Daily Media Summary, 09-19-2014


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




News of Defense Minister, Brownie J. Samukai’s assurance of teamwork with the US military troops to Liberia and the arrival in the country of the first planeload of hospital equipment airlifted by the United States Government in the battle against deadly Ebola outbreak in West Africa are stories dominating our summary of selected dailies for today, Friday, September 19, 2014.




Samukai Speaks Of Teamwork With US Military Delegation ‘We’re Here To Work With And Through You, Not To Take Over’ —Maj. Gen. Williams

The Minister National Defense Minister, Brownie J. Samukai, Jr., has assured the head of the U.S. Military delegation to Liberia of his Ministry’s preparedness to collaborate with them in the discharge of their duties while in the country.  The U.S Military team is expected in the country shortly to form part of the medical and other segments that are in the fight together to contain the deadly Ebola virus sweeping across the country. Minster Samukai gave the assurance at this Barclay Training Center (BTC) office in Monrovia yesterday, when a U.S. delegation, headed by Major General Darryl Williams, paid a courtesy call on him and his staff.  Maj/Gen Darryl Williams was appointed by President Barrack Obama earlier this week to command the 3000- strong U.S. Army contingent to join Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone in their fight against the Ebola virus disease (EVD).  According to Minister Samukai, the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) will work closely with the U.S.  Military in their efforts to ensure the success of the fight against the deadly EVD that has dealt a crippling effect in every sector of the Liberian Society. For his part, M/Gen Williams expressed the U.S. Military’s willingness to work with the Liberian people, adding, “We have not come to take over, but to work with you, for you and through you”. The renowned military U.S. officer acknowledged the toughness of the task ahead in the fight against the Ebola virus, according to the Daily Observer.


Related Captions: MoD Prepared To Work With U.S. Troops (INSIGHT), Defense Minister Assures US Delegation of Support(The Analyst), Samukai Assures US Military(New Democrat)


U.S. Lifts Ebola Equipment To Liberia--Set To Build 25-Bed Hospital

The first planeload of hospital equipment airlifted by the United States government in the battle against deadly Ebola outbreak in West Africa will arrive in Liberia on Friday, a senior administration official disclosed Wednesday. Reuters news agency reported that the United States hopes its expanded effort to contain the spread of the virus will help rally other countries in ramping up the global response to the epidemic, U.S. aid official Nancy Lindborg told a U.S. House of Representatives committee.  According to Reuters, the plane is the first of 13 air shipments headed for Monrovia, carrying equipment for a 25-bed hospital to be built in Liberia. The facility will be staffed by 65 Americans who will treat healthcare workers infected while fighting the worst outbreak of the virus on record, according to Lindborg. The epidemic has killed nearly 2,500 people, about half of those infected. Army Major General Darryl Williams, who is leading the military operation, arrived in Liberia on Tuesday to sketch out plans for the effort announced by President Barack Obama. The administration on Tuesday outlined a dramatic expansion of the American response to Ebola, reports the News newspaper.


Related Captions: U.S. To Begin Hospital Equipment Lift(New Democrat), 3000 U.S. Troops Expected Today(The Inquirer), US Troops Expected Tomorrow (New Democrat)



100 US Marines To Man Each Ebola Center-Government Discloses

The Government of Liberia has disclosed that 100 US marines are expected to be assigned at each of the 17 treatment facilities across the country. Deputy Information Minister for Public Affairs Isaac Jackson said each set of the 100 men will be taken from the 3,000 troop that have been sent to combat the Ebola virus in the country. “17 centers will be created and 100 will be assigned to each of the centers that will be created,” he added, theNew Republic reports.


We’ll Spare No Efforts, We’ll Win – Ellen Reassures Liberians

Judging from concerted and amalgamated local and international efforts being mounted against the Ebola virus that has wipe out 0.1% of the population, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is of the confidence that the virus will be defeated a all cost. In a late Wednesday address to the nation, the Liberian President who earlier lost hope and admitted her government’s incapacity to stamp the virus out of Liberia sounded buoyant, apparently due to America’s latest assurance, reassuring Liberians of her government’s relentless determination to overcome the rage of the virus. “We will spare no efforts and we will win,” Madam Sirleaf who is being blamed for the rampaging of the virus because of her government’s sow response said, The New Republic reports.

Related Caption: ‘We’ll Will’ Ebola Fight- Pres. Sirleaf Calms Citizens; Pays Homage to Frontline Fighters(The Analyst)


WHO Welcomes US Support

The New Dawnreports that the World Health Organization (WHO) has welcomed a commitment by the Government of the United States of America to significantly build upon previous Ebola response in West Africa. According to a WHO release, the new commitment provides support to the United Nations and other international partners to help the Governments of Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, and Senegal in their work to contain the outbreak.  Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General of the World Health Organization says this massive ramp-up of support from the United States is precisely the kind of transformational change WHO needs to get a grip on the outbreak and begin to turn it around. The backbone of the US response is military leadership and the establishment of a regional command and control in Monrovia. The approach includes a military staging base to facilitate the coordination of the American and international response and to expedite the transportation of equipment, supplies and personnel, including up to 3,000 from the military. In addition, WHO engineers will construct additional Ebola Treatment Units in affected areas and establish a site to train up to 500 health workers per week to care for patients.  The United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps will deploy 65 health workers to support the previously-announced, state-of-the-art hospital that will be placed in Monrovia to provide care to health workers who become sick. 


