Daily Media Summary, 04-20-2015


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia.




The World Bank Group’s pronouncement of the provision of at least US$650 million to help Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone recover from the devastating social and economic impact of the Ebola crisis, the Government of Liberia’s immediate suspension of motorcyclists operation in the Paynesville area and the Jackson F. Doe Hospital ground breaking ceremony for the construction of a Magnetic Resonance Imaging center to help enhance medical work at the hospital are stories dominating today’s edition of the local dailies as captured in our summary.


The summary also includes the agreement between Liberia and Turkey on the abolition of Visas for holders of Diplomatic Passports of both countries.






World Bank Group New Financing To Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone

The World Bank Group (WBG) announced Friday that it would provide at least US$650 million during the next 12 to 18 months to help Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone recover from the devastating social and economic impact of the Ebola crisis and advance their longer-term development needs. The new WBG pledge brings the organization’s total financing for Ebola response and recovery efforts to date to US$1.62 billion. The additional funding announcement comes as the WBG releases new GDP estimates showing that the Ebola epidemic continues to cripple the economies of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. Estimated GDP losses for the three countries in 2015 rose to US$2.2 billion: US$240 million for Liberia, US$535 million for Guinea and US$1.4 billion for Sierra Leone.  WBG President Jim Yong Kim announced the new funding from the International Development Association (IDA), the WBG’s fund for the poorest countries, at an Ebola summit during the WBG-IMF Spring Meetings. President Alpha Conde of Guinea, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of Liberia, and President Ernest Bai Koroma of Sierra Leone presented their Ebola recovery plans to global development leaders at the meeting. According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, the new funding is on top of the nearly US$1 billion that the WBG previously committed for the Ebola emergency response and early recovery efforts from IDA (US$518 million) and IFC (US$450 million), and also comes on top of US$2.17 billion in debt relief from the WBG (Guinea, US$1,098.5 million; Liberia, US$464.7 million; and Sierra Leone, US$ 506.8 million), which during 2015-17 will save the three countries about US$75 million annually in debt payments.


Related Captions: World Bank Provides New Financing For Ebola Country(The New Dawn), Work Bank Tables $650M(The New Republic), World Bank Pledges US$650M-For Liberia, Guinea, Sierra Leone(The News), US$1 Billion For Ebola Affected Counties-World Bank Group Announces(Public Agenda), US$1 Billion Pledged-To Liberia, S/Leone, Guinea (In Profile Daily), WBG, IMF, Others Pledge US$1bn To Ebola Affected Countries(INSIGHT)



Ellen Seeks US$8B 2-Yr ‘Marshall Plan’ For MRU Post-Ebola Recovery Funding in Three Worst Affected Countries

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf last Friday presented to the 2015 World Bank Spring Meetings post-Ebola recovery plans on behalf of the three worst Ebola hit countries—Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone. The MRU post-Ebola recovery plans, which President Sirleaf estimated to cost US$8 billion, are meant to get all three   countries to zero case of Ebola and to then build more resilient healthcare systems.  According to a dispatch from the United States, President Sirleaf spoke on Friday morning at a high-level roundtable where the Heads of State of Guinea and Sierra Leone were also in attendance. She also asked her international partners to provide additional resources to help the affected countries achieve the goal.  After stating her plan and requests, the President said, “Is this asking too much? We say no”.  World Bank President, Jim Yong Kim, during a visit to Liberia recently, noted that the international community needed to give underdeveloped countries the needed support in order not to see the recurrence of such a devastating virus like Ebola in the future.  Given the nature of the meeting, President Sirleaf did not provide many details of the plans or how the three leaders would ensure that the funds would be appropriately spent. The original Marshall Plan was the US$8 billion post-World War II economic and financial package for war-torn European countries devastated by the war. The Marshall Plan was initiated by the United States government to help European countries rebuild their economies after the devastation of World War II. Before the current World Bank Roundtable meeting, the World Bank Group (WBG) announced US$650 million more to help Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea recover from Ebola, bringing the total amount allocated for Ebola relief to US$1.6 billion. That was in addition to the US$2.17 billion in debt relief that was provided to the three countries, with Liberia benefiting from a US$464.7 million share of that, reports the Daily Observer.


