Ministry Of Foreign Affairs Worker Association Inducts New Corps Of Officers

The newly inducted President of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Worker Association (MOFAWA), Mr. Lahai A. Kiazolu has vowed to advocate and protect the rights of his fellow employees ensuring them of an inclusive administration under his leadership where the full participations of every employee will be encouraged, irrespective of gender, tribe, and religious differences.

He spoke on Thursday, April 9, 2015 when he received the mantle of power to steer the affairs of the ministry’s workers association during the induction ceremony of the new corps of officers elect held in the Cecil Dennis Auditorium of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

Those elected include Mr. Lahai A. Kiazolu President, Madam Comfort Cartthy, Vice President, Aloysius Morris, General Secretary, and Madam Nataline Caranda, Treasurer.  Others are Roseta Sellu, Financial Secretary, Mr. Prince Quewon, and Champlain of the Association.   

The newly elected officials are to serve their respective posts for two consecutive years.

While delivering his inaugural address Mr. Kiazolu expressed deep regrets over the death of some dedicated and hardworking employees of the Ministry who losttheir lives as a consequence of the deadly outbreak of the Ebola Virus Disease.

Mr Kaizolu added that MOFAWA, under his stewardship is prepared to advocate for an increased participation of women in all activities calling on female employees to take full advantage of the many opportunities available at the ministry so as to enhance their skills and knowledge for the improvement of their individual professional career.

The MOFAWA's President told his fellow workers that the association was not a trade union that would always engage into acts of violent demonstration which could undermine the objectives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs but a partner with administration for the common good of the ministry.

Mr. Kiazolu further asserted that MOFAWA is an association whose primary objectives are to enhance and buttress efforts of administration and defend the rights of its membership. In this regard, the President- Elect particularly assured Authorities of the Ministry of his leadership unflinching cooperation, aimed at helping to mitigate what he called unforeseen tensions and other vices.

 He however stressed that treating all employees fairly will not only engender the spirit of exuberance to perform effectively, but encourage motivation, and commitment aimed at promoting the spirit of hard work among employees of the ministry.

"By adhering to the principles of equity within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, administration will be addressing a simple equation which says “motivation is directly propositional to efficiency," he emphasized.

He called on Administration to approve and adopt the Revised Administrative Policy and Standard Operating Manual of the Ministry presented by the Thomas Kaydor committee and put in place a system that will evaluate and encourage the posting of staff of the Ministry to the Foreign Service.

He urged administration to give preferenceto those employees who graduate from the Foreign Service institute for posting to allow them effectively demonstrate their professional skills as government endeavors to revamp the Liberian Foreign Service.