Daily Media Summary, 11-17-2014


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia.



News of President Johnson Sirleaf appointment and reshuffle of officials of Government, the arrival of the first batch of the Chinese medical staffers and the Ambassadors of Algeria and Morocco presentations of their Letters of Credence are among stories dominating our summary of today’s selected dailies.


Major Cabinet Changes: Gwenigale, Tarpeh Replaced


The Daily Observer newspaper quote an Executive Mansion release: Special Statement to the Nation by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Delivered Sunday, November 16, 2014 My fellow Liberians: Even as we continue to combat the Ebola virus and strive to achieve our national objective of zero-new-cases by Christmas, we must also attend to what will be a difficult job of recovery – recovery to the health care system so that we deliver health care services all across the country and are better prepared for any epidemic of the size and scale of Ebola; recovery to the economy so that we are repositioned to produce more opportunities and afford decent and better living conditions for all our people; recovery to governance so that notwithstanding the superficial differences which haunt the body politic, we can still remain enjoined behind the common purpose of national healing and reconstruction. This requires a team that is adaptable, responsive, disciplined, loyal, and focused – a team that is understanding of the prevailing challenges, and are resolved to respond by taking appropriate risks to get things done on time. It is my job to continuously vet and ready such a team for the challenges we currently face and those that lie ahead. And so today, I announce a number of changes to the Executive Branch of the Government. A few are transferred or reassigned, signifying our recognition of their capabilities and performance. Others are dropped from where they served, but will be given appropriate opportunities to continue to serve the country. I am deeply grateful for the services and contribution of all of those we who have served or continue to serve. We are not short on expectation that going forward, each working day – indeed each working hour – will be spent not only on catching up and continuing with the transformational agenda of the country but also to exploring creative new approaches by which we deliver on the agenda within the limited time of our stewardship. My hope is that this team will take us to the finish line. But make no mistake: As Captain, I will not hesitate to change anyone who fails to meet our expectations. With these remarks, I am pleased to make the following initial appointments, others to follow at a subsequent time: Ministry of Public Works Mr. William Gyude Moore, Minister Mr. Roland Giddings, Deputy Minister for Administration Ministry of Education Dr. Elizabeth Davis-Russell, Minister Dr. Nancy Freeman, Deputy Minister for Administration Mr. Anthony Nimely, Deputy Minister for Planning, Research and Development National Investment Commission Mrs. Etmonia David Tarpeh, Chairperson Ministry of Health Mr. George Werner, Minister Ministry of Gender, Children & Social Protection Mrs. Julia Duncan-Cassell, Minister Mr. Peter Roberts, Deputy Minister for Administration Mrs. Sienne Abdul-Baki, Deputy Minister for Gender Mrs. Mardia Martin Wiles, Deputy Minister for Policy, Planning & Technical Services Mrs. Lydia Sherman, Deputy Minister for Children and Social Protection Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dr. Wede Brownell, Deputy Minister for Administration Ms. Albratha Doe, Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs Ministry of Transport Mr. Bushuben M. Keita, Deputy Minister for Administration Ministry of Commerce & Industry Mr. Cyril Allen, Jr., Deputy Minister for Commerce Mr. Mohammed Turay, Assistant Minister for Industry National AIDS Commission Ms. Candace Eastman, Commissioner (replacing Ms. Wessehdi Sio-Njoh) Ministry of Youth & Sports Mr. Ramses Kumbuyah, Deputy Minister for Administration (replacing Ms. Jacqueline Capehart) Ministry of Lands, Mines & Energy Mr. Zack Sharpe, Deputy Minister for Administration Ministry of Information Mr. Andrew Tehmeh, Deputy Minister for Administration (to replace Norris Tweah who moves on to the University of Liberia) Ministry of Internal Affairs Ms. Gbemie Horace Kollie, Deputy Minister for Operations (replacing Mr. Ranney Jackson) Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications Ms. Margretta Smith-General, Assistant Minister for Administration (replacing Mr. James Cooper) Liberia Broadcasting System Mr. Ledgerhood Rennie, Director General Mr. Patrick Honnah, Deputy Director General for Broadcasting Mr. Christopher Sellee, Deputy Director General for Rural Comms The special word on the change in the Ministry of Health. Dr. Gwenigale will continue to serve as Advisor until his planned retirement in February.


