Daily Media Summary 2018-05-01

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia



Today’s edition of our summary of the local dailies highlights news of Finance and Development Planning Minister, Samuel Tweah’s submission of the Draft 2018-19 National Budget including theEuropean Union’s disclosure of  a 27 million budget support for Liberia, among others


Executive Submits US$562.2M Draft Budget

According to the New Dawn newspaper, the Executive branch of government through the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Development has presented the US$562.2 million national draft budget for FY2018/19 to the 54th Liberian Legislature for possible passage into law. Making the presentation Monday, 30 April at the Capitol, Finance Minister Samuel Tweah said the draft national budget is in line with President George Manneh Weah’s agenda to run a pro-poor government. Minister Tweah explains that the budget focuses on pro-poor policy of the government, suggesting that it is about people centered plight that is little different from previous budgets. Receiving the draft budget, Senate President Pro Tempore Albert Chie expresses thanks for crafting the budget in time. He recommends to Finance Ministry authorities to fight against budget shortfall and assures that the senate will be happy to receive realistic budget in order to avoid shortfall in the near future. This is the first national budget submitted by the Weah Administration to the Liberian Legislature.


Related Captions: First Pro-poor Draft Budget Out-Projected At US$562.2m(In Profile Daily), Finance Minister Samuel Tweah Submits Draft Budget Of US$562M To Legislature For Next Fiscal Year-Infrastructure Takes Priority In 2018-19 Budget(FrontPage Africa)


EU Pledges US27m Budget Support

One of Liberia’s partners, the European Union through its delegation to the United Nations, has disclosed a 27 million budget support for Liberia with 4 million to be released in this fiscal year. The EU also assured that it will continue to support the Country's Energy sector. Other partners including Sweden said they were considering supporting Liberia through the Multi Partner Trust Fund, administered by the United Nations. According to the New Dawn newspaper, the partners’ disclosures were made during Finance and Development Planning Minister Samuel D. Tweah Jr. meetings with top United Nations officials and donors in New York. The New Dawn newspaper reads that at a donor round table last week, Minister Tweah shared with partners including the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), European Union, Crisis Fragility and Resilience Unit, and representatives from the Swedish and German Missions; the roadmap for the Pro-Poor Agenda, which he described as an ambitious plan intended to respond to the needs of Liberians especially the deprived and those living in poverty. Minister Tweah named road connectivity, youth and human development, investing in agriculture especially rice and cassava as major priorities.


Veep Howard-Taylor Raps on Development Issues-Meets Officials of Kigali City

The In Profile Daily reports that Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor has held talks with officials of the city of Kagali, Rwanda with the aim of engendering sisterly relationships. This relationship according to a dispatch would see Monrovia, Paynesville and Gbarnga City Mayors emulate strategies used to make Kigali the cleanest city in Africa in order to replicate them. Speaking during the meeting, the Liberian Vice President added that Rwanda has shown that all things are possible if Liberians work together for the good of country and respective communities. According to Madame Taylor, when this is done, the City Mayors of Monrovia, Paynesville and Gbarnga can model best practices that led to Kigali hitting the historic milestone of being the cleanest city. Reporting under the caption “Liberia’s Vice President Deposits Flowers At Rwanda Genocide Museum”the FrontPage Africa newspaper reads that while in Rwanda, Vice President Jewel Cianeh Howard –Taylor visited the Rwandan Genocide Museum to pay homage to those who lost their lives during the sad violent incident. She also deposited a bouquet of flower in memory of her fellow Africans who were massacred. The daily reads that VP Howard-Taylor made the visit over the weekend when she attended the Women Political Leaders Global Forum and the Mo Ibrahim Governance weekend in Kigali, Rwanda. According to Vice President Howard –Taylor, her visit to the graves of deceased is a beginning of an initiative that would see the creation of a war museum in Liberia as a way of instituting inclusive reconciliation and bid farewell to war.


ECOWAS Commission Prexy Visits Liberia

The President of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Commission, Dr. Jean-Claude Brou is expected to pay a two-day visit to Liberia during which he will hold talks with President George Manneh Weah and other top officials of Government. A statement said the purpose of the ECOWAS’ President visit will be to congratulate President Weah on his popular election as the 24th President of Liberia and formularize himself with the Government and people of Liberia, having assumed office on March 1, 2018, reads the In Profile Daily.


