Daily Media Summary 2017-02-20

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


News of President Sirleaf’s congratulatory message to the Government and people of The Gambia in commemoration of their 52nd independence, the United Nations Mission in Liberia’s turnover of the skeletons of 27 individuals believed to have been victims of the country’s crisis in to the Liberian Government and the suspension of Liberia’s former Solicitor General and Associate Justice of the Supreme Court Cllr. Michael Wilkins Wrights and two circuit court judges for an alleged fraudulent US$15.9M judgment against government in favor of a company are among the dominant stories in today’s media summary.


Liberia Congratulates The Gambia On Its 52nd Anniversary

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent heartfelt felicitations and best wishes to the Government and people of The Gambia in commemoration of their 52nd independence Anniversary on Saturday, February 18. According to a Foreign Ministry release, the Liberian President, in the message to her Gambian counterpart Mr. Adama Barrow, said it gives her enormous pleasure to extend to Mr. Barrow and through him to the Republic of the Gambia, heartfelt felicitations and best wishes as the people of the Gambia commemorate this joyous occasion, the Heritage reads.  

Related Captions: Pres. Sirleaf Congratulates The Gambia On 52nd Independence Anniversary (The New Dawn), Pres. Sirleaf Hails the Gambia on 52nd Independence Anniversary (The INQUIRER)

UNMIL Handover Remains Of War Victims

The United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) Friday February 17, 2017, handed over the partial skeletal remains of 27 individuals believed to have been victims of possible extrajudicial killings here by armed group during the country’s crisis in or before 2003 to the Liberian Government. According to the New Dawn newspaper, the remains had been kept by UNMIL at the request of the Government of Liberia. The handover was presided over jointly by Inspector General of the Liberian National Police, Gregory Coleman, and United Nations Police Commissioner, Simon Blatchly. The remains were recovered from 7 locations during a joint investigation “Operation South” conducted by the United Nations Police (UNPOL) and the Liberia National Police (LNP). Following the handover by UNMIL, the remains will be preserved in a metal container pending further investigation, and in the meantime be interred in a designated, marked grave at the Disco Hill Cemetery in Margibi County today, Friday, February of 7, 2017.

Related Caption: UNMIL Hands Over Human Remains To Government Of Liberia (The New Dawn), UMIL Hands Over Human Remains To Government Of Liberia (The INQUIRER)

S/Court Bars Former SG, Judges From Law Practice

Liberia’s former Solicitor General and Associate Justice of the Supreme Court Cllr. Michael Wilkins Wrights and two circuit court judges (Judge Koboi Nuta and Judge Emery S. Paye) have been suspended from the practice of law here after being found liable into a conflict of interest scheme that led to a fraudulent US$15.9m judgment against government in favor of a company. The Supreme Court determined on Friday, 17 February that Cllr. Wrights deliberately obscured the fact of his lawyer-client relationship with the Finance, Investment and Development Corporation FIDC /Sochor and conceded to a US$15.9 million “fraudulent judgment against the Government of Liberia” which he was then representing as Solicitor General. The Supreme Court suspended Cllr. Wrights from the practice of law within the Republic of Liberia for a period of 12 calendar months. The Court has also suspended the Resident Circuit Judge of the Eighth Judicial Circuit of Nimba County, Judge Emery S. Paye and the Resident Circuit Judge of Criminal Court “B”, First Judicial Circuit for Montserrado County, Judge Karboi K. Nuta. The Supreme Court said that the conduct of Cllr. M. Wilkins Wright constitutes gross conflict of interest in breach of Rules Eight and Nine of the Code for the Moral and Ethical Conduct of lawyers, according to the New Dawn newspaper.

Related Captions: ECOWAS Court Judge Trapped In Conflict Of Interest; Banned From Practicing Law  In Liberia For 12 Months (FrontPage Africa), Former Associate justice, Others Suspended-From Practicing Law (In Profile Daily), Wilkins Wright Concedes to US$15.9 ‘Fake’ Judgment stabbed with Year-long Suspension, Forfeiture of Salaries, Allowances and other Emoluments (INSIGHT), Supreme Court Suspends 3 Senior Lawyers (The INQUIRER)

Another Audit At Finance

The New Dawn says another audit has been commissioned at the Minister of Finance and Development Planning focusing on the State Own Enterprise (SOE) Unit at the Ministry. The audit which has been commissioned by Finance and Development Planning Minister Boima S. Kamara will look at financial transactions for the past year. The new audit, according to the ministry’s release was ordered over the weekend following an alleged financial malfeasance at the SOE Unit.

