Daily Media Summary 2017-08-14

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


Today’s edition of our summary of the local dailies includes news of President Sirleaf’s congratulatory messages to the Governments and peoples of the Central African Republic and the Republic of Congo and the joint communiqué  on cooperation in various areas issued by the Republic of Liberia and South Africa  among others.

President Sirleaf Congratulates Central African Republic, Republic of Congo on 57th Independence Anniversaries on Sunday, August 13 and Tuesday, August 15, Respectively

The Insight newspaper quotes a Foreign Ministry release as saying that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a message of congratulations to the Government and people of the Central African Republic (CAR) on the occasion commemorating the 57th Independence Anniversary on Sunday, August 13, 2017. The Central African Republic annually celebrates its Independence Anniversary on August 13, commemorating the nation’s independence from France in 1960. In the mid-19th century Sudan governed the territory of Upper-Oubangui that included present-day Central African Republic. In 1894, France created Ubangi-Shari territory (now CAR). In 1911, France ceded a portion of the territory of Ubangi-Shari to Germany and annexed it again after the end of World War 1. Since 1920, Ubangi-Shari was administered from Brazzaville in French Equatorial Africa. France implemented new laws and introduced mandatory cotton cultivation that led to usage of force labor. In 1957, Bartelemy Boganda, a leading nationalist politician, came to power. Within a year, he declared the establishment of the CAR and served as its first Prime Minister. After his death, his cousin David Dacko came to power. When the CAR gained formal independence from France in 1960, he became its first President. According to a Foreign Ministry release, in the message to her CAR counterpart, His Excellency Mr. Faustin-Archange Touadera, the Liberian President extended heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to the Government and people of CAR on behalf of the Government and people of Liberia and in her own name. “As the people of the Central African Republic commemorate this joyous occasion, I entertain the hope that the cordial ties of friendship and cooperation subsisting between our two countries and people will be further strengthened for the mutual benefit of our two countries,” President Sirleaf said.

Liberia, South Africa Issue Joint communiqué…Agriculture, Health, Telecommunication Prioritized

In furtherance of President Sirleaf’s State visit to the Republic of South Africa, Liberia and South Africa have issued a Joint Communiqué on Cooperation in various areas. According to a dispatch from Pretoria, on 11th of August 2017, the President of South Africa, Mr. Jacob Zuma, hosted Liberia’s President, Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, during the State visit to South Africa. During their bilateral discussion, the two Presidents reviewed a wide-range of bilateral, continental and global issues of common interest. They acknowledged the historical and strategic relations that happily exist between the two countries. Both Presidents Sirleaf and Zuma noted the devastating impact of the Ebola epidemic, and in this regard President Zuma congratulated Liberia and her neighbors for successfully managing the epidemic. In line with the spirit of the Communiqué, the two Presidents further noted with satisfaction the already signed Bilateral Mechanism of Cooperation between Liberia and South Africa that include a General Framework Agreement for Bilateral Cooperation, and a Memorandum of Understanding on Economic and Technical Cooperation. These instruments, according to the Communiqué, are aimed at strengthening economic relations as well as enhancing trade and investment between the two countries, reports the Heritage newspaper.

Related Caption: Liberia-South Africa Issue Joint Communique… Agriculture, Health, Telecommunication Prioritized (INSIGHT)

NEC Establishes 5,390 Polling Centers For 2017 Polls 

The Heritage newspaper reports that the elections outfit, National Elections Commission (NEC), has disclosed that it has created 5,390 polling centers across the country for the 2017 Presidential and Representative Elections. According to the Chairman of NEC, Jerome Korkoya, the allocation of the polling places is based on the number of registered voters. Addressing a press conference recently in Monrovia, Chairman Korkoya said each polling place is allocated for a maximum of 500 voters in keeping with the polling and counting procedures. Meanwhile, Chairman Korkoya has projected US$1.5 million for the printing of ballot papers for the October 10, Presidential and Representative Elections.

PREVAIL Hailed For Research, Visibility

Liberian health reporters have expressed delight over the regular media training and information exchange forum organized by the Partnership for Research on Ebola Virus in Liberia (PREVAIL). PREVAIL is a joint Liberia-US clinical research program established in 2014 in response to a request by former Liberian Health Minister, Dr. Walter Gwinnegale to then US Health  and Human Services Secretary, Sylvia Burwell to assist Liberia develop vaccines and therapeutics to tackle Ebola. The reporters drawn from various media institutions in the country spoke on Friday, August 11, 2017 at the PREVAIL headquarters at the JFK Medical Center during a one-day media training for health reporters to enhance science communication and their understanding of the PREVAIL research program, reports the Heritage newspaper.

For the Establishment of A Migration Training Academy: ECOWAS Immigration Chiefs Endorse Nigeria’s Proposal

The ECOWAS Heads of Immigration Services have endorsed the proposal by the Nigeria government for the establishment a Migration Training Academy as part of measures to effectively manage migration and emerging trends association with movement of persons across borders. The final recommendations texts read out on behalf of the Immigration chiefs by the ECOWAS Head of Division Free Movement and Migration Dr. Tony Luka Elumelu on the 4th of August 2017, bordered on regional progress on the implementation of ECOWAS Free Movement Protocol effectiveness of free movement, border management, data management and sharing, regional coordination, as well as monitoring and reporting among others, reports the Heritage newspaper.

Health Workers Set To Gain Union Status

According to the Daily Observer, the national Health Workers Association of Liberia (NAHWAL) said it has gained pre-union status from the Liberia Labor Congress. The organization, pending certification from the Ministry of Labor, will now call the National Health Workers Union of Liberia (NAHWUL). George Poe Williams, Secretary General, said the organization has been struggling for a long period as association and it is now time to gain union status. To revamp the organization for union status, a conference organized by the executives of NAHWAL and the Liberia Labor Congress (LLC) as well international partners was held last Thursday at the Headquarters of the LLC in Gardnersville.