Condé and Alassane Ouattara for their re-election for second term as Presidents of the Republics of Guinea and La Côte d’Ivoire respectively, herbilateral talks with the Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi, in New Delhi, India and Liberia’s participation in the signing of the US$257 million MCC Liberia Compact with the government of the United States in Washington DC.arethe stories dominating today's headlines on the newsstand.




Ellen Congratulates Presidents Ouattarra & Condé On Re-election

The INFORMERnewspaper reports that PresidentEllen Johnson Sirleaf has sent two separate messages of congratulations to Presidents Alpha Condé and Alassane Ouattara for their re-election for second term as Presidents of the Republics of Guinea and La Côte d’Ivoire respectively. In her message to Mr. Condé, President of the Republic of Guinea, Madam Johnson Sirleaf, on behalf of the Government and People of Liberia, extended warmest congratulations to the Guinean leader, and through him, to the Government and People of Guinea for his re-election in the recent poll which renews his mandate and reaffirms the confidence and trust the People of Guinea reposed in his ability to continue to lead them in a prosperous future, which she said, marks a great leap in the democratization process of Guinea. “As you continue this worthy task to serve your country, I entertain the hope that the cordial ties of friendship and cooperation subsisting between our two countries and peoples will be further strengthened in the spirit of African solidarity”, the President emphasized. A Foreign Ministry release said president Johnson Sirleaf also noted with confidence that both Liberia and Guinea will continue to work together in furtherance of deeper cooperation at the MRU, AU, UN and other international fora aimed at promoting international peace and security amongst all nations, and prayed that Allah endows the Guinean leader with abundant wisdom and strength as he leads his people to nobler height. To President Alassane Ouatattara and the Government and People of La Côte d’Ivoire, President Johnson Sirleaf expressed heartfelt congratulations and best wishes on the occasion of his re-election to the highest office of that country. “We applaud the people of La Côte d’Ivoire for the peaceful conduct of the elections which marks a great victory for democracy in your country and Africa as a whole”, the Liberian leader stated. While acknowledging this historic occasion, she expressed hope that the cordial ties of friendship and cooperation existing between the two countries will be further strengthened in the spirit of African solidarity as they work together in furtherance of deeper cooperation at the MRU, ECOWAS AU and the United Nations.  “We would like to renew the longstanding friendship and cooperation between Liberia and La Côte d’Ivoire, which have gained significant momentum over the years”, she added. President Johnson Sirleaf also prayed that as Mr. Ouattara officially assumes the highest office for the second term, the Almighty Allah will grant him the wisdom and fortitude to lead his people to prosperity and happiness.


Related Captions:Pres. Sirleaf Congratulates Guinea And I. Coast For Successful Elections(The New Dawn), Ellen Congratulates Presidents Ouattarra & Condé On Re-election(Heritage)



Pres. Sirleaf, Indian Modi Hold Bilateral Talks

The New Dawnnewspaper reports that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has held bilateral talks with the Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi, in New Delhi, India. A dispatch from New Delhi says both leaders met at Prime Minister Modi’s office on Friday, October 30, 2015. During their meeting, President Sirleaf lauded the Indian Prime Minister and his government for organizing and hosting the 3rd India-Africa Forum Summit in New Delhi and praised the long standing friendship and solidarity with the African continent and Liberia in particular. On current infrastructure works including road reconstruction across the country, the Liberian President briefed Indian Prime Minister Modi on efforts to rebuild the Gbarnga to Menicorma highway and requested India’s consideration to assist the project, as well as his government’s support to revamping and strengthening the country’s healthcare system. President Sirleaf thanked Prime Minister Modi and the Indian Government for the many scholarships provided Liberian students to study in his country and the deployment of female police officers to the operations of the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL). “The deployment of the female unit has motivated Liberian women about the security sector,” she noted; emphasizing that more support was needed for the security sector considering the current drawdown process of UN peacekeeping mission in Liberia. She also indicated that India’s partnership with the continent and Liberia must be mutual and based on shared values. For his part, Prime Minister Modi welcomed President Sirleaf and delegation to express joy that the 3rd India-Africa Forum Summit was a resounding success. He thanked the Liberian President for her role and participation. He recalled the 2013 State Visit of the Liberian leader to India and expressed happiness for having her back again and renewed his birthday felicitation to her. He indicated that the election of President Sirleaf as the continent and Liberia’s first democratically elected President makes her a role model of all countries on the African continent. “The issues you have raised are very essential and important and my government will give keen attention to them to enable Liberia move forward with its development goals. I want to assure you that we will follow-up on all the concerns, requests and issues to their logical conclusion,” the Indian Prime Minister promised President Sirleaf. Prime Minister Modi said his country was proud of its tremendous contributions to international peacekeeping and particularly its involvement with peacekeeping in Liberia through the first ever female police unit and stands ready to do whatever it can to keep helping the peace efforts.


