President Sirleaf Congratulates Gambia On 51st Independence Celebration

The President of the Republic of Liberia, Her Excellency Mrs. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, has sent a message of congratulations to the Government and People of the Republic of The Gambia on the occasion commemorating the 51st Independence Anniversary of that country.  


In her message to her Gambian counterpart, His Excellency Alhaji Dr. Yahya A. A. J. J. Jammeh, President Johnson Sirleaf extended heartfelt felicitations and best wishes to the Government and People of The Gambia on behalf of the Government and People of Liberia, and in her own name.


The Liberian leader further entertained the hope that as the People of The Gambia commemorate this joyous moment in their national history, the bond of friendship subsisting between both countries would continue to be further strengthened for the mutual benefits of their respective peoples.  


President Johnson Sirleaf then assured her Gambian counterpart that the Government of Liberia will continue to support global and regional peace and security.


She prayed that the Almighty Allah will continue to endow President Jammeh with abundant wisdom to lead his people to nobler heights.