“China Stands with Liberia”
Chinese President Xi Jinping has stated emphatically that his country, the Peoples Republic of China, stands with Liberia in exerting every effort to defeat the deadly Ebola Virus.
President Xi Jinping made this statement when he received the newly appointed Liberian Ambassador to China, His Excellency Mr. Dudley McKinley Thomas. Ambassador Thomas who is one of Liberia’s most experienced diplomats and is a senior Liberian Ambassador presented his Letters of Credence to the Chinese President at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on October 15,2014.
The Chinese President welcomed the Liberian Ambassador to China and went on to say: “Mr. Ambassador, I am certain that by the mere fact President Sirleaf chose you to be her Ambassador to China shows that she has great confidence in you”.
President Xi Jinping assured Ambassador Thomas that he will receive the full cooperation of all of the various agencies and other authorities of the Chinese government in helping to ensure the success of his mission. The President then concluded by asking the Liberian Ambassador to convey his personal best wishes to President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and to inform her that China stands with Liberia and will do whatever it takes to help Liberia defeat the deadly Ebola virus.
Earlier, Ambassador Thomas in presenting his Letters of Credence to the Chinese Leader convey heartfelt thanks and appreciation of on behalf of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, the Government and the People of Liberia to China for the solidarity demonstrated by the Chinese Government, under the leadership of President Xi Jinping, in providing urgently needed assistance, in various forms, including direct financial assistance to the Government of Liberia, to combat the deadly Ebola virus which has claimed and is still claiming so many precious lives.
“Mr. President, China is a proven-true friend of Liberia and of Africa. Indeed your nation continues to demonstrate that, its multi-faceted bilateral cooperation with Liberia, is undergirded by mutual respect for each other’s sovereignty, and is strongly embedded in a genuine sense of true partnership”, Ambassador Thomas remarked. He asserted it is the true partnership from which the good relations between both countries draw its strength.
A dispatch from the Liberian Mission in China said Ambassador Thomas informed Chinese President Xi about his desire to devote all of his energies and talents to build upon and further strengthen and expand cooperation at every level between Liberia and China.
Ambassador Thomas was accompanied to the ‘Great Hall of the People ’for the presentation ceremony by Mr. Jimmy Barchue, First Secretary and Consul and Mrs. Judy Nyangbe, Second Secretary and Vice Consul of the Liberian Embassy in China.
Prior to his assignment to this very important post, Ambassador Thomas served as Liberia’s Ambassador to France with concurrent accreditation to Spain, the Hellenic Republic of Greece, the Swiss Confederation and the Republic of Portugal, for almost ten(10) years.
In addition, he was Ambassador/Permanent Representative of Liberia to the United Nations, Geneva and Ambassador/Permanent Delegate of Liberia to UNSECO, Paris, France.