Related Captions: Ellen’s Axe Falls On Genigale, Weeks Others(The News), Transferred; Rearranged Or Dropped-As Ellen Recycles Officials(In Profile Daily), Cabinet Shakeup(FrontPage Africa), Ellen Names ‘Final Team’ Gwenigale, Tarpeh Take New Posts, Weeks Others Out(Daily Observer), Ellen’s Axe Falls On Gwenigale, Weeks, Nmah, Others(INSIGHT), Ellen Makes New Appointments-3 Ministers Out(The New Dawn), Many Changes Effected In Government(FOCUS)


Chinese Ebola Medical Team Arrives

According to the Daily Observer, a Chinese medical team comprising 160 military officers has arrived in Liberia to operate Ebola Treatment Units built at the Samuel Kanyon Doe Sports Complex by their government as part of its contribution to tackling the Ebola disease. The 160 medical staffers include medics, experts, epidemiologists, doctors, nurses, engineers and technicians, and are the first batch of the total of 500 medical staffers, who are the elite medical squad of the People’s Liberation Army of China. The team, according to the head of the team, Wang Yungui, is trained and well acquainted with the Ebola virus and have participated in some rescue missions around the world. Speaking to reporters during the welcoming ceremony at the SKD Sports Complex over the weekend, Chinese Ambassador to Liberia, Zhang Yue, said the 500 medical staff will arrive in the country in three batches. Amb. Zhang: “We are building ETUs that will be operated and managed by China. They are solid and not mere tents as you can see, and we will use them to treat other diseases in the future even if Ebola is eradicated from here in Liberia”. He said the team will also train local health workers to be capacitated enough in fighting the disease. The Chinese diplomat put the cost of the ETU at around US$41 million, which he said is the highlight of China’s fourth batch of assistance totaling US$82 million to African countries for the fight against Ebola. The Chinese medical team was received by Foreign Minister Augustine K. Ngafuan who, with special emphasis, commended China for its tremendous assistance to Liberia prior to and during the Ebola crisis. He said China is a true friend that is here to stay. 


Related Captions: Chinese Medical Team Arrives For Ebola Fight (Focus), Chinese Ebola Medical Team Arrives(Daily Observer), China’s Medical Team Arrives To Join Ebola Fight(The Informer), China’s 1st Batch Of Medical Team Arrives-To Join Ebola Fight(The News), China’s 1st Batch Of Medical Team Arrives(In Profile Daily), Joining Ebola Fight China’s 1st Batch Of Medical Team Arrives(FrontPage Africa), China Lands First Batch To Join Ebola Fight(The New Dawn), Chinese Medical Team Arrives For Ebola Fight(FOCUS), Chinese Team Arrives In Liberia To Staff Ebola Clinic(INSIGHT)

Algeria, Morocco Ambassadors Present Letters of Credence

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has received the Letters of Credence of the new Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria and the Kingdom of Morocco accredited to Liberia respectively, His Excellency Mr. Rabah Fassih and His Excellency Mr. Majid Halim. Both Ambassadors are residence in Conakry, Guinea. According to an Executive Mansion release, the Liberian leader received the two new Ambassadors at separate ceremonies at her Foreign Ministry office on Friday, November 14, 2014. Receiving the new Algerian Ambassador accredited new Monrovia at the earlier ceremony, President Sirleaf expressed appreciation on behalf of the Liberian Government and people for Algeria’s long standing friendship and solidarity with Liberia and its people. She noted that the new Algerian envoy was taking up his post during one of the most difficult times in the life of the country due to the current outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus disease; indicating that the country is engaged in combat to eradicate the virus, which has taken a heavy toll on the Mano River Union States. The Liberian leader indicated that the country was grateful that despite the grim challenges, Ambassador Fassih was able to come and take up his assignment. In presenting his Letters of Credence earlier, Ambassador Fassih presented compliments and solidarity from the President of Algeria, His Excellency Abdel Aziz Bouteflika on the outbreak of Ebola in Liberia and committed his country to being a part of efforts geared towards eradicating the virus, reports the INSIGHT newspaper.

