China Development Bank Donates 150 Thousand US Dollars to Liberia’s Ebola Fight
The China-Africa Development Fund through its parent company the China Development Bank has made a cash donation of One Hundred Fifty Thousand United States Dollars ($150,000.00) to the Government of Liberia, to assist the West African Nation in the fight against the deadly Ebola Virus.
The donation was made through a symbolic check presented to Liberia’s Ambassador accredited near the Chinese capital, Beijin McKinley Thomas at a well attended ceremony held at the head office of the China Development Bank on Tuesday, November 4,2014. A dispatch from the Liberian Embassy in Beijing said the ceremony brought together top executives of the bank and the fund, the Chinese Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Commerce, Health and the local media.
According to a dispatch from the Liberian Embassy in Beijin, the President of the China Development Bank, Mr.Hu Huaibang disclosed that the decision by his entity to donate to Liberia’s Ebola fight is to send a clear message that “China cares about African countries and wants to identify with them in every possible way”. The China Development Bank President is hoping that other Chinese companies would be inspired to join the fight against Ebola, so as to keep it in check. He commended Ambassador Thomas for knocking on their doors and encouraging them to make them to assist the three worst affected nations. The bank made similar donations to Sierra Leone and Guinea.
Speaking on behalf of the Ambassadors from Sierra Leone and Guinea, Liberia’s Ambassador to China Dudley McKinley Thomas on behalf of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and the Government and People of Liberia accepted and commended the China Development Bank for their direct cash donation to Liberia’s Ebola fight. “Your donation will save lives! It will enhance trust and will inspire more confidence; it will set the stage for increased cooperation and it will draw the people of Liberia, the other Mano-River countries and, I dare to say, the people of the entire West Africa region, closer to the People’s Republic of China”, the Liberian Envoy to China told the gathering. He thanked the China Development Bank and China-Africa Development Fund, for what he described as an act of generosity, and concrete expression of humanitarian concern and genuine friendship, their respective institutions have exhibited on behalf of the Chinese people, towards the people of Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone, at this time of the Ebola crisis.
“Who can dispute that China is indeed, by all accounts, a true, tried and tested friend of Africa? Your partnership with Africa, exemplified in so many ways, is indeed a model, that deserves to be duplicated and replicated, and in many instances, held up as an example of what “win-win cooperation”truly means” Ambassador Thomas remarked. He said the donation will build on the already well-established solidarity which is the hallmark of China’s bilateral relations with African countries. The Liberian Diplomat asserted China Development Bank and China Africa Development Fund are in the vanguard of promoting this “bridge building” and “connection” necessary to strengthening China-Africa strategic partnership.
The dispatch said Ambassador Thomas concluded by commending the China Development Bank for responding to the call made by Her Excellency President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf on the BBC when she appealed to the world community to join and assist Liberia in its fight against Ebola. President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf spoke to the World about Ebola, in a letter, which was recently read on BBC Radio.