UNDP Promises Highest Level of Service in Liberia

The new Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Stephen Rodriques has assured the Government and People of Liberia that during his stewardship in Liberia, UNDP will do big things to change the lives of many Liberians.

He made the disclosure on Monday, January 25, 2021 when he presented his credential to Liberian Foreign Minister H.E. Dee-Maxwell Saah Kemayah, Sr, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the Capitol Hill.

Mr. Rodriques said since 1977, UNDP has been working in Liberia in so many areas of the country’s development.

He pledged to build on where his predecessor has left, noting that under his tenure as UN Resident Coordinator here, Liberians  must expect the highest level of service and contribution to the country’s developmental agenda.

 “Our work is also in line with the national strategy and will do nothing outside of the national strategy. We will fall in line with government’s Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD),” he said.

With support from New York, Mr. Rodriques noted that UNDP will work with communities in Liberia to create jobs, adding that he wants to develop a broad relationship with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in order to do big things along with the government.

Already, Mr. Rodriques said he has started discussing with other international partners in Liberia in order to establish a basket fund for the presidential and general elections in 2023.

The UNDP Resident Representative also used the occasion to commend H.E. President George Manneh Weah for the level of leadership and commitment shown during the just - ended special senatorial election.

Welcoming the UNDP Resident Representative to Liberia, Foreign Minister H.E. Dee–Maxwell Saah Kemayah, Sr., conveyed sincere regards to the UN Envoy, saying he looks forward to establishing a good working relationship with the organization as well as his personal friendship with the UNDP. 

Minister Kemayah stated that coming from the UN family, “We will work with you in your new role for the benefit of all”.

Further, Minister Kemayah said for the first time, President Weah, though the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), has experienced some defeat.

But the Foreign Minister noted that President Weah was very much understanding ; realizing that the elections were conducted by the National Elections Commission without interference from the government; the President was quick in extending congratulations to those members from the opposition and independent candidates who were elected.  Minister Kemayah said this is unprecedented in the history of  Liberia.

He asked the UNDP Resident Representative to partner with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in building the capacity of the ministry through the Passport Division and the Foreign Service Institute (FSI)