Daily Media Summary 2017-08-03

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




Today’s summary of the local dailies highlights news concerning the National Elections Commission Holding Election Guide Awareness with the Press Union of Liberia; IHRC’s Warning to Political Actors to lead a Violent Free Election; and Ambassador Conteh’s Statement made on behalf of President Sirleaf acknowledging Liberia’s Gratefulness to Nigeria For The Capacity Building of Liberian citizens.




‘Liberia’s Grateful to Nigeria for Capacity Building Programs’


Liberia’s Ambassador to Nigeria, Professor Al-Hassan Conteh, has on behalf of the President of Liberia, Her Excellency Mrs. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, expressed the thanks and gratitude of the Government and people of Liberia to the Government and people of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, for the capacity development program and scholarships extended to Liberia which have helped to strengthen the post-war country’s educational sector. Ambassador Conteh particularly referenced programs under the Nigeria Technical Cooperation Fund (NTCF) that have built the capacities of Liberian public  administrators at the Liberian Institute of Public Administration (LIPA), and young Liberian petroleum engineers and material scientists at the African University of Science and Technology (AUST) located in Abuja, states the New Democrat local daily.

Related Captioned:Liberia’s Grateful for Capacity Building Programs” -Amb. Conteh (FrontPage Africa) “Liberia Grateful for Capacity Building Programs” Ambassador Conteh (The News)


INCHR Wants NEC, Political Parties Observe Rule of Law During Campaigning

The Independent National Commission on Human Rights (INCHR) has called for an election free of violence during the campaign period. The INCHR at a news conference, called on all political parties and independent candidates to advise their supporters not to get involved in anything that will disturb the peace Liberia enjoys. The Chairman of the INCHR, Rev. Atty. Bartholomew B. Colley said the INCHR will work closely with political parties and leaders by observing the rights of the people. “Fellow Liberians, cognizant of these facts, the Independent National Commission on Human Rights (INCHR) is therefore calling on all actors (political party executives and workers; the people and citizen of Liberia and specifically the youth) to be reflective of our past and conduct themselves in a manner that bespeaks peace, development, rule of law and civility,”.

Related Captioned: IHRC Warns Political Actors Wants Peaceful Elections(TheInquirer)


NEC, PUL Hold Elections Coverage Guide for Journalists

The National Elections Commission and the Press Union of Liberia today, August 3, 2017 began conducting the first in a series of awareness sessions on the Elections Coverage Guide for Journalists. A release said the Elections Coverage Guide for Journalists was drafted by the Press Union of Liberia and National Elections Commission with technical supports from two USAIDS funded entities the International Foundation for Electoral System (IFES) and Internews. After months of reviews and scrutiny, the Guide was validated in May 2017, as part of activities which marked the celebration of World Press Freedom Day. A statement released Wednesday by the PUL and NEC said the Monrovia Awareness Session will be followed by a second session on the Elections Coverage Guide for Journalists on Monday, August 7, 2017 in Gbarnga, Bong County, The News newspaper reads.

Related Captioned: NEC, PUL Conduct Awareness on Elections Coverage Today (TheInquirer)




‘There is Life After Retirement’ Ellen Tells Retired Foreign Service Officials

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has told 10 retirees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that their departure from government doesn’t mean that one is forgotten ad stressed that there is always life after retirement. “To all of you, it was an opportunity to benefit from your commitment to country; a big thank you. As you go into retirement, there’s a life beyond,” she said, jokingly adding, “There’s going to be a life for you after retirement; likewise, I’m headed down the road you’re on as there’s going to be a life for me after retirement.” According to a Foreign Ministry release, the Liberian leader made the statement at the honoring program for 10 long service career diplomats of the Liberia Foreign Service who were honored for their invaluable services to the country. The program was held at the Foreign Ministry’s C. Cecil Dennis, Jr. Auditorium on Tuesday, August 1, 2017, the News writes.


