Foreign Ministry's Workers Induct New Corps Of Officers-As Minister Grigsby Urges Officials To Refrain From Violent Agitation.

The Minister of State without Portfolio, Hon. Sylvester M Grigsby has challenged the newly elected corps of officers of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Worker Association, MOFAWA to be steadfast in ably representing the general interest of their fellow employees.

Ambassador Grigsby who previously served as Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs called on the new of officers to help promote the objectives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at all time as they assume the mantle of power to lead fellow employees.  

Minister Grigsby spoke on Thursday, April 9, 20 15,  when he delivered  the keynote address at the induction ceremony of the new corps  of officers of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ‘Workers Association , MOFAWA who were elected for the period of two years.

The induction ceremony took place at the C. Cecil. Dennis Auditorium of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the Capitol Hill.

While congratulating the officers -elect for their preferment,   Minister Grigsby applauded the entire workforce for the transparent and peaceful manner in which they conducted the elections commending the employees for their commitment and dedication to public service.

He hailed the workers for being gender sensitive by electing females at the leadership structure of MOFAWA.  Ambassador Grigsby indicated that the success of any administration depends on the competence and viability of its employees stressing that employees are the backbones of the foreign ministry’s administration.

He cautioned  the new officers to remain  peaceful at all time and adopt nonviolent approach in seeking redress to any grievances as the Ministry remains the premiere Ministry among line ministries of government.  Amb. Grigsby further urged the Kiazolu’s leadership to adopt a “win-win approach” whereby employees and administration are all winners.

For his part, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Hon. Elias Shoniyin, who performed the induction ceremony on behalf of Liberia’s Foreign Minister Ngafuan, congratulated the elected officers for their preferment and challenged President  Kiazolu  and his co-officials to work in the supreme interest of those who elected them  by advocating  and placing their rights above personal interests.



Deputy Minister Shoniyin Stressed that the Ngafuan led administration is opened to dialogue and will forever encourage the full representation of the worker’s leadership on all committees established by its administration aimed at enhancing the cordial relationship between the employees and the senior staff.

He then urged the elected officers to be proactive by engaging administration constructively through the means of dialogue when seeking redress or advocating for their benefits including incentives and capacity building.

Delivering his inaugural speech, the President of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Worker Association (MOFAWA) ,  Mr.  Lahai A. Kaizolu   vowed to advocate for the rights of his fellow employees at the time ensuring the ministry's workers of an inclusive leadership where the full participations of all employees will be encouraged.

The MOFAWA President told his fellow workers that the association was not a trade union that would always engage into acts of violence / demonstration that could undermine the Ministry’s objectives.

Mr,  Kiazulu  expressed deep regrets over the death of some dedicated and hardworking employees of the Ministry who passed away as a consequence of the deadly outbreak of the killer Ebola Virus Disease.

The colorful ceremony was attended by an array of Foreign Ministry officials including the Inspector General of the Foreign Service, Madam Marie Coleman, and Assistant Minister for European Affairs, Honorable Israel Davis and Assistant Minister for American Affairs, Hon.Sieh Teba-Neufsville, among others.