President Weah Consoles France

The President of the Republic of Liberia, His Excellency Dr. George Manneh Weah, has sent a condolence message to the Government and People of the Republic of France, following the distressing news of mysterious fire incident at the famous twelfth Century Notre Dame Cathedral in the heart of Paris.


The twelfth Century Notre Dame Cathedral a UNESCO World Heritage Site, which usually host about 13 million visitors annually was engulfed to its ruin by a mysterious fire incident in the afternoon of April 15.


A  Foreign Ministry release says in the message to his French counterpart, H.E. Mr. Emmanuel Macron, President Weah on behalf of Liberia, extended deepest condolences to the French President, and through him, to the Government and People of France for the unfortunate situation.


“During this difficult period, our hearts ache as we join shoulders to shoulders with the people of France to pray for a fast refurbishment of the facility in a timely manner to enable it reinstitutes its functions in the world of tourism,” President George Weah expressed with deep sympathy while consoling the France Leader.


He furthered that on this sad occasion, we salute the efforts of the gallant firemen and women who tirelessly engaged the horrendous flame that blazed within the structure for several hours.


“May I once more express our heartfelt empathy with you and the friendly people of France, and the renewed assurances of my highest esteem,” the Liberian leader stressed.