Related Captions: Ellen, Indian PM Modi Hold Bilateral Talks(The NEWS), Liberia, India On Development Path(New Democrat)



In Washington DC U.S. Liberia to sign US$257M MCC Liberia Compact Today

Vice President Joseph N. Boakai will lead a Liberian delegation today, Monday, November 02, 2015 to the signing of the US$257 million MCC Liberia Compact with the Government of the United States in Washington DC. Other members of the Liberian delegation will be Minister of Finance and Development Planning Amara Konneh and Liberian Ambassador to the United States Amb. Jeremiah C. Sulunteh, according to a MICAT release. The U.S. Delegation to the signing ceremony will comprise Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources Heather Higginbottom, Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) CEO Dana J. Hyde and U.S. Ambassador to Liberia Deborah R. Malac, the Heritage newspaper writes.


Related Captions: U.S., Liberia To Sign US$257M MCC Liberia Compact Today(The INFORMER), U.S., Liberia To Sign US$257M MCC Liberia Compact(New Democrat)








Pres. Sirleaf Signs For JFK

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has secured an agreement on behalf of the John F. Kennedy Medical Center with the L V Prasad Eye Institute in New Delhi, India which aims to create added value to the services of the two entities. The L V Prasad Eye Institute (LVPEI), a non-for-profit, non-governmental, public-spirited comprehensive eye care institution, entered into an agreement with the JFK Medical Center to create added value to the services of their respective institutions through synergies including the integration and cross transfer of medical skills, knowledge and expertise. L V Prasad Eye Institute (LVPEI) was established at Hyderabad, India in 1986-87. A dispatch, from India said the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed in New Delhi during a meeting attended by president Sirleaf and the founder and chair of LVPEI, Dr. Gullapalli N. Rao, to facilitate the creation of a comprehensive self-sustaining Eye Health Initiative in Liberia. Under this initiative, L V Prasad Eye Institute will provide inputs in developing highly customized eye care services in Liberia based on needs, feasibility and suitability of the services at the JFK Medical Center. In addition, LVPEI will also provide guidance and assistance in human resource planning, recruitment, training and also assist the JFK Medical Center in developing and implementing country-wide community eye health programs, reports the New Dawn newspaper.


Related Caption: Ellen Secures Agreement For JFK-Engages More Entrepreneurs, Liberian Students In India(The INFORMER)


Dr. Evelyn Kandakai Takes Over Cuttington Today

According to the Daily Observer, Dr. Evelyn Kandakai, Liberia’s former Minister of Education, today takes over as Acting President of Cuttington University. She was recently appointed to the position by the university’s Board of Trustees, headed by its chairman, Most Rev. Jonathan B.B. Hart, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Liberia and Archbishop of the Interim Province of West Africa (Anglican). Dr. Kandakai’s appointment follows the recent retirement of Dr. Henrique Tokpa, who was elected Cuttington President in 2002. She was recently appointed as head of the Monrovia office of the West African Examinations Council (WAEC).  



Prez Sirleaf Visits Agriculture, Fishing & Juice Factory In China

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has arrived in Beijing, People’s Republic of China, at the start of a four-day state visit to the world’s most populous nation. According to a dispatch, President Sirleaf and her delegation arrived in Beijing on Sunday, November 1, following a successful visit to India where she participated in the 3rd India-Africa Forum Summit. President Sirleaf was met on arrival at the Beijing International Airport by high-level Chinese officials headed by Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Ming and the Chinese Ambassador to Liberia, Zhang Yue, as well as Liberia’s Ambassador to China, McKinley Thomas and other officials of the Liberian Embassy near Beijing. Shortly thereafter, President Sirleaf and delegation departed Beijing for Xiamen City in Fujian Province for a day visit to an agriculture, fishing and juice factory, writes the Daily Observer.


Related Caption: President Sirleaf Visits China(New Democrat)


C. H. Rennie Ebola Research Enrollment Hit 172 as LCP, PREVAIL Implore Traditional Leaders

The Chief Medical Officer of the C.H. Rennie Hospital in Kakata, Margibi County Dr. Kumblytee Johnson has revealed that the enrollment of Ebola survivals at the Hospital is 172 as of October 30, 2015. Speaking Friday October 30, 2015 at a one-day advocacy engagement forum organized by the Liberia Crusaders for Peace (LCP) and the Partnership for Research on the Ebola Virus in Liberia (PREVAIL), Dr. Johnson disclosed that Ebola survivals from near-by counties including rural Montserrado, Grand Bassa and Bong are also enrolling at the C.H. Rennie Hospital. According to her, a total of 17 Ebola survivals enrolled in the Medical Study are from the three mentioned counties., noting that responses to the Medical Research in the County were very encouraging as the Hospital could achieve its goal of enrolling the targeted over 300 Ebola survivals in the short possible time, the Informer newspaper writes.


Related Caption: C.H. Rennie Ebola Research Enrollment Hits 172(Heritage)


FLY Gets Computer, Electrical Bikes for Chinese Embassy

A back page story of the News newspaper reports that The Chinese Embassy near Monrovia last Friday donated several items to the Federation of Liberian Youth (FLY). The items which valued about US$9,000 include seven new laptops, three desktops, 10 printers and two electrical bikes. Presenting the items, the Chargé d’affaires at the Chinese Embassy Pang Han Zhao said the donation is the Embassy’s initial contribution to FLY which is intended to enhance the working of the youth group. Mr. Pang said the Chinese Government attaches importance to the empowerment of Liberian youth; as such, it decided to identify with FLY which is representing the young people of Liberia.