Related Captions: Ellen Receives Letters Of Credence From Algeria, Morocco Ambassadors(The Informer), Algeria, Morocco New Envoys Present Letters Of Credence(In Profile Daily), Morocco Lauded For Upholding African Solidarity(Daily Observer), New Algerian Envoy Arrives(Daily Observer), Algeria, Morocco Ambassadors Present Letters(The New Dawn) Pres. Sirleaf Receives Letters Of Credence(FOCUS)

Ellen Meets WHO Assist. Director General…Urges Liberians Not To Let The Guard Down In The Fight Against Ebola


The World Health Organization (WHO) Assistant Director General for Polio and Emergencies has joined calls to all Liberians not to begin relaxing the measures aimed at stopping the transmission of the Ebola virus disease that has ravaged Liberia and its two neighbors, Guinea and Sierra Leone. Dr. Bruce Aylward said there were still traces of the virus popping up in a number of areas across the country and any change in attitude in relation to the Ebola fight could be devastating on the population. According to an Executive Mansion release, the WHW Assistant Director General made the comments during a courtesy call on President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf at her Foreign Ministry office on Thursday, November 13, 2014, The Canadian Physician and epidemiologist caution comes in the wake of reports of new Ebola cases springing up in Bong, Grand Cape Mount, and Rivercess Counties,  The Informer reports.


Related Captions: “We Will Not Let Liberia Down”—WHO Assistant Director(The News), President Sirleaf Meets With WHO Assistant Director General Dr. Bruce Aylward; He Urges Liberians Not To Let The Guard Down In The Fight Against Ebola(FrontPage Africa), WHO Officials Cautions Liberians(FOCUS)



The humanitarian non-governmental organization, Save the Children, has renewed its commitment to standing by Liberia in its difficult period and will continue to be a trusted partner in child protection. According to an Executive Mansion release, the organization made this commitment when a three-member delegation headed by former Public Works Minister, Samuel Kofi Woods paid a courtesy call on President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf at her Foreign Ministry office on Friday, November 14, 2014. Other members of the delegation included Interim Country Director-Liberia, Greg Ramm and Sabine Copinga from Save the Children-Netherlands. Briefing the Liberian leader about the organization’s partnership with the country in the Ebola fight, Mr. Ramm said Save the Children constructed an Ebola Treatment Unit (ETU) in Suakoko, Bong County and is currently constructing another one in Kakata, Margibi County. Mr. Ramm disclosed that Save the Children continues to sponsor anti-Ebola radio messages to encourage Liberians to stick to the approved measures as given by health authorities in response to fear that a change in behavior would undermine the gains made in the fight, the FrontPage Africa newspaperwrites.

Related Captions: Save The Children Renews Commitment With Liberia(The Informer), Save The Children Delegation Meets Ellen(The News), Save The Children Pledges To Sustain Partnership In Ebola Fight(In Profile Daily), Save-The-Children Boss Renews Commitment(The New Dawn), Save The Children Boss Renews Commitment(FOCUS)


“EU Will Maintain Its Support To Liberia” – Visiting Mission Declares

Visiting European Union (EU) Ebola Coordinator and Commissioner for Humanitarian and Crisis Management, Christos Stylianides, has said the EU will firmly uphold support to Liberia to ensure the country achieves its development agenda. Stylianides said EU support to Liberia will always remain tangible, especially in the face of the ongoing Ebola crisis that has claimed so many lives. “Liberia will not be left alone in this fight; we will stand by you”, the EU convoy said at a joi8nt press conference held with Liberia’s Foreign Minister Augustine Ngafuan at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Monrovia on Friday. He indicated that his visit to Liberia is intended to assess the current health crisis in an effort to identify specific needs of the Liberian people for the necessary intervention, In Profile Daily reports.


Related Captions: Liberia Not Alone EU Ebola Coordinator/Commissioner, Christos Stylianides & Delegation Meet With President Sirleaf; Reassures Liberians(FrontPage Africa), EU Warns Against Complacency Wants Ebola Affected States To Remain Alert(Daily Observer), EU Ebola Delegation Meets President Sirleaf(The New Dawn), EU Delegation Visits Liberia(FOCUS)


53 Residents Get NHA Tile Deeds

Pres Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is urging former tenants of the National Housing authority (NHA) to maintain the homes that they now own and ensure that their communities set examples for others. This, she said, will encourage the NHA begin other projects of building housing for low income Liberians. According to an Executive Mansion release, the Liberian leader was speaking at a program marking the official issuance of title deeds to 53 residents of the E. Jonathan Goodridge, new Georgia, Old Matadi and Steven Tolbert Estates at the headquarters of the NHA on Saturday, November 15, 2014. She indicated that now-a-days it’s much more difficult for government to acquire public land for such projects because of encroachments around Monrovia and its environs; but assured Liberians that her government will pursue all avenues to embark on such projects.  “We’ve already identified certain sites that will be the next estates and in this budget year construction will start on some of those sites so we will be able to multiply the numbers that would own their own homes”, president Sirleaf assured, In Profile Daily writes.