Related Captioned: ‘There is Life After Retiremet,’ Ellen Honors Retired Foreign Service Officials (Daily Observer)


Liberia Affirms Commitment to UN Anti-Graft Convention

Liberia has affirmed its commitment to the full implementation of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC), the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) has announced in Monrovia. Liberia’s affirmation was made by the LACC Executive Chairperson, Cllr. James N. Verdier, when he represented Liberia at the Resumed Eighth Session of the Implementation Review Group (IRG) of the Peer Review Mechanism under UN-CAC, which took place in Vienna, Austria recently. Liberia was drawn to be reviewed in the 3rd year of the 2nd Review Cycle. The Secretariat also reported that Liberia was reviewed at least once and conducted two reviews during the first cycle of the Peer Review Mechanism. The country is also paired with Azerbaijan to review Albania I the first year of the second cycle of the implementation the Review Mechanism, The News newspaper reads.

Related Caption: Liberia Affirms Commitment to UN Anti-Graft Convention (New Democrat)

Lawmakers Cautioned on Land Rights Bill

A front-page story of the Inquirer newspaper reads that the Civil Society Working Group on Land Rights Reforms has called on the National Legislature not to change any provision in the Land Rights Act. Speaking at a press conference, the Community Land Protection Program Manager of Sustainable Development Institute, Madam Constance Teage said if legislature tampers with or changes any provision in the Land Rights Act; it will undermine peace, reconciliation and development years to come. “We call on the National Legislature to protect the integrity of the Land Rights Act, because its’ essential to the Liberian people,” she said, the paper says. 

EPA Craves Sustainable Harvest of Resources


The Manager for Climate Change at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of Liberia, Mr. Benjamin Karmorh, has challenged concessionaires operating in the country to harvest natural resources in a sustainable way. He said if natural resources are harvested in a sustainable faction, it will preserve the environment. Speaking Wednesday at the start of a three-day Natural Resources Management Workshop on Environmental Social and Impact Assessment (ESIA) process in Liberia, Karmorh said livelihood issues would also be addressed when natural resources are harvested in a sustainable manner. The natural resources management workshop, which is organized by the EPA in collaboration with USAID-Liberia Accountability and Voice Initiative (LAVI), is intended to afford participants the opportunity to share lessons learned from compliance monitoring o environmental laws a d corporate social responsibilities of concessions, The News says. 

UNIDO, Japan Dedicate Modern Heavy Equipment School


The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the People of Japan Tuesday dedicated a new modern Hydraulics workshop structure at the Japan Heavy Equipment Operator School to the Government of Liberia at the Booker Washington Institute (BWI) in Kakata, Margibi County. The Japan Heavy Equipment Operator School (JHEOS) began its technical and vocational training program at the BWI under the theme: “Promoting Youth Empowerment through Technical and Vocational Education” implemented by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in partnership with the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, the Inquirer newspaper asserts. 

“I Want to Become An Environmental Scientist,” Says Seven-Year Old “President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf”


A 7-year-old girl believed to be a genius, who read the President’s proclamation during the Independence Day Celebration says she wants to become an environmental scientist upon her graduation from high school. In an interview, Little Eliza Scott, a 4th Grade Student of the School of Prime System (SPS), Morris’ Farm in Paynesville, Montserrado County, began exhibiting extraordinary attitude and behavior to the amazement of those who saw her at the ‘Day of The African Child’ program held this year, when she read a poem. At her early age, Eliza, amazed many when she read the President’s Proclamation during the country’s Independence Day program held at the Centennial Pavilion and also speaking perfectly as though she’s been making public speeches for years, the Inquirer newspaper says.


KOCU to Extend Mobile Medical Outreach in Bong County

It is often said that life is wealth and healthy people live in good and healthy environment and therefore live happily and make sound decisions that positively impact their lives. It is from this background that the Kokoyah Citizens Union (KOCU) has decided to extend its ‘Mobile Medical Outreach’ activities in Bong County with Bong Electoral District # 1 being used as a pilot point. According to the Acting President of the union, Rev. Samuel A. Morris, the initiative was launched in July 2016 in Rock Crusher near the St. John River between Bong and Grand Bassa Counties and has proven to be a rewarding one,FRONT PAGE AFRICA newspaper writes.