Related Captions: Finance Minister Commissioners Another Audit (In Profile Daily), “Minister Of Finance Commissions Another Internal Audit (FrontPage Africa), Finance Minister Smells Financial Malpractice Again-Commissioned Another Internal Audit (FOCUS), Another Internal Audit Commissioned at Finance Ministry (Heritage), Another Corruption Unearthed At Finance (The INQUIRER)

PUL Breaks Ground For Headquarters

The Daily Observer reports that the new leadership of the Press Union of Liberia (PUL) over the weekend officially broke ground for the construction of the Union’s headquarters in Monrovia. PUL President Charles Coffey, at the ceremony called on members of the union to unite efforts to build a decent headquarters for the Press Union. He said the completion of the headquarters will dignify members of the union. The political leader of the Alternative National Congress, (ANC) Alexander B. Cummings made a cash donation of L$100,000, Mr. Kerkula Kamara, of Malawala, Balawala Cultural Group, made a cash donation of L$10,000 and Police spokesman Sam Collins, also made a cash donation of L$5,000. The Sports Writers Association of Liberia (SWAL), headed by Roland Mulbah, pledged L$100,000, the Female Journalists Association of Liberia (FEJAL), pledged L$15,000, the current PUL leadership pledged US$1,000 and past leadership pledged US$500. A Liberian-owned construction company is expected to build the union’s headquarters.

Related Captions: PUL Cuts Sod For New Headquarters-Several Make Initial Contributions (FOCUS), PUL In High Gear For H’quarter’s Project (The INQUIRER)

Liberia: Life For African Mothers Trains 51 Liberian Midwives     

An international non-governmental organization, Life for African Mothers (LFAM) has completed the training of 51 local midwives in Monrovia. Life for African Mothers is a Maternal Health charity group aiming to make birth safer in Sub Saharan Africa, by providing medication to treat eclampsia and post-partum hemorrhage. The FrontPage Africa newspaper says the four-day intensive midwifery training was conducted by four professional midwives from the UK. The Country Director of Life for African Mothers (LFAM) Abdul-rahman Bah reemphasized the need to train more midwives in Liberia as to help curtail the high risk of maternal mortality in the country. He cautioned the participants of the workshop training to put the knowledge acquired into proper use as to help save the lives of mothers and their children at birth.

Related Captions: LFAM Trains Liberian Midwives (In Profile Daily), LFAM Trains 51 Mid-Wives (The New Dawn), Training of Midwives Will Curtail Maternal Mortality Says LFAM Country Directors (INSIGHT)

Motor Accident Claims Six At Todee Junction

At least six persons died instantly in a tragic car accident near the Todee Junction on the Monrovia/Kakata highway Friday afternoon. Ten other persons, who sustained various degrees of injuries, were rushed to hospitals in Kakata and Monrovia. According to eyewitnesses, the accident occurred about 3:45 p.m. when a driver of a white double cabin Hilux Pick-up, who was reportedly speeding, lost control and ran into a motorcyclist on the opposite lane, and somersaulted into a valley. “The car killed the motorbike rider, and the two persons riding with him, including his mother and sister, who he were reportedly carrying to visit a sick brother. Three other persons on board the vehicle lost their lives on the spot, while the injured were transported to hospitals,’’ a woman, who sells at the junction, sadly narrated.  According to the Daily Observer, the pickup is reportedly owned by one Augustine Chea, a representative aspirant in River Gee County.

Related Captions: Aspirants Car Kills 5- Several Others In Critical Condition (The New Dawn), 5 Killed In Motor Accident (Heritage)


L$20M Japanese Grant Misapplied, Swindled At Foreign Affairs Auditor General; Key Witnesses Admit IECI Project Was A Failure

An inside story of the Daily Observer newspaper reads that the Auditor General’s Report on the Audit of the International Economic Cooperation and Integration (IECI) Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs linked the Ministry to “misapplying and swindling” L$20, 195,625 of a Japanese Grants for human and Capacity Building. According to the audit report, the value of the grants was L$37,063,107. The project was approved on April 22, 2014, with an implementation plan of two years. The audit covered the period, June 2014 to October 2015. According to the auditor’s report, the IECI Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was responsible for the management of the “IECI Human and Capacity Building Project”, the paper reads.

Ellen Makes New Appointments in Gov’t

The INQUIRER newspaper reads that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has made new appointments in government affecting the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Finance and Development Planning, Commerce and Industry, Internal Affairs, Agriculture, Justice, and the National Public Health Institute. Among those appointed are: Ms. Vabah K. Gayflor, Resident Representative of the President of the ECOWAS Commission to The Gambia; Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Mr. Roland S. Carey, Deputy Minister for Industry & Inspector  General, Ministry of Commerce & Trade; Cllr. Charles Karmo, Deputy Minister for Codification, Ministry of Justice. 

BRAC Conducts Agriculture Disaster Risk Assessment

BRAC-Liberia has conducted an ‘Agriculture Disaster Risk and Vulnerable Assessment’ (DRVA) in Bong, Montserrado, Bomi, Margibi, Grand Cape Mount and Grand Bassa counties. The assessment, according to Mr. Dekontee Saytarkon, BRAC’s Emergency Response Coordinator, was to collect information related to the causes of food shortages and identify those referred to as the most vulnerable people and the problems that led to reductions in their food production. The project, Mr. Saytarkon said, is supported and financed by the European Union. The EU and BRAC are carrying out the project to enhance government’s efforts to address the shortage of food in the country. Suliman Kamara, BRAC’s DRVA consultant said farmers need knowledge on how to prevent or minimize some of the devastating effects they suffer as a result of these challenges, asserts the Daily Observer.