President Weah Holds Luncheon For WAFU Officials

President George Manneh Weah has hosted a special luncheon for officials of the West African Football Union (WAFU) currently participating in the ongoing WAFU Tournament in Monrovia. The New Dawnnewspaper says the luncheon was held Monday, April 30, 2018 at the C. Cecil Dennis Auditorium at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and epitomized President Weah’s own way of appreciating WAFU for choosing Liberia as host of such crucial tournament. According to the New Dawn newspaper, it is the first time in thirty years - the country is hosting the event, which provides opportunity for young local-based footballers of the West African region to showcase their talents on a wider competitive platform. President Weah described the gathering of over 30-man delegation, as just a “meet and greet” session.  President Weah then used the occasion to commend authorities of WAFU for inviting match commissioners and sport officials of the West African Sub-region to come and honor the tournament in Liberia.


EPA Head Attends Conference In Germany

The Executive Director of the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) of Liberia, Mr. Nathaniel T. Blama, Sr. is attending the United Nations Climate Change Conference fro, April 30 to Amy 10, 2018 in Bonn, Germany.  According to the In Profile Daily, the conference is being attended by more than 190 countries, international organizations, Civil Society Organizations, Climate Change Experts, youth groups and among others. The daily says the inter-sessional UN Climate Conference in Bonn, Germany is intended to address the modalities of the implementation of the UN Paris Climate Change Agreement ahead of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP24), Katowice, Poland in December 2018. COP 24 is intended to complete the rule set to implement the Paris Agreement.


On Implementation of Social & Gender Integration Plan: MCAL Begins Weeklong Training

The Millennium Challenge Account Liberia (MCAL) with funding from the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), has begun a weeklong training on the implementation of the Social and Gender Integration Plan (SGIP) for the Liberia Compact. The Heritage newspaper reads that the Gender and Social Inclusion Program of the Compact aims to ensure that the benefits of the Compact reach the all beneficiaries, including ordinary and vulnerable populations of Liberia. The daily says that the outcome of the training and action steps will form the basis for the MCA-L support to government Ministries and agencies, businesses, and other key stakeholders to implement the Gender Social Integration Plan under the Compact.


Action Aid Empowers Rural Women-Donates Motorbikes To Four Counties

According to the In Profile Daily, in an effort to support activities of rural women, Action Aid Liberia Monday, April 30, 2018 donated four motorbike and accessories to four counties. The gesture is part of a five-year Sexual Gender Based Violence program supervised and supported by Action Aid Liberia including its donors, SIDA, the Swedish Embassy near Monrovia. During the project, women and girls in the targeted counties-Bong, Montserrado, Grand Gedeh and Gbarpolu were trained on how to educate and sensitize rural dwellers on the danger of Sexual Gender Based Violence cases in their respective communities.


Police Officer Kills Motorcyclist?

A police depot commander in Paynesville Roosevelt Deman is reported to have shot and killed a 39 - year - old motorcycle operator Beyan Lamin, following a night - time chase on Sunday, 29 April over alleged violation of traffic regulation. Police authorities have confirmed the incident, but say they will investigate the matter, taking into consideration all the rules laid down in regards to discharging firearm by officers. Victim Lamin’s family says he was a former officer of Liberia National Police (LNP), but he turned to private business after being downsized from the police force during the previous government. Officer Deman who commands the Tortoise Base Police Depot in Redlight, Paynsville is said to have encountered victim Lamin at the Parker Paint Intersection at night and informed the deceased that he was under arrest for violating government regulation banning motorcycles in the area. The oldest daughter of the victim, Rachel Duo narrates that during the encounter at Parker Paint Intersection, Commander Deman allegedly insisted on taking Lamin, a former police officer to the Tortoise Base Police Depot along with his bike. Rachel says her father pleaded with Officer Deman to take the motorbike alone and allow him to go home, but the officer allegedly refused. As such, she says her father decided to escape to his oldest sister’s house in the Parker Paint Community, but Officer Deman chased him until both men arrived at Lamin’s sister’s house. According to Rachel, Lamin’s sister and one of his elder brothers begged Officer Deman to take the bike and allow victim Lamin to remain with them until the next day, promising to turn him over. Rachel adds that Commander Deman refused, thus leaving Lamin with no alternative but to attempt jumping into his sister’s. In the process of jumping in his sister’s house, witness Rachel claims that it was when Officer Deman allegedly shot victim Lamin in the back, instantly killing him on the spot due to profuse bleeding, the New Dawn newspaper reads.