Defense Not Aware” Says Samukai Aboout More Money For Disbanded AFL Soldiers

Defense Minister Brownie J. Samukai says the Ministry of Defense is not aware of any plan to provide additional funds to disbanded soldiers of the former Armed Forces of Liberia. In recent time it has been rumored that the Liberian government through the Ministry of Defense is expected to provide additional funds to the disbanded soldiers. It is said that the plan by the government is to mitigate an action by these soldiers to stage protest if the government fails to provide money still owed them. It is said that the government’s desire to give said amount is to discourage the soldiers from staging any protest action during this critical period, the Inquirer newspaper reads.


Montserrado, Grand Bassa Counties Top WAEC Results - Grand Kru County Flops


The West African Examination Council Liberia office has officially released the 2016/2017 National Exams result with candidate Marklyn Wingbah of the Calvary Mission located in  Aggregate of 715.70 Out of the total of 31,009 candidates representing 99.35% that sat the exams, the result shows that about 17,981 candidates amounting to 57.99% passed the exams while about 12,138 amounting to 39.14% were unsuccessful. According to the Head of National Office Dale Gbotoe, the result this year is better than previous exams. Mr. Gbotoe told newsman that five hundred and five four (554) Schools comprising one hundred and eight (108) students passed the exams as Montserrado and Grand Bassa County topped the list. In a further statistics sixteen (16) candidates accumulated division two position with five from St.Teresa Convent Catholic School and four (4) from St. Peter’s Clever High School in Buchanan, Grand BassaCounty respectively. FrontPage Africa reads.

7 Parties Reject NEC Magistrate

Seven opposition political parties in Maryland County, Southeastern Liberia, have issued a joined press statement, calling for the relocation of the National Elections Commission Magistrates in the county—Madam Honoria Saylee and her assistant, Mr. Thomas Wilson. The New Dawn states that the protesting parties include the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), All Liberian Party (ALP), Movement for Economic Empowerment (MOVEE), United People’s Party (UPP), True Whip Party (TWP), Movement for Democracy and Reconstruction (MDR), and the People’s Unification Party (PUP). In a letter address to NEC Chairman, Cllr. Jerome Kokorya, copy of which is in the possession of the local daily’s Maryland County correspondent, the parties claim that Magistrate Saylee and her deputy during the 2011 elections came up with results from electoral district #3 in Karluway and Barrobo, announcing David Saylee as winner against incumbent Isaac Roland Blalu, a result they say was challenged and taken to the Supreme Court of Liberia that ruled that the NEC result released from the county was misleading.


U.S. Embassy in Monrovia Donates to Quaqua School of Journalism

The United States Embassy accredited near Monrovia, has donated several media training materials to the Peter Quaqua School of Journalism. The items include two sizable video recorder sets (Panasonic and Canon), a multi box set for multi-recordings during press conferences and other media events and several books on journalism. The donation was presented to the school on Wednesday by Mrs. Rebecca Archer-Knepper, Assistant Public Affairs Officer at the offices of the Peter Quaqua School of Journalism in Congo Town. Delivering the items, Madam Archer-Knepper described the donation as the mark of a new beginning of a partnership between the Liberian Media Development Institution and the US Embassy in Monrovia. She noted that the importance of media development in Liberia is to help train aspiring journalists attending the school. Madam Archer-Knepper believes the materials help enhance the school in its training of aspiring journalists. FrontPage Africa. 

President Sirleaf Assures Liberian Women of Continued Commitment


President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has assured the Liberia Women’s Policy Platform that although she will not be seeking reelection in the October 2017 elections, she will be on her feet everywhere in her own little way to campaign for women listed and certified by the National Elections Commission (NEC) as candidates to participate in the ensuing elections. According to the New Democrat newspaper, President Sirleaf said her desire is in line with the policy of reciprocating the Liberian women who stood under the sun and the rain telling the Liberian people: “We, the women of Liberia, this is our time,” thus leading to her successive overwhelming victories in 2005 and 2011.


Related Captioned: President Sirleaf to Campaign For Women Legislative Candidates (Daily Observer)


LEITI Prepares 9th EITI Report

The 41st Meeting of the Technical Committee of the West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ) has elected Liberia to chair the regional organization. The meeting is being held at the Central Bank of Liberia in Monrovia to deliberate on the status of implementation of the WAMZ work program, bringing together WAMZ member states, ECOWAS Commission and WAMI, reports the New Dawn newspaper.