Related Caption: Ebola-Hit Countries Want 8bn(The New Republic)


Gol Sets ‘No-Go’ Zones For Motorcyclists – As Violators Risk Arrest, Prosecution

As a result of the recent violence involving motorcyclists and officers of the Liberian National Police (LNP) in Paynesville, the Government of Liberia has announced an immediate suspension of motorcyclists operation in the affected area. According to the Minister of Justice, Cllr. Benedict F. Sannoh, the riding of motorbikes on the streets of Monrovia in particular from ELWA Junction to Paynesville Red Light and from Red Light to Double Bridge Gardnerville Community and Mount Barclay is hereby suspended effectively immediately. Cllr. Benedict Sannoh stated that the Liberia National Police (LNP) is hereby instructed to impound any motorbike found plying the streets herein stated and to have the rider thereof arrested detained and charged. Recently in Paynesville City outside Monrovia, the Minister said a motorbike rider, who was fleeing from Police after he allegedly assaulted one of them at the GSA Road intersection, fell from his Motorbike and was rushed to the hospital where he was pronounced dead by health authorities. “It appears that when the news of the death of colleagues reached them, the bike riders went on the rampage, vandalized and destroyed 5 Police Depots, released all the prisoners thereat and set one of the stations ablaze”, the Minister who is also Attorney General of Liberia added in a special statement issued over  the weekend in Monrovia, FOCUS writes.


Related Caption: Gov’t Will Not Condone Impunity-Min. Sannoh(INSIGHT), Gov’t Issues ‘No-Go Zone’ Ultimatum For Bike Riders(Heritage), Motorcyclists Restricted-As LNP Vow To Investigate Deaths of Motorcyclists(INSIGHT)



Dr. Kateh Breaks Ground For MRI Facility Jackson Doe Hospital to Open Medical School

The Medical Director of the Jackson F. Doe Hospital in Nimba and Chief Medical Officer of Liberia designate, Dr. Francis Kateh has disclosed the building of a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) center to help enhance medical work at the hospital. MRI is a medical imaging technology used in radiology to investigate the anatomy and physiology of the body in making diagnoses. MRI scanners use magnetic fields and radio waves to form images of the body. The groundbreaking ceremony was held at the Jackson F. Doe Memorial Regional Referral Hospital compound in Tappita, Nimba County in connection with the dedication of the Legislative Guest House at the Jackson F. Doe Hospital, writes the Daily Observer.


Related Captions: JFD Hospital Breaks Grounds For Magnetic Resonance Imaging Center-Dr. Francis Kateh Promises More Development(The New Republic), Jackson F. Doe Hospital Dedicates Guest House In Nimba County(INSIGHT)





Liberia Completes Procedures To Abolish Visas To Turkey

The INSIGHT newspaper reports that Foreign Minister Augustine Ngafuan has informed the House of Representatives that government has completed the legal procedures for entry into force of an agreement between Turkey and Liberia for mutual abolition of Visas for holders of Diplomatic Passports of both countries. In a letter to Speaker J. Alexander Tyler, which was read in Session on Thursday, Ngafuan indicated that the Liberian Government’s move was in accordance with Article 12 of the Agreement. “Accordingly, all diplomatic passport holders are exempted from visa requirement to enter into, transit through, exit and stay temporarily in the territory of Turkey or Liberia for a period of 90 days within any 180 days period, reckoned from the date of first entry”, the Foreign Minister disclosed.


Related Caption: Liberia, Turkey Agree On Visa Abolition(Public Agenda)



PLAN-International Signs Grant To Boost Schools Sanitation

According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, the International Child centered organization, PLAN has vowed to support and improve water, sanitation and hygiene in 104 Liberian schools in 4 Counties (Lofa, Bomi, Gbarpolu and Montserrado). “We want to see a learning environment where our children, especially, the girls can have access to safe drinking water, good hygiene system” said: Mr. Koala Oumarou Plan Liberia Country Director. Mr. Oumarou says this will make learning easy and fun for children. According to Koala, many children stay at home and refused to attend school due to lack of safe drinking and access to sanitary facilities. He said Plan-Liberia has signed a contract with the European Union worth over €600,000 (Six Hundred Thousand Euros) to support and promote access to safe water in Liberian schools. “The project will enable us construct 34 hand pumps, 10 bore holes, and rehabilitate 60 wells in 104 schools across four of Liberia’s fifteen counties” Mr. Koala noted. The Plan Liberia Country Director named: Bomi, Gbarpolu, Montserrado and Lofa counties respectively, are beneficiaries of the European Commission (EC) grants. He said the project will be implemented over the period of nine (9) months beginning April – December 2015.


Related Caption: Plan International To Improve Sanitation And Hygiene…Signs 600K Euro Grants With EU(Heritage)


UNDP Donates US$34k Shelter Tents To BIN

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) has donated shelter tents to the Bureau of Immigration and Nationalization (BIN) to ensure effective monitoring of the various border points to prevent the resurgence of Ebola. The UNDP Deputy Country Director Clophas Toroori presented the shelter tents to the BIN Commissioner Lemuel Reeves Thursday to ensure the fortification of all. Meanwhile, the Deputy UNDP Director has disclosed that the institution is expected to implement a US$3.6 million program to effectively and efficiently carry out border patrol in Liberia which will be sponsored by the Japanese Government to help strengthen and protect various entry points in the country, Public Agenda reports.


