Daily Media Summary, 2016-07-27




Ministry of Foreign Affairs



Monrovia, Liberia






Today’s Summary highlights News of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s honoring of 11 personnel of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Liberia’s 169th Independence Day Orator, Dr. Dougbeh Christopher Nyan’s call for “war against ignorance, corruption, hatred and poverty” and the graduation of 35 survivors from theFistula Rehabilitation and Reintegration Center in Bong County.












Eleven Foreign Ministry Staffers Honored



President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has bestowed upon 11 personnel of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) some of the nation’s highest honors for dedicated services to the country. Four of the 11 persons served the nation in ambassadorial posts at various missions, while the rest serve as support staff at Liberia’s missions in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Accra, Ghana; Conakry, Guinea and the Consulate General of Liberia in New York, United States of America. Two of the four still serve the Foreign Ministry as Ambassadors-At -Large.They were honored by the Liberian President, who is also Grand Master of the Orders of Distinction, during the Investiture Ceremonies as part of celebrations marking Liberia’s 169th Independence Anniversary in the Foreign Ministry’s C. Cecil Dennis Jr. Auditorium on Friday, July 22. President Sirleaf was ably assisted by H.E. Ms. Marjon V. Kamara, Foreign Minister of Liberia to bestow on the Ministry’s staffers their honor of distinctions, reports the New DEMOCRAT newspaper.






Related Captions: Pres. Sirleaf Honors 11 Foreign Ministry Staffers (FOCUS), Ministry of Foreign Affairs Staffers (FrontPage Africa), Ellen Honors 4 Ambassadors, Others (Daily Observer)








Orator Calls For ‘War’ Against Ignorance, Corruption, Hatred, Poverty



Renowned Liberian scientist and 169th Independence Day Orator, Dr. Dougbeh Christopher Nyan, has called on Liberians to be ready to wage war against ignorance, corruption, hatred and poverty, along with many other societal vices. He noted that, had Liberians known where to vent their anger, the senseless civil crisis that brought along with it massive destruction of the country’s infrastructure and loss of hundreds of thousands of lives would not have taken place. Speaking at the Centennial Memorial Pavilion where the official occasion commemorating the day was held, the German-trained Liberian scientist urged Liberians to be ready to fight and win the war against the vices that have hurt the nation. Dr. Nyan, who as a political and student activist, was expelled from the University of Liberia (UL) and imprisoned during the government of President Samuel K. Doe, said Liberians should dress up in the outfits of sincerity, hard work, unity and patriotism to fight poverty and poverty, ignorance, hatred and divisiveness. He noted that if anyone wants to fight, “then fight poverty, fight ignorance – let the pencils be our guns and the papers our bullets; fight diseases – let the syringes be our guns and the solutions be our bullets; fight corruption – let sincerity be our guns and honesty be our bullets; fight against hatred – let love be our guns and peace be our bullets.” He said Liberians should encourage each other with progressive ideas that would help build the country, reports theDaily Observer.






Related Captions: Unite Against Dragging Liberia To War…Orator Nyan Urges Liberians (The NEWS),The Gains Will Fail If… Independence Day Orator Warns (Heritage), Keep The Peace…Orator Says; Urges Liberians To “Unite” Against War Mongers (The INQUIRER), Liberia’s 169th Independence Orator Outlines Requirements for Consolidating Pro (FrontPage Africa), Orator Warns Against War (The New Dawn)









Fistula Program Graduates 35 Survivors At Emotional Ceremony



The Fistula Rehabilitation and Reintegration Center in Bong County Friday graduated 35 survivors from its skills training program held at the Phebe Hospital and School of Nursing outside Gbarnga, Bong County. The Head Trainer of the Project Madam Sao M. Johnson-Draper underscored the need to expand the rehabilitation facilities at the Phebe Hospital and School of Nursing in order to accommodate as many fistula survivors as possible. Mrs. Draper then made a passionate plea with former Health and Social Welfare Minister Dr. Walter Gwenigale under whose administration the program was conceived and birthed, to intercede on their behalf in order to attract more support. Dr. Gwenigale responding positively said though he was no longer in authority; he would help the project seek support for additional beds based on the persistent pleas. According to the FOCUS newspaper, the 35 graduates received vocations in Cosmetology, Pastry/Home Economics, Soap Making and tailoring. The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is the main funder of the program which has treated and rehabilitated nearly 2000 fistula survivors respectively since its inception in 2008.






Related Captions: 35 Fistula Survivors Complete Skills Training …Laud UNFPA (The NEWS), Fistula Program Graduates 35 Survivors (The New Dawn)Fistula Program Graduates 35 Survivors, Emotional Ceremony Leaves Many In Tears (Daily Observer)












45 LNP Officers Benefit From Chinese Medical Outreach



The Daily Observer reports that at least 45 police officers at the LNP headquarters in Monrovia last week Saturday benefited from free medical services provided by a team of Chinese doctors in response to a request from the Liberia National Police. Various categories of treatment provided included ophthalmology, OB/GYN, blood pressure monitoring, EKG for heart patients and malaria medication. Other treatments were provided for cataract, glaucoma, and conjunctivitis, refractive errors in the eye, hypertension and diabetes, all conducted free of charge. According to the daily, the medical outreach services by the Chinese medical team constitute a major part of the campaign launched by the Chinese community to enhance the bond of friendship with the Liberian people.












