Daily Media Summary 2018-08-16

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




The Launching of the National Policy and Response Strategy on Climate Change by the Government of Liberia,  Nimba County Representative Samuel G. Kogar’s suggesting that spending Agencies of Government submits quarterly expenditure reports as well as news of Suspect Jonathan Williams in Journalist Tyron Browne Murder Case Pleading for Time to Hire his private Lawyer are stories dominating today’s summary of the local dailies.    



Protecting Earth: Liberia Launches National Policy and Response Strategy on Climate Change

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of Liberia with support from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) through the National Adaptation Plans (NAP) has launched the National Policy & Response Strategy on Climate Change. Declaring the official launch of the policy on behalf of the Liberian Government, the Minister of Finance and Development Planning, Samuel Tweah said the climate change policy and response strategy represent a significant milestone in Liberia’s effort to combat the hazard of climate change. Minister Tweah added that the document demonstrates the country’s commitment to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement which Liberia’s ratified a fortnight ago. According to the Finance Minister, climate change has the potential to reverse the gains of the past decades and is partly responsible for Liberia’s failure to achieve any of the Millennium Development Goals, according to the FrontPage Africa newspaper.


Related Caption: Liberia Remains Vulnerable to Climate Change-Finance Minister declares at launch of National Policy and Response Strategy on Climate Change (Daily Observer)



No Legal Counsel’ Main Suspect In Journalist Murder Case Pleads for Time to Hire Lawyer

At Criminal Court ‘A’ on Wednesday, August 15, Mr. Jonathan Williams, the main suspect, among five to face prosecution in the murder case of  photojournalist Tyron Browne of Super FM has pleaded with the court for three weeks to hire a legal team to represent him. “Your honor currently I don’t have a lawyer but my family is assisting me to secure one. We are now in the final stage of the negotiation and I plead with your honor that within three weeks I will have secured and negotiated with the lawyer, who shall also review the case file.” This request by Williams was followed by an enquiry made by the public defenders to the court in order to ascertain who was representing him since their (public defenders) clients were no more indicted by state prosecutors. Williams’ respond to this enquiry was a plead for three weeks to hire a private lawyer. The Resident Circuit Judge of Criminal Court ‘A,’ Roosevelt Willie, granted Williams’ request but reduced the weeks to two. The FrontPage Africa newspaper reads that Wednesday was the first appearance of the main suspect and three others — Massa Kennedy, Bill Caesar Kennedy and Juana Bracewell — of the six suspects indicted.


Related Caption: Journalist’s ‘Killer’ Appears In Court Without Lawyer (Daily Observer)


House Demands Expenditure Reports

Nimba County District #5 Rep. Samuel G. Kogar is suggesting that each spending entity for which appropriations have been made in the budget submits a quarterly budget performance report to the Legislature with explanatory notes of the quantitative and qualitative results for spending the appropriation provided. Citing Section 7 (a) of the 2009 Public Financial Management Law, Rep. Korgar stated on Wednesday, 15 August on Capitol Hill that “Each spending entity for which appropriations have been made in this budget shall submit a quarterly budget performance report to the House of Representatives and Senate.”  According to Rep. Korgar, explanatory notes of the quantitative and qualitative results for spending the appropriation provided are due within 15 days after the end of each quarter, reads the New Dawn newspaper.



House Wants Update On Census

According to the INQUIRER newspaper, The House of Representatives of the 54th National Legislature is requesting the Liberia Institute of Statistic and Geo-Information Services (LISGIS) and the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning to provide an update on the process leading to the holding of Liberia’s Population and Housing Census in 2019. The March 2018 Census was post postponed due to the inability of the Government of Liberia to provide funds needed to carry out the constitutional mandate. The Houses committee on Governance and Government Reform Chairman, Representative Larry Younquoi indicated that the significance of the Census cannot be overemphasized because it will help the Government sets its development agenda. In its 50th day sitting on Tuesday, members of the House of Representatives agreed that the communication be issued to effect the appearance of the two institutions to provide updates on the processes leading to the National Housing and Population Census that will be held in November 2019.


Weah Meets Opposition Today

The New Dawn newspaper says President George Weah and opposition parties are due to meet today, 16 August based on the President’s request to promote the spirit of national unity and political tolerance between government and the opposition. According to the Executive Mansion, the one - day meeting with opposition leaders is due to be held at Bella Cassa in Sinkor in Monrovia. The meeting may bring out different suggestions and expressions from opposition leaders.



8 Liberian Entrepreneurs Will Join Global Investors at 4th Annual TEF Forum

The Daily Observer reads that at least eight Liberian entrepreneurs, who were selected early this year by the Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF) entrepreneurship support program, are expected to travel to Lagos, Nigeria to attend its 4th annual forum. The TEF forum, which will be held on October 25, 2018, is the largest gathering of African entrepreneurs and the broader entrepreneurship ecosystem will unite over 5,000 entrepreneurs, global investors, leaders from the African public and private sectors and developmental organizations, a release from the United Bank for Africa (UBA) Liberia branch has said.


UNDP Gives To Kru Town

According to the INQUIRER newspaper, The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) has donated several tools worth more than four thousand United States Dollars (4000 US$) to New Kru Town geared towards cleaning the Borough. According to the Project Manager from the UNDP, Sheku Davora, the donation of the materials is in continuation of the costal Add on Project undertaken by the UNDP in collaboration with the Liberian Government through the Ministry of Lands Mines and Energy and the Environmental protection Agency. He said the donation was a specific request from members of the Liberian historic Writers Association (LHWA) a Kru town based organization. Presenting the materials to the Ministry of Mines and Energy for onward presentation to LHWA, Moses Massah, also from the UNDP indicated that the UNDP was proud to be part of the uplifting of the Kru Town especially the Costal Add-on project.

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