Related Captions: NHA Issues 53 Residents Of Various Estates Titles Deeds(FrontPage Africa), Pres. Sirleaf Urges NHA Tenants(FOCUS)

Ballots For 2014 Senatorial Election Arrive From Ghana

According to FrontPage Africa Newspaper, the National Elections Commission (NEC) announces the arrival of Ballot Papers for the 2014 Special Senatorial Election. Ballot papers for the election arrived Friday aboard a DHL Cargo Flight at the Roberts International Airport (RIA) and were received on arrival at the RIA by the Chairman and members of the Board of Commissioners of the National Elections Commission. The ballots were printed by the Ghana based Buck Press. At the same time, the Commission will on Monday officially launch the Civic and Voter Education Program for the Special Senatorial Election. The program will be launched at the headquarters of the Commission in Monrovia. The launching ceremony will be followed by a major Press Conference to announce the key date for the start of political campaigns. The Commission recently certified 139 candidates to contest the Special Senatorial Election.

Related Captions: Ballot Papers For Senatorial Election Arrive NEC Announces(The Informer), Ballot Papers Arrive(The New Dawn)




PUL Mourns Death Of Two Journalists

The Press Union of Liberia (PUL) says it is deeply saddened and shocked by the deaths of veteran broadcast Liberian journalist Zoegar Q. Jaynes and former Star Radio language announcer Sitonneh Wiah. Both respectively died of sudden and brief illnesses (not Ebola related), bringing to five the number of journalists that have perished since August this. Zeogar, a career journalist, veteran sports reporter and sportsman died Thursday evening (Nov 13) in Monrovia while seeking medication at a local clinic following a sudden illness, family sources have told the PUL. The PUL has described Zoegar’s death as a painful blow to the Union and the journalism profession in Liberia as he was a very committed member of the journalist union.
“Zoegar Jaynes was a great journalist who worked hard to better his skills and the contribution of others at all time,” PUL President K. Abdullai Kamara said in a statement issued in Monrovia. As for Sitonneh Wiah, who passed away on Wednesday (Nov 12), he was a career Kru language announcer and simple English newscaster. “Sitonneh,” PUL President Kamara stated, “provided the opportunity for the ordinary Liberian people to understand and participate in national issues, by breaking down the news to their level.”  The Union has meanwhile extended profound condolences to the bereaved families, calling on them and all journalists in the country to take solace in this most difficult time in their lives.  Meanwhile, the PUL will open a book of condolence in memory of the fallen journalists in coming days, writes the Focus Newspaper.

Related Caption: PUL Mourns Journalists Zoegar, Sitonneh(In Profile Daily)


US$135m For TVET Implementation

The Assistant Minister for Vocational and Technical Training at the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Boakai Jaleiba has disclosed that the next plan of action in order to carry out a full implementation of the National TVET Policy is by convening a National TVET Finances Conference. Assistant Minister Jaleiba spoke on Friday, November 14, 2014 when the Inter-Ministerial Task Force on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) held a day-long stakeholders consultation seminar on the draft operational plan of TVET development in Liberia for the next five years. “As we see the draft document, we need about US$135,000,000 for the five years,” Assistant Minister Jaleiba calculated. The TVET Policy is a Technical Vocational and Education Training plan which is said to be the first National Policy Plan to be established since 1982. According to him, one thing that is lacking in Liberia is the Implementation Framework of every good policy. The Assistant Minister believes that looking for funding in order to support the plan is major on the agenda of the policy because in the absence of funding a golden plan, there can be no implementation, reports the Focus Newspaper.

Related Caption: TVET Operational Plan Endorses(The News)


IFES Promises Capacity Building For Liberian Media

The Program Manager of the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), Mr. Senesee Freeman, has pledged his organization’s commitment to work with the Press Union of Liberia (PUL) and the National Election Commission (NEC) to help build the capacity of the Liberian media in election coverage.  He observed that the Liberian media is critical to the rebuilding of the country and that as such building their capacity is of vital concern to IFES, especially as Liberia prepares for the conduct of the Midterm Senatorial election. Mr. Freeman made the commitment Friday at a one day forum to review the election code of conduct for media coverage of the upcoming special senatorial election held at the YMCA conference hall on Broad Street in Monrovia, The NEWS reports.