UMC Gives Ellen Her Flowers

The United Methodist Church has honored President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf for her sacrificial services, hard work, and dedication to duty, strong will, integrity and trust in God. The New Dawn newspaper says Mrs. Sirleaf was honored alongside two other-outgoing conference leader, Rudolph Merab and conference secretary Chucku Padmore, while Mr. Tolbert Nyenswah was elected conference lay leader. At the honoring ceremony, which was held on Friday, 17 February in Ganta City, Nimba County, at the Liberia Annual Conference (LAC) of the United Methodist Church, the church said it was honoring President Sirleaf for her exemplary leadership in the United Methodist Church where she has variously “shown that our Master and Savior Jesus Christ” has taught her to properly serve humanity.

Labour Minister Cautions Liberians to Protect Investment

Labour Minister Neto Z. Lighe has cautioned Liberians, mainly those within the employ of concession companies, to protect investment by avoiding actions that will lead to destruction and disruption in the operations of these concessionaires. Speaking to employees of Sime Darby Plantation Liberia during the signing ceremony of the third collective bargaining agreement between the company and the General Agriculture and Allied Workers Union of Liberia (GAAWUL) in Matambo, Estate, Grand Cape Mount County Saturday, Minister Lighe warned that violence is not the best way to solve problems. The Labour Minister admonished all parties to the CBA, the workers, management of Sime Darby and the GAAWUL leadership to ensure that the terms of the document are fully implemented. The CBA was signed by Labour Minister Lighe, Deputy Labour Minister for Trade Union and Social Dialogue, Emmett Crayton representing the government of Liberia. The CBA provides for improved incentives and working conditions for workers. It is a three- year agreement and negotiations for another one is expected within the next three years.

MoC Expresses Concerns Over Operations Of Some Mineral Water Companies Threatens Corrective Actions

The INSIGHT newspaper reports that the Ministry of Commerce (MOC) has called the Association of Liberia Water Producers (ALWP) and members of the public to report any company operating illegally. Speaking to journalists at the offices of the MOC on Friday, February 17, 2017, the Director for Public Affairs at the Ministry of Commerce, Mitchell Jones, said the Ministry is also concerned about allegation of some companies producing contaminated water, including operating in unsafe environments. He added that the issue of unsafe environment should be the concern of the Environment Protection Agency (EPA), “but this is a serious concern to us at the Ministry of Commerce, we are seriously concern about the health of the citizens in the length and birth of this country.”

Related Caption: “Report Illegal Water Companies-MOC Urges ALWP (FrontPage Africa)

MOL Conducts Validation On Child Labor

The Ministry of Labor in collaboration with IPEC/ILO and WinRock/ARCH Project has concluded a two-day National Validation Workshop on the Draft National Action Plan (NAP) Document for the Elimination of the worst forms of Child Labor in Liberia. The National Action Plan seeks to address key issues on the practice of child labor in Liberia. The two-day national validation workshop allowed other Partners and key stakeholders in the fight against child labor in Liberia who did not take part in the drafting process of the National Action Plan and Regional Consultation workshop to review and make possible recommendations for finalization. Speaking at the official opening of the event, Deputy Labor Minister for Administration, Hon. Augustine W. Williams said the practice of child labor in Liberia is common in all parts of Liberia and one does not need to be told about it increase, the INQUIRER newspaper says.

UL Students Help Physically Challenged

The classes for the Sociology Department of the University of Liberia, on February 16, 2017, distributed food items in Central Monrovia to the physically challenged, and the street boys and needy. The humanitarian gesture came from students taking Sociology 305 (Urban Sociology) who sit in sections four, five and six. According to Professor Saydah W. Taylor, who is the course instructor, said the project was undertaken to help people who cannot provide for themselves. She said the items were meant for people who are physically challenged, including the blind, the homeless, destitute and hungry people found perambulating the streets of Monrovia. Food items distributed included several cups of rice, onions, chicken soup, etc. packaged in small black plastic bags, the INQUIRER newspaper reads.

CEMENCO Provides Training And Employment Opportunities To Young Liberian Students

The Liberia Cement Corporation (CEMENCO) has started accepting students from various vocational and other technical institutions for “on the job” training purposes. CEMENCO is the manufacturer of quality Portland cement in the country. CEMENCO as part of its corporate social responsibility has accepted students from the Liberia Opportunity Industrial Corporation, the Booker Washington Institute and the Helog Institute with the aim of helping these students with practical hand on experiences. The students coming from these institutions are mostly from the Mechanic, Electrical and Carpentry Departments. CEMENCO has assigned trained mentors to these students to enable them go through practical experiences on what was taught them in the class rooms, the Heritage newspaper writes.