Ebola Affects The Children’s Education – Deputy UNICEF Boss Says Due To School Closure


Deputy Representative of the United Nations International Children Education Fund –UNICEF. Dr. Fazlul Haque has disclosed that the closure of schools throughout the country due to Ebola outbreak has affected about 16 percent of school going children. According to the UNICEF Deputy Boss, “15% of children recorded have their parents died of confirmed cases, leaving their children vulnerable, The Analyst reports.

Related Caption: Schools Closure Affect 16% Children –UNICEF Reports(New Dawn)


Obama Lauded For Helping Liberia

Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has thanked President Barack Obama and the American people for their additional offer to help Liberia and other West African countries combat the outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus. The World Health Organization says there are nearly 5,000 cases of the hemorrhagic fever-like illness in Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Nigeria, with Liberia being at the epicenter of the outbreak. Speaking Tuesday at the Center For Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia, President Obama said 3,000 U.S. troops are headed to Liberia. Those U.S. forces will construct 17 health care facilities of 100 beds each to isolate and treat patients. The U.S. mission will also set up a facility to train 500 health care workers per week and airlift 50,000 home health care kits to Liberia to help people who have to care for sick loved ones at home. In a nationwide speech late Wednesday, President Sirleaf said she has urged other world leaders to take similar steps and join Liberia and other West African countries to end Ebola. "On behalf of the Liberian people and in my own name, I want to thank President Obama and the American People for scaling up the American response. I have also spoken to several members of the U.S. congress who are giving President Obama the support that he needs. We remain in touch with the leaders of other governments, and with the United Nations leadership, to take similar steps and join us in partnership to end this disease," said Sirleaf. President Sirleaf said while her government and the international community will continue to ensure that the spread of the Ebola virus is reversed, Liberians also need to do their part because, she said, the actions of one affect the health of the whole nation. "We will continue to take clear actions and introduce the measures required to break the transmission chain and reverse the spread of the virus. And you, our citizens must do your part. Each one has to be responsible for all because the actions of one affect the health of all”, the President added, according to theFOCUSnewspaper.


IMF Proposes $127M


Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone could receive an additional $127 million from the International Monetary Fund to help them deal with the worst ever outbreak of the Ebola virus, the IMF said on Wednesday.  The funds, which must still be approved by the IMF’s executive board, would help cover an estimated $300 million financing gap in the West African countries over the next six to nine months, when the IMF expects the impact of the outbreak to be most acute. “The Ebola outbreak is a severe human, social and economic crisis that requires a resolute response from the International Community,”. IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde said in a statement. “The governments of the three countries have requested additional IMF support to help cover the acute financing need they are facing as a result of the outbreak”, New Democrat reports.


Sierra Leone Begins Lockdown

Shoppers crowded streets and markets in Sierra Leone’s capitol on Thursday stocking up for a three day shutdown that authorities hope will slow the spread of the Ebola outbreak that is accelerating across West Africa. Sierra Leone’s Government says it has prepared screening, and treatment centers to accept the expected influx of patients after the showdown, New Democrat reports.


MOE, Partners Embark On Nationwide Ebola Campaign – One Million USD To Be Used

The Ministries of Education and Health and Social Welfarewith support from UNICEF and WHO have released plans to embark on a nationwide Ebola awareness campaign.  This was disclosed yesterday by Deputy Education Minister for Administration, Ramses Kumbuyah at a two day intensive Trainers-of-Trainers capacity building workshop on the prevention of the killer disease which brought together County Educational Officers and other staffs of the Ministry of Education, Women Voices reports.

Liberian Ambassador To Egypt Solicits Assistance To Fight Ebola

The Ambassador of the Republic of Liberia accredited to the Arab Republic of Egypt, H.E. Alexander H.N. Wallace III, today met with the Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for African Affairs and the Arab Republic of Egypt, H.E. Sabry Magdy, to solicit additional assistance to the Government of the Republic of Liberia in the struggle against the deadly Ebola Virus Disease –EVD. The Minister disclosed that the provision of medical supplies and laboratory equipment worth EGP 300,000 pledge by his Government is expected to depart Egypt on September 28th and arrive in Liberia within three weeks. Minister Magdy assured Ambassador Wallace that Liberia is a high priority for assistance from the Government of Egypt.  Last week, the Ambassador donated $500 United States Dollars as the Embassy’s contribution towards the fight against the Ebola Virus Disease. At the end of the discussion, Ambassador Wallace presented to Minister Magdy an art printing done by a Liberian artist, The Analyst reports. 