Related Caption: IFES Promises Capacity Building For Liberian Media(INSIGHT)


G20 Summit: Leaders Pledge To Grow Their Economies By 2.1%

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has closed the G20 summit by detailing economic pledges agreed by world leaders. The leaders agreed to boost their economies by at least 2.1% by 2018, adding $2 trillion to global economies. Much of the summit focused on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s position on the crisis in Ukraine. Mr. Putin faced fierce criticism and left the meeting before it ended, but said the summit was “constructive”. Australia, as host of the meeting, had sought to keep the focus on economic issues, but the issues of climate change and the conflict in Ukraine attracted significant attention. US President Barack Obama met European leaders on Sunday to discuss a co-coordinated response to what they see as Russia’s destabilization of Ukraine, INSIGHT reports


World Leaders Vow To ‘Extinguish’ Ebola

The G20 group’s leaders from rich and emerging economies, the world’s most powerful economies vowed on Saturday to “extinguish” the Ebola epidemic ravaging West Africa, as the vast desert nation of Mali scrambled to prevent a new outbreak of the killer disease. Despite some hopeful signs from Africa…where Liberia has lifted its state of emergency and the DR Congo announced the end of its own, the recent deaths of three people in Mali have fuelled fears of a new hotspot. As pop stars recorded a new “Band Aid” single in London to help combat a disease that has killed more than 5,100 people in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, global leaders meeting in Brisbane made no new pledges of cash. “G20 members are committed to do what is necessary to ensure the international effort can extinguish the outbreak and address its medium-term economic and humanitarian cost”, the leaders said in a statement, as they welcomed the international Monetary fund’s initiative to release $300 million (240 million euros) to combat Ebola, New Dawn reports.


Porkpa District To Get U$15K Guest House Soon

The Commissioner of Porkpa District in Grand Cape Mount County, Lawrence Brown, has disclosed that plans have been finalized for the construction of a guest house estimated at over U$15,000. Commissioner Brown made the disclosure in an interview with the Liberia News Agency at his Damballa office Friday. He said funding for the project will come from the county annual development budget and contributions from the citizens. He said the construction of the guest house will ease the huge burden faced by his administration in hosting guests, The NEWS reports.


Related Caption: Porkpa District To Get US15K Guest House Soon(In Profile Daily)


 WHO Trains 82 Community Health Volunteers In Maryland County

The world Health Organization (WHO) has trained 82 community health volunteers and district health officers in Maryland County to serve in the areas of contact tracing and active case search management of Ebola cases. The Maryland County Health Officer, Dr. Odell Kumeh, who disclosed this to the Liberia News Agency Thursday, said the trainees will be deployed in the six health districts of Maryland County. According to Kumeh, the training of these health workers was WHOs way of supporting the efforts of the county health team in the fight against the Ebola virus disease in the county. She commended WHO for conducting the training. Meanwhile a man who was recently quarantined on suspicion of being an Ebola disease carrier has been released and reintegrated into his community. Mr. James Tuklo was placed in a holding center in Pleebo where he successfully completed the 21 days observation period,The NEWS reports.

Related Caption: WHO Trains 82 Community Health Volunteers In Maryland County(INSIGHT)


Center For Education Joins In Fight Against Ebola With Help From US Church

The Insight Newspaper pens that the Center for Peace Education has distributed several medical supplies and anti-Ebola materials to two clinics and communities in Brewerville, Montserrado County, Liberia. The items distributed include chlorides, soap, rice, gloves and various types of medications. The funding was made available by the Alfred Street Baptist Church (ASBC) in the United States of America. The items were presented to the Moulton Corner market, RCH Marshall Public Clinic, Banjor Public Clinic and the Red Hill Field Community, all in Brewerville. Presenting the anti-Ebola materials and medication Friday November 14, 2014, the Director for research and training Mr. John T. Cooper said their role is to teach peace education as a way of peacefully resolving conflict in Liberia. Mr. Cooper said the Center for Peace Education a non-organization will not sit and see people die from Ebola and other curable diseases without assisting. At one of the distribution sites, he paid tribute to health workers who he said are in the frontlines just to see fellow men survive. Mr. Cooper said the Friday’s distribution was the continuation of the Center for Peace Education’s campaign launched on August 26, 2014.