4,000 Teachers Needed



Liberia’s Minister of Education George Werner is calling for the employment of additional 4,000 teachers in public schools across the country. He said about 1.5 million kids are enrolled in schools here, but limited teachers are in the classroom to teach them. Minister Werner made the call at the dedicatory ceremony of three schools and a health center recently in Ganta, Nimba County. The facilities were constructed by Representative Jeremiah Kpan Koung of the county, asserts the New Dawn newspaper.









Ellen Consoles Germany



The Heritage newspaper quoting a Foreign Ministry release says President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a message of condolence to President Joachim Gauck on the heartrending shooting incident at the Olympia Shopping Mall in Munich, Germany. On July 22, ten people were killed and 16 others wounded, three of whom were critical, at a McDonald’s attached to the Olympia Einkaufszentrum shopping center in Munich, Germany. The unidentified attacker was an 18-year-old German-Iranian who had lived in Munich for at least two years. In her message to President Gauck, President Sirleaf noted that during this peculiar time, when acts of terror are looming the world over, it is Liberia’s ardent hope that the people of Germany will be further strengthened and united so that the environment of peace, happiness and prosperity may continue to prevail.






Related Caption: President Sirleaf Consoles Germany (Daily Observer)









Sierra Leonean Justice Minister in Tragic Accident Traveling Back From Liberia



The Justice Minister and Attorney General of Sierra Leone, Joseph F. Kamara commonly called JFK has been involved in a terrible motor accident while en-route to his country after attending the Golden Image Awards, an annual event where individuals and institutions are honored for their contributions to society. According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, Mr. Kamara’s car and a commercial minivan with registration number ALS 748 collided at a 5km distance from the Magbele Bridge in Sierra Leone. Both vehicles were seriously damaged leaving some passengers also affected as they sustained bruises.






University of Liberia Gets New Computer Lab To Train Teachers



A modern computer laboratory to train teachers studying at the University of Liberia has been dedicated by the People’s Republic of China and the United Nations Education and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The FrontPage Africa newspaper reports that the Laboratory, which is housed on the UL Fendall campus, is the first phase of a China-UNESCO funded project intended to train teachers across the country. Making remarks at the dedication, the President of the University of Liberia, Dr. Emmet A. Dennis, said: “the uniqueness of the project is that it is directed toward teacher’s education in Liberia. This means every teacher coming out of college or the University of Liberia will be computer literate.”









Ellen Dedicates Several Projects….Describes Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority as “True Partners”



President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has commended the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority for the construction of the Omega Market Village in Paynesville and described the organization as a "True Partner" whose dedication, commitment and passion contributed to the realization of the project. According to an Executive Mansion release, the Liberian leader was speaking on Saturday, July 23, 2016 when she officially dedicated the Omega Market Village in Paynesville City outside Monrovia. The Liberian leader said there are plans by government to expand and complete the Omega Market village project in 2017 and stressed the need to take ownership of the Village to ensure that it is maintained properly. Receiving the keys to the Omega Market Village Project, President Sirleaf pointed out that the marketers can begin using the facility, until it can be fully completed by 2017. The Heritage newspaper reports that President Sirleaf also dedicated and cut ribbons to the newly constructed modern state of the Art Police Station in the ELWA Community -Electoral District No. 6.







 Related Caption: Pres. Sirleaf Dedicates Several ’26 Projects (FOCUS)








Cuttington University to Graduate 721 Students



The Cuttington University has confirmed the graduation of 721 students, who have completed their studies in different disciplines. There are 308 students from the Graduate School of Professional Studies, 385 students from the under-graduate program and 28 from the junior college. The students will be walking out of the walls of the University on Saturday, July 30, during the graduation exercise on the campus of the University in Saukoko, Bong County, the FrontPage Africa newspaper writes.









US $37M Loan Agreement Ratified



The Liberian Legislature has ratified the loan agreements between the Republic of Liberia and the OPEC Fund for International Development. The legislature also ratified another loan agreement between the Republic of Liberia and the Arab Bank for Economic Development (BADEA). The agreement totaled US$37 million and it is intended to upgrade and rehabilitate 81 kilometers road that connects Bong and Lofa Counties. The agreement was ratified following the concurrence of the passage into law by both Houses of the Legislature on Thursday, July 7, 2016 and Tuesday, July 19, 2016 respectively, according to the NEWSdaily.









Launch of National Community Health Assistant Program Hailed



Liberia’s Foreign Minister, Marjon Kamara, has described as a milestone the launch of the National Community Health Assistant Program. The program, created by the Ministry of Health, will give rural communities access to live-saving services and further empower them to mitigate potential health risks. Minister Kamara expressed delight over the NCHAP and said it was a clear demonstration by the Health Ministry to further advance the government’s decentralization program. Speaking Sunday when she proxy for President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf at the launch of the Community Health Assistant Program in Marshall City, Minister Kamara also tanked the partners for the support and pleaded for more combined effort to sustain the NCHAP, the Heritage newspaper writes.






Related Caption: Foreign Minister Praises NCHAP (The NEWS)









Somalia Drive Road Project Hits 32%



Okamoto revealed that significant construction progress on the Stockton Bridge has been made, and they will begin demolishing the old Stockton Creek Bridge by September of this year. He said a temporary bridge has been constructed to direct vehicles while working on the other side of the bridge. The Somalia Drive road project, according to him, cost US$50million. The press tour also covered the project for the rehabilitation of Monrovia’s power system. The power system, according to Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Joseph T. Mayah, will be completed in September of this year, reports the Hot Pepper newspaper.