Daily Media Summary 2018-03-01

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia





News of President Weah’s first Cabinet meeting targeting the achievement of his pro-poor Agenda; Liberia’s first lady Clar Weah’s launch of a cleanup campaign code named “Weah for Clean City” are stories dominating our summary for today. The summary also highlights news of India to Build State of the Art Conference Hall For Liberia and Mr. Samuel Watson, the Chargé d’ Affaires of the US Embassy visit to Foreign Minister Gbehzohngar Milton Findley at his Foreign Ministry office in Monrovia.


President Weah Orders Ministries To Produce ‘Guiding FrameworkTo Achieve Pro-Poor Agenda For Health, Education, Youth Empowerment


The Daily Observer reports that President George Weah has mandated cabinet ministers to carry out a comprehensive assessment to develop a realistic roadmap that will serve as a ‘guiding framework’ to advance the government’s pro-poor agenda. In his first cabinet meeting Wednesday, President Weah also requested the ministers to ensure that the roadmap will account for the realistic approach that will take care of road construction, better healthcare, education and youth empowerment. He said these are part of his government’s pro-poor agenda priorities that should bring short-term success to ordinary Liberians. President Weah also said a committee must be set up to review the recovery and transformation of the ministries of Finance and Development Planning, Commerce, Education, Health and Public Works.


Related Captions: Weah Gives Early Warnings-Threatens Dismissals(The New Dawn), First Cabinet Meeting-Roads, Health, Education, Others Highlighted(In Profile Daily), Pres. Weah’s First Cabinet Meeting- Roads, Health, Education, Youth-empowerment Top Discussions(FrontPage Africa), Gov’t Officials Will Be Fired If…Weah Warns( Heritage)


First Lady Clar Weah Leads Campaign Saturday

The First Lady of Liberia, Mrs. Clar Weah, is expected to grace the First Saturday cleanup exercise this Saturday, 3rd March under the auspices of the Monrovia City Corporation (MCC). According to the New Dawn newspaper, the upcoming exercise, code-named: “Weah for Clean City “, will be formally launched at the Rally Time Market on UN Drive, where First Lady Mrs. Clar Weah will participate in the collection of waste. Monrovia City Mayor Jefferson T. Koijee told a news conference on Wednesday, 28 February that he and the First Lady will lead a walk through from Broad and Mechlin streets intersection, in Monrovia where senior Managers of the Monrovia City Corporation, solid waste supervisors and community leaders would assemble for a parade through the major streets and hot spots for waste collection in the city, beginning at 7:00 A.M, and subsequently proceed to Rally Time for the official launch.


Related Captions: MCC To Launch ‘Weah For Clean City”(In Profile Daily), In Monrovia on Saturday: First Lady Leads launch Of “Weah For Clean City Campaign”(INSIHGT)




India to Build State of the Art Conference Hall For Liberia


The government of India has “considered” constructing for the people of Liberia a modern multi-complex state of the art conference hall or convention building. According to a Note Verbale dated January 23, from the Indian Government, in the possession of FrontPageAfrica, the Hall will be named in honor of their late modern founding father, Mr. Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi was an Indian activist who was the leader of the Indian independence movement against British rule. Employing nonviolent civil disobedience, Gandhi led India to independence and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world.  In the Note Verbale, which is a diplomatic correspondence prepared in the third person and unsigned, the Indians said, “The Embassy of India in Abidjan presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Liberia and has the honor to inform that a proposal to build a convention center in the honor Mahatma Gandhi in Liberia under grant assistance is being considered by the Government of India.” 

Findley Promises Deepened Ties with United States

The Daily Observer reads that Foreign Minister Gbehzohngar Milton Findley has reiterated Liberia’s commitment to strengthen and deepen the traditional ties of friendship and cooperation subsisting between Liberia and the United States of America, a release from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has said. According to the release, Minister Findley spoke Tuesday, February 27, when Samuel Watson, the Chargé d’ Affaires of the US Embassy, paid a courtesy visit to him at his office. In his welcome remark, Min. Findley thanked Mr. Watson for the visit and assured him that the United States will always remain Liberia’s first and biggest traditional ally. He further assured Mr. Watson of the ministry’s determination to working closely with the US Embassy near Monrovia with the aim to strengthen the historic bonds of friendship. In response, Mr. Watson emphasized that the relationship between Liberia and the United States is excellent and that his government looks forward to continuing the relationship and collaboration with Liberia. He assured Findley of the US Government’s determination to work closely with Liberia to improve the cordial relationship between both nations.