AU Appoints Envoy To Ebola Fight


The head of the African Union’s support to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, Major General Dr. Julius Faeki Oketta, says though the AU had delayed in responding to West African countries affected by the deadly Ebola virus, it is committed to buttressing efforts of those countries in combating the virus. Speaking Tuesday, September 16 in a joint press conference with Liberia’s Minister of Commerce and Industry Axel Addy in Monrovia, General Oketta, a Ugandan, said the AU is committed to rendering humanitarian support, and helping to coordinate government’s activities to stop the spread of the Ebola virus, New Dawn reports. 

300 Survived Ebola in Liberia


An inside story of the New Dawn daily newspaper reports that approximately 300 infected patients have survived Ebola treatment in Liberia since the outbreak here from March to September, Assistant Health Minister for Preventive Service, Tolbert Nyenswah, has announced. Appearing on “Truth Breakfast Show”, a live broadcast talk show on Tuesday in Monrovia alongside  foreign partners from the World Health Organization  and the US’ Center for Disease Control, Mr. Nyenswah said if all of the survivals were combined since the outbreak in March, “we have close to 300 survivals”, the Minister said. He named treatment centers at the JFK, ELWA unit one, two and three, among others as areas where the cases were treated. Nyenswah who chairs the government’s Incidence Management System, said things were “gradually improving with what they do in ending the outbreak”, expressing confidence that the WHO’s predicted could be disproved if such response continues.

UNMIL Mandate Extended To December 31

The United Nations Security Council has approved a Resolution to extend the mandate of its peace mission in Liberia (UNMIL to December 31, 2014, with no changes in deployment. The decision to extend the mandate was taken yesterday, endorsing Secretary General Ban Ki Moon’s letter. UNMIL’s mandate expires September 30, 2014, The New Republic reports.

Press Union Dedicates 50th Anniversary To Ebola Fight

According to the FrontPage Africa, the Press Union of Liberia (PUL) will dedicate the observance of its 50th Anniversary on September 30, 2014 to the national fight against the virulent Ebola virus disease that has claimed close to 1,500 lives across the country. The day will be exclusively observed as an all-media anti-Ebola awareness day through out the country.  Broadcast media houses will dedicate the entire day to airing the media’s own role in the national fight, with members of the Press Union of Liberia going into selected communities to themselves deliver messages of hope and treatment to the people. Community and rural radio stations will relay other bigger stations to ensure that broadcast from a selected community will be simultaneously aired across the country. “This time it will not be the government giving the media information to give to the people,” PUL President K. Abdullai Kamara said. “Media practitioners will themselves be going into the community to deliver the messages, and this will give the people confidence that there is hope in the fight against Ebola.”  The Union said while the media has been playing a significant role in creating public awareness that has led to change in attitude among the population, meeting and engaging communities face-to-face with prevention and safety information will be a plus to the national response. According to the release, the PUL Golden Jubilee observance will also consider strengthening policy advice to the government, continued awareness of the media and physical impact on affected communities, while paying homage to all Liberians who have fallen to the virus.

Liberian Journalist Succumbs To Deadly Ebola Virus Disease

A Liberian journalist Yaya Kromah has fallen to the deadly Ebola virus. His sister who works for the Carter Center office in Monrovia posted the information on social media and also informed the Press Union of Liberia Thursday afternoon. The journalist died at the Ebola Treatment Center at the J.F.K. Hospital in Monrovia, while his entire family (Airfield-Matadi) was quarantined after he was taken to the hospital. It is not clear whether the journalist contracted the virus while he was doing his reportorial duties. Kromah is the first Liberian journalist to fall prey to the disease. The PUL in a short statement said it is very deeply saddened by the news, the FrontPage Africa writes.


Police Suspends 2 Senior Officers

The Liberia National Police has announced the suspension of two senior officers-Deputies Commissioner of Police Michael Somah and Assistant Commissioner of police, victor P. Gboyah. A statement issued Wednesday said the officers were suspended for one month with appropriate salary deduction for ‘negligence of duty coupled with abuse of power and authority’ allegedly perpetrated against the management of Cheatiou Brothers Incorporated, a Lebanese-run business center on Bushrod Island in Monrovia, the New Dawn daily reports

Enough Rice, Petroleum here, Commerce Minister assures

Another inside story of the New Dawn writes that the Minister of of commerce and Industry, Axel Addy, has assured the public of the availability of sufficient rice and gasoline on the market. Addressing a news conference Tuesday, 16 September at the Commerce Ministry in Monrovia, Minister Addy said amid challenges posed by the current Ebola outbreak, the Ministry in partnership with importers is currently offloading a shipment of rice that would take the stoke inventory to little over 45,000 metric tons or about 900,000 50kg bags of rice for the market. “Our monthly consumption is a little over 29,000 metric tons or 580, 000 50kg bags per month” said the minister. He also said that with the help of the Liberia Petroleum Refining Company or LPRC and importers, there is over 17, 000 metric tons of gasoline in the country, which is about six million gallons, and over 18,000 metric tons of diesel fuel, totaling six million gallons.