Related Caption: UNDP Donates US$34k Shelter Tents To BIN(Heritage)



LRC Validates Reform Policy

The Law Reform Commission of Liberia (LRC) held the final National Validation forum of the National Law reform Policy over the weekend at the Law Library on Ashmun Street in Monrovia. Speaking at the Forum, Dr. Jallah A. Barbu, Chairperson, LRC disclosed that he was impressed at the level of achievement thus far by the Commission. According him, the document has reached at a crucial stage. The Chairperson of LRC then encouraged Liberians to be part of the Law Reform process because according to the Chairperson they are the owners of the policy, the Inquirer reports.




ECOWAS To Deploy 100 Election Observers To Togo

The ECOWAS Commission is to deploy 100-member Election Observation Mission headed by former Liberian Interim President, Prof. Amos Sawyer to monitor Togo’s 25th April 2015 Presidential elections.  The entire regional observation Mission will be supported by an ECOWAS technical term from the Departments of Political Affair and Early Warning. It will have a dedicated web portal, and a Situation Room to serve as its Secretariat for briefings on the situation and the collection of data on the electoral process, the New Republic reports. 




UL, USAID  Sign MOU To Renovate Science Complex

The University of Liberia (UL) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) have signed a memorandum of understanding for the renovation of the Science Complex Building on the university’s Fendell Campus. UL President Dr. Emmett Dennis said under the accord, USAID will provide US$7.7 million for the renovation to create an opportunity for students to gain more practical experiences.. The UL official made the disclosure Friday at a program marking the first graduation of Public Health technicians Certificate program organized by the Center for Excellence in Health and Life Sciences with funding from USAID held on the UL Capitol hill Campus in Monrovia, the Heritage newspaper report.


Related Caption: Renovation For UL Science Complex(FOCUS)



Investors Returning To Liberia…Says Wisner

The Acting Chairman of the National Investment Commission (NIC), George G. Wisner, says Liberia’s investment drive is on course as investors have begun returning to the country. “With our successful fight against Ebola, some light has begun shinning in the investment arena as some investors have begun re-engaging the NIC for investment and concession negotiation in critical investment areas of the country”, Wisner. He cited the expression of intent by the Liberia Agriculture Company (LAC) to expand its investment from 22,600 hectares of land to 50,000 hectares as one ongoing activity in the country’s investment sector. Addressing the regular MICAT press briefing Friday, Acting Chairman Wisner, who is also NIC Executive Director, disclosed the expression of interest by two mining companies to mine iron ore in Grand Cape Mount County, Heritage reports.



Designing Of Capital Building Annex Begins Next Month…Chinese Envoy Assures Pro-Tempore

The Heritage newspaper asserts that the People’s Republic of China’s Ambassador accredited near Monrovia, ZHANG Yue, has assured the  President Pro-Tempore of the Liberian Senate that the designing of the Capital Building Annex will resume in May of 2015. Ambassador ZHANG Yue paid a courtesy call on the President Pro-Tempore Armah Zulo Jallah to acquaint himself with the President-Protempore for the first time since he was elected to that post.  During their brief acquaintance meeting, Amb. Yue told the Pro-Tempore that he had gone to his Capitol Building office to reaffirm and reassure the Senate that the People’s Republic of China still cherishes the relationship between his country, the PRC and the Republic of Liberia. “Under your leadership as President Pro-Tempore, we hope to enjoy this cordial relationship”, the Ambassador intoned.



CARITAS Senegal Donates To CARITAS Liberia…Bridgeway Corp Presents Items

CARITAS Senegal in partnership with the Bridgeway Corporation and Philip Morris has donated a Ford Ambulance and a Mutsubishi Pick-up to the Catholic Hospital in Monrovia. Making the presentation over the weekend at the Catholic Hospital in Monrovia, Bridgeway Corporation General Manager, Giorgio Steven A. Haddad, expressed gratitude for the donation on behalf of  their partners in the continuous fight against the Ebola Virus Disease.  Receiving the donated items on behalf of Rev. Father Patrick Kabba, National Coordinator, CARITAS Liberia in a statement read by Andrea Stelder, Emergency Accompanier, CORDDAID/D/ CARITAS Liberia indicated that the National Catholic Health Council (NCHC), the Justice and Peace Council (JPC) and Caritas Liberia are jointly implementing the Ebola Response of the Catholic Church of Liberia, the Inquirer newspaper writes.