Cllr.Kanneh Wants Firearms, Ammunition Laws Re-Viewed

The Chairman of the Liberia Law Reform Commission, Counselor Boakai Kanneh is recommending for a re-visitation of Liberia’s firearms and ammunition control law and the Act that established the Liberia National Commission on Small Arms or LNCSA. Cllr. Kanneh also calls for promulgation of protocols or regulations that would strengthen existing statutes noting that, “these protocols or regulations when concluded do not have to pass Legislature scrutiny except for gazzetting which is simply a publication requirement of Government.” The New Dawn newspaper says Cllr. Kanneh made the call on Wednesday, 28 February at the start of a three-day workshop here on the Fire Arms and Ammunition Control Act (FACA) and the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) to do a draft legislations that seek to harmonize the two guns control instruments as well as expand the mandate of the implementing authority, LINCSA. LINCSA organized the three-day forum in partnership with the Liberia Action Network on Small Arms and stakeholders. Speaking on the theme, ‘Drafting Legislation to support the effective implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty, Cllr. Kanneh says given his literature review of the existing laws, this is his initial recommendation, if Liberia were to do a good job.


Related Caption: Cllr. Kanneh Recommends Re-visitation Of Firearms, Ammunition Control Laws(INSIGHT)


Nigeria Gripped By Massive Lassa Fever Outbreak…90 Deaths Reported …Liberia Says “No Need To Panic”

The World Health Organization (WHO) said it is teaming up with national and international health agencies to tackle what appears to be the largest outbreak of Lassa fever in Nigeria, as reported by the Voice of America (VOA). The latest figures show 1,081 suspected cases of the disease, including 90 deaths so far. But in the wake of the report, health authorities in Liberia say they are prepared and capable of defeating any outbreak, adding that: “Our disease surveillance officers at each of our entry points are active on duty.” Sorbor George, the communications director of the Ministry of Health, told the Daily Observer via mobile phone Tuesday evening that although the Ministry was not fully aware of the outbreak in Nigeria, nonetheless Liberia’s health authorities have learned enough lessons from Ebola, and are therefore prepared to deal with any eventuality in the sector.


Gov’t Launches Youth Engagement For Improved Community Sanitation And Revitalization Project

The Ministry of Internal Affairs along with other partners on Wednesday, February 28, 2018 launched a ten-day intensive youth engagement for improved community sanitation and revitalization campaign. According to the Heritage newspaper, the UNDP sponsored project is targeting five cities including the Borough of New Kru Town, Brewerville, Paynesville and Monrovia. Deputy Minister for Research and Development Planning at the Internal Affairs Ministry, Mr. Olayee Collins said the Project is in fulfillment of President George Weah’s goals of empowering young people. Representing President Weah at the launching, Minister Collins encouraged the young people to make maximum use of all the opportunities that government has put in place for them. 


In Kakata City, Margibi County: First Lady To Officially Launch The National High School Debate Competition


The Heritage newspaper says Liberia’s first lady Mrs. Clar Weah will tomorrow will tomorrow, Friday, March 2, 2018 launch the National High School debate competition. The program is under the banner: “Youth for Change Incorporated” is a non for profit Liberian organization with the objective of impacting youth through education, mentorship and entrepreneurship, reads the Heritage newspaper.


4 Local NGOs Benefit From Japanese Grant

The Japanese Government has provided a grant to the tone of US$348,612 to four local non-governmental organizations undertaking different community projects in the country. Recipients include the Community Healthcare Initiative (CHI), Community Safety Initiative (CSI), Peer Vision Educational Network Liberia (PEVEN) and Nay-Yougor Wulakellen Empowerment Program (NAY-WEP). According to the Daily Observer, the grant is part of the Japan Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Program (GGHSP). At the signing ceremony on February 28, on the United Methodist compound on 13thStreet, Japanese Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Liberia and Ghana, Tsutomu Himeno, said the grant is meant to have a direct impact on the common people who are affected in various ways by poverty.


Related Caption: Japan Vows To Support Liberia